Orion (no pronouns/they)sephardi and germanST blog: @cityontheedgeofforever
1579 posts
Here Is A List Of Terrible Things,The Jaws Of Sharks, A Vultures WingsThe Rabid Bite Of The Dogs Of War,The
“Here is a list of terrible things, The jaws of sharks, a vultures wings The rabid bite of the dogs of war, The voice of one who went before, But most of all the mirror’s gaze, Which counts us out our numbered days.”
Clive Barker, Abarat, Days of Magic Nights of War (via ivycrowned)
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Die Zeit des Morbins’ ist gekommen

Trying to explain to myself why I despise L*nore with every fiber of my being but adore Carmilla and I have cracked the code
I have KNOWN women like L*nore. Who play the role of being sweet and kind but it's only skin deep to make themselves feel better. It's never empathy to improve the other persons life it is almost always 'watching you suffer makes me feel guilty so I shall remove the source of that guilt'. She degrades manipulates and sexually assaults Hector and tries to claim that it's love. She gaslights him, physically and emotionally lashes out when he doesn't do exactly what she wants, and when the time comes to accept the consequences of her actions she flings herself into the sun so in her mind she remains some tragic Ophelia esque figure rather than a rapist abuser who finally got faced with consequences.
Carmilla on the other hand has a story that is very uniquely tied to her story of being a vampire turned against her will and using her newfound power to take revenge against the type of person who tried to take her autonomy away from her.
She sees Dracula trying to drag everyone into his prolonged suicide attempt after the death of his wife and she wants him offed. She doesn't care what lesser men she has to manipulate to get what she wants, she doesn't care who gets trampled underfoot in her quest to get the vindication and triumph she desires. She even uses her death as one final sneering claw at the eyes of her enemy.
She treats her allies, all women, with respect and listens to what they have to say. If you were to call Carmilla a man hater you'd be 100% on the money. But also I think she at that point doesn't even see men or humans are beings sentient and deserving of respect because time and time again she has watched them destroy with stupidity as their only weapon.
She never pretends to be anything but what she is. She's manipulative sure, but she never lies about the essence of herself. She turns the misconceptions and ego of those around her against them. Which, still evil, but somewhat satisfying to watch.
Anyway RIP Carmilla, you died as you lived, being a horrible person and a bad bitch.

David Fane as Fang in Our Flag Means Death (2022-)
fun fact if you refer to children as "things" and use "it" when referring to children and are happy to see children cry and get hurt im stealing something from your house