from-ib-to-asshai - when men see my sails they pray
when men see my sails they pray

Orion (no pronouns/they)sephardi and germanST blog: @cityontheedgeofforever

1579 posts

Me: I Love Writing. Its My Greatest Passion In Life.

Me: I love writing. It’s my greatest passion in life.

Also me, after writing 2 sentences: Fuck this. 

More Posts from From-ib-to-asshai

4 years ago

ok fuck it

every single person who reblogs this will get a picture of a possum in their inbox, loosely based on the vibes i get from your blog

(as long as you have asks or submissions on tho)

4 years ago
Today We Post Everett True
Today We Post Everett True
Today We Post Everett True
Today We Post Everett True
Today We Post Everett True

today we post everett true

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4 years ago

if any of my predictions for TWOW are wrong you are legally allowed to throw tomatoes at me in the stocks and then execute me by firing squad

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4 years ago

the fact that the majority of the conflict between the different preteen girl characters stems from JON FUCKING SNOW and who gets to end up with him is kind of fucking absurd to me, they’re all infinitely better and more interesting characters than him. also he already has satin

Jon snow is a transgender mall goth furry having a sexuality crisis while having to deal with the fact that his best friend committed voter fraud to get him elected president of a gay prison colony in the arctic and now he’s dealing with an impending zombie apocalypse and trying to be a cultural diplomat AND he just got fucking ides-of-marched. and all some people care about is which family member he should be shipped with. what the fuck

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