fullkidsludgepony - Cry_Baby_Doll

166 posts

Daddy - Taeyong (M)

Daddy - Taeyong (M)

Requested: Can I request a daddy!taeyong smut please? Thank you!!

A/N: lmao anon how many times did you request? I enjoy the thought of daddy!Taeyong very much, thank you for requesting~ daddy!hansol will probably go up tomorrow. (btw this is assuming you’re dating Tae.)


Word Count: 886

You searched under the couch, ignoring the sound of the dorm door opening. With your phone in hand, flashlight on, you scouted for your lost earing, groaning when you couldn’t find it. The soft pad of footsteps caused you to back up and look over your shoulder. “Tae” you called, pouting at his smiling face. “What are you doing?” he asked, kneeling down next to you, one of his hands resting on the small of your back, the other one spread against the wood floor. His hand seemed giant next to yours; you admired his manly hand before speaking again. “I lost one of my earrings…” His hand quickly went to your hair, brushing it behind your ear so he could see what the earring looked like. He looked under the couch like you previously had and sighed when he didn’t see it. You gave a small whine in annoyance and sat up. “I’ll buy you a new pair” he said, coming closer and kissing your cheek endearingly. He always insisted on buying you things and taking care of you, treating you like a princess. His lips trailed to your lips, giving them a sweet peck. “Thank you…” you murmured, feeling like a spoiled kid. “That’s not what I want to hear” he almost whispered, gently touching your chin with his fingertips. The look he gave you made you know what he wanted to hear… “Thank you- daddy” you corrected. A smile spread across his lips and he tucked your hair behind your ear again. “Let daddy take care of you” he mused, getting closer to you. He was still hot from practice, his skin warm and fringe slightly damp. You knew after practices he usually was exhausted, sometimes horny. Today he seemed to be the later. “Take care of me” you mustered, leaning into his lips again. —  He had moved you both the bedroom, his manner still gentle as he stripped you both. “Did you miss me?” he questioned, kissing your jaw. “Yes” you breathed out, your hands finding purchase on his biceps. He grunted in satisfaction and laid you on your back, hovering over you. “I missed you so much” he groaned, trailing his lips from your collarbone to your navel. His fingers teased your entrance, pinching your clit then shallowly dipping in you. You let out a whimper, feeling teased under his control. His mouth moved to your breasts. You let out a whine and then a cry as he bit on the soft flesh. An array of marks would be there later you knew. “Tell me what you want” he said lowly, glancing up at you. “I want you-” you almost choked when he dipped two fingers in you, making a scissoring motion, “inside me.” “Daddy’s getting you ready” he hummed. You closed your eyes, arching your back to feel his fingers deeper. You whimpered when his fingers left you. The head of his member was soon at your entrance. He rubbed his hard member against your folds, your slickness lubricating him. He eased his way in, sitting back to admire the way your walls pulled him in. You moved your hips against his, wanting him to move. He began moving, quickly taking on a steady rhythm. His pale hands held your hips, pulling you to meet his thrusts. Not having him close enough to hold onto your hands went to your chest, groping your breasts unconsciously. “Tell daddy how much you like it” he almost growled, his hips snapping sharply. “I love it” you groaned, a high pitched moan leaving your throat shortly after. He slowed down before you could even start to feel an inkling of your climax. He leaned over you, his forearms coming on either side of your head. His large hands smoothed over your hair before holding onto it. His strokes were long and deep as he made sure to fuck you sensually. You gasped against his neck each time his fluid motions repeated. “I love you” he said quietly, kissing your forehead. Your legs wrapped around his hips, wanting to feel closer to him. You couldn’t respond to him with words, only with drawn-out, messy noises leaving your mouth. Too soon for your liking he was pulling away, resuming his previous position as his hands left bruising marks on your hips. You chanted incoherent words to yourself as you felt your climax building. His gentleness from before gone and a new intense and brutal pace taking place. “Daddy! Fuck! Yes!” you squealed, your toes curling in as you fell over the edge. He continued, his jaw clenched. He threw his head back and let out a frustrated groan before letting his head fall forward. His thrusts became sharper and harder as he chased his own release. You could feel over-stimulation setting in and whimpered at the uncomfortable feeling. He finally finished, his thrusts slowing to short, shallow rocks as his mouth hung open. He yelled out in satisfaction before pulling out and falling next to you. He rested his head on your shoulder, his lips gently teasing the sensitive skin of your breast as he spoke. “I need to shower, come with me.” “I’m tired” you groaned, not ready for another round already. “I’ll wash your hair” he smiled, leaning up to kiss your lips. “Fine.”

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More Posts from Fullkidsludgepony

5 years ago
Yandere! Taeyong: Part 2
Yandere! Taeyong: Part 2
Yandere! Taeyong: Part 2
Yandere! Taeyong: Part 2
Yandere! Taeyong: Part 2

🔪Yandere! Taeyong: Part 2🔪

·(Requested) Clingy and Obsessive

·Part 1

5 years ago

Limitless Love

Sorry anon, I can’t find your request but it was something like: Taeyong is your sunbae & you like each other so the boys try to push him to confess. And Mark, in your class, pushes you to confess to Taeyong

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Limitless Love

Taeyong was a natural born leader, the type of person that his friends relied on and who took control of situations. He was used to hearing worries from his friends, then helping them sort it out. What he was not used to, however,  was being in their position. He did not like to speak about his own issues or go to others for help. But what he soon finds out is that he doesn’t need to. With as close a bond he has formed with his friends, words are no longer needed. They already know when he needs their help.

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a/n: I don’t think this is all that fluffy but I like the way it turned out! I hope you do too, anon :)


The first meeting was rather awkward.

That’s how it felt to you anyway.

The least awkward out of everyone present was Johnny, although he could charm a fish out of water. He was easy going and funny and that put everyone at ease. Well, almost everyone. You were still on edge. Leaving your family behind had not only been scary but daunting too. You felt that you were too young to maneuver through life alone, in a different country. But you reminded yourself to focus on the one thing that brought you to Korea in the first place: your passion.

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5 years ago
Lee Taeyong Congrats, Your Creative Writing Professor Smiles Before He Proudly Holds Out His Students
Lee Taeyong Congrats, Your Creative Writing Professor Smiles Before He Proudly Holds Out His Students
Lee Taeyong Congrats, Your Creative Writing Professor Smiles Before He Proudly Holds Out His Students
Lee Taeyong Congrats, Your Creative Writing Professor Smiles Before He Proudly Holds Out His Students
Lee Taeyong Congrats, Your Creative Writing Professor Smiles Before He Proudly Holds Out His Students
Lee Taeyong Congrats, Your Creative Writing Professor Smiles Before He Proudly Holds Out His Students
Lee Taeyong Congrats, Your Creative Writing Professor Smiles Before He Proudly Holds Out His Students
Lee Taeyong Congrats, Your Creative Writing Professor Smiles Before He Proudly Holds Out His Students
Lee Taeyong Congrats, Your Creative Writing Professor Smiles Before He Proudly Holds Out His Students

“Lee Taeyong congrats,” Your creative writing professor smiles before he proudly holds out his student’s work. “As expected, your work does not let me down. Impeccable writing as usual.”

All eyes are on the boy as claps and soft cheers are heard. Univ student! Taeyong timidly walks in front. His hand pushes the rim of his glasses up his nose bridge. Out of fondness, your professor places a warm hand on his shoulder.

“You should really share who your muse on this masterpiece of yours sometimes.” He winks, playfully nudging him. His words earn a nervous laugh from Univ student! Taeyong.

“Maybe one day,” With a shy smile on his lips, he scratches his nape before going back to his seat. Your eyes meet for a moment. There it goes again, his small smile that he always give you.

An annoyed grunt leaves your lips when the professor calls your name second.

“Not bad,” He shrugs with a teasing smile on his wrinkled face. “However, I expected more from you.”

You almost crumble the paper in your hands. Your eyes burning holes at the back of Taeyong’s head. The class seem to be a blur as you try to re-read your work, looking for any flaws that made you second in class, again.

“Dismissed,” The whole class start to move out. Your hand immediately flies to the back of the boy’s shirt you always hated. You push him back down to his seat.

“Is t-there something wrong y.n?” Large innocent eyes stare at you. You can’t help but fume in anger.

You worked hard on that essay and this guy obviously didn’t. You should’ve be the one who took the credit.

“I hate you.” You spat at him, crossing your arms. “I should’ve been first.”


You harshly grab his paper from his grasp. “Now let me see how great your work is ought to be. What makes your writing so special that even the greatest prof in this univ bow down to you?”

Taeyong tries to get it back. “Don’t read it! It’s embarrassing!”

“Oh c’mon! Stop with your humbleness,” You scoff at him, your angry eyes starts to skim his work.

“Who is this muse that you always talk about?” Jealousy drips on your voice when you notice how good his writing was because of his ‘inspiration’. His work is even better than yours. Your paper lacks something that he always has; feelings. Realization hits you like falling bricks; that no matter how much you try, you will always be second best.

“You know what,” You try to swallow the tears that are starting to escape, shoving his paper back to him. “I don’t care.”

Your teeth bites down harshly your lips as you hastily shoot your things back to your bag. Univ Student! Taeyong smiles sadly to himself before he hits your head lightly with his paper.

“It’s you,” He breathes out, fixing his glasses once more.

His face inches closer to your on the verge of crying figure. With shaking hands, Taeyong pushes a strand back to your ear before hitting you with his rolled paper again but this time on your forehead.

Taeyong giggles to himself. “You’re my muse, you big cry baby.”

5 years ago

Help (Daddy!Taeyong)

Request: -could you pls do a rough daddy!hansol (nct/smrookies) or (if u don’t do the ones who haven’t debuted yet) taeyong smut????? I don’t rly mind the plot, hehe thank you………:)/A Lee Taeyong smut pleaseeeee?/-could you pls write a taeyong daddy kink smut, thank you :)

Summary: Taeyong helps when you’re needy for him. Sometimes he helps too much.

Tags: Smut, daddy kink, Daddy!Taeyong, teasing, overstimulation

Word count: 1.7K of sin

Note: I wanted to do a daddy!Hansol, but okay, there’s a lot of smut requests for Taeyong so I went with it. I’LL WRITE A DADDY!HANSOL SOON OKAY (: ENJOY THIS FOR NOW MY THIRSTY FRIENDS. Tell me whatchu think (;


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