I legally own a giant beehive in my house and feed the bees chessy brocolli → What's up! I'm funkycrabturtle, my moot usually call me Jennifer..→ I do NOT do comissions but I can do art requests (depends on what it is).→ Want to know everything else? Check out the masterpost below.→ ..You're still here? Okay then, I don't mind if you stick around for a bit more.→ Have some cookies and milk then! (>_>) 🍪🥛
199 posts
Alriiiiight, Just 2 More Rows Of Outfits And Then It's All Doooone. But Whaddyu Guys Think?? I'm Still

alriiiiight, just 2 more rows of outfits and then it's all doooone. but whaddyu guys think?? i'm still busy anyway :.P
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More Posts from Funkycrabturtle
heheheheheh somebody has to remember (mainly I do lol, going to the city is such an enjoyable experience every time)
finally took another trip to the city!!1! here are some awesome pictures I took before I crawl back into my bed and fall into an eternal coma

wow, aroma diffusers!! lemme have a little whiff. SnIIIIFFFFF

AAARRGHHHH too strong, but I feel extremely high/j

oh boy, a stationary display at one of the coolest stores ever, Muji!!!

..fried rice with soy pork belly and soft serve with caramel and triple chocolate cookie!! the fried rice was actually good, the ice cream tasted like a maccas soft serve and the cookie was crunchy (but there was some salt on it so it kinda made it a little bad)

finally, omw home on the train!! @3m0n3rd I have your feet reveal at last, no words... but here you go

now I need to rest and work on my next doodle. goodbye, hoooonkk- shhhhh mimimimi...

-BUT one more thing... got a cool book, can't put up another one (but it was Sailor Moon vol 2 from the collection + there's a 10 image limit T_T). consider this a thumb reveal!! OK now actually goodbye..

hey, just here to let y'all know I've signed myself up to my FIRST EVER COMPETITION based on a TMNT OC x canon comp so somebody plz wish me luck (i've already put up ez Leo x Mint anyway & I'm also kinda nervous T_T)
here's the link to the competition I've signed up for, now goodbye (maybe I'll post some random Jennifer doodles I made at school someday very soon (>_>)
probably giving mintee a new hairstyle soon!! anyways IT'S ALMOST HALLOWEEN, once i finish the encyclopedia, I will work on designing a halloween costume for Mint (HMMMM, GOTTA USE ALL OF MY BRAINCELLS FOR THAT-)


i wonder what new art program you use.. i wonder if it's clip studio or smthn.. idk >(0_o)>

SPECIAL DELIVERY FOR @funkycrabturtle
I have a new drawing program now, so the first thing I drew was mintee lol

LEAK FOR NON-TRAUMA MINT'S OUTFITS!!! maybe I'll make more sometime (idk) but here's some facts about her:
→ This version of Mintee would've been a LOT more cheerful & she would've been working to become a pop star instead..
→ Without her mutation, she would've been a teensy bit weaker but her practice in taking martial arts classes (or just ask the turtles or Leo for some help, I guess they would be dating anyway if she wasn't a mutant LOL) would make up for her lack of defence & strength.
→ Her father wouldn't have died & got some actual help for his minor drinking addiction due to her mom being away a lot.. he would be taking care of her instead & working as a politician.
→ Got her hair dyed when she was 14 instead & quickly fell in love with her new hairstyle (the gradient is so damn pretty I LOVE IT-).
→ The reason why Mint doesn't go to school is due to the fact she graduated early & topped most of her classes when she was 16.. she still doesn't know whether or not to get a job (but she still has a ton of money that her mom gave her anyway).
→ Dating Leo would still be the same way anyway. :p
that's all I have to say. one more fit & then I'll be deleting (except for the DTIYS) all the sneak peeks I've made for the encyclopedia!! plz be aware of that (>_>)