What Generator And Photos Did You Use (I Wanna Go Insane And Try It With Other Fandoms Lol)? I Loved
What generator and photos did you use (I wanna go insane and try it with other fandoms lol)? I loved it, btw. The kid's eyes and hair are Lestat's, but I think the facial structure is more like Louis's? I think Louis has more of a young and delicate, almost childlike face (specially when he's smiling because his face just lights up) so it even resembles him more for me.
Awwww I’m glad you liked it! I thought the same thing abt Lestat’s eyes/hair and Louis’ babyface teehee. To answer your question, I used an app called Mixmatch. I think they have a website too (?) if you don’t use Apple.
These are the photos I used:

*fair warning: I had to generate quite a few images before I landed on the one I posted. They’re kind of hit or miss, but it’s all good cuz it’s free to generate as many photos as you want. ALSO - the app tends to white-wash which…. Yeah, I didn’t like that so much, but if you keep generating, eventually it should spit out an image you’re happy with.
Have fun! :))))
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I need them to commit to the bit on this, go all out. I want to see real magazines with Lestat on the cover and 'exclusive interviews' inside. I want soundbytes from other rock bands saying how horrible Lestat is to work or tour with. I want all of the songs to be released under Lestat's name completely seriously. pleeeeease goncharov the internet into thinking Lestat de Lioncourt is a real musician
oh my god you’re so right that’s exactly what I did wjjfnjrnf rnfkkfjlelgkgk now we just need Fareed and Seth to take “samples” from both Lestat and Louis, and Flannery can be a surrogate or something
So I just put Loustat into a “What Would Your Baby Look Like” generator and-

I’m sorry but they need to add omegaverse into iwtv next season bc this might be the cutest fucking kid I’ve ever seen in my life ON GOD
lebrat de lioncunt summer