The Stucky Brainrot Is Consuming Me Im Learning To Draw Him

The Stucky brainrot is consuming me… I’m learning to draw him
The ones below are kinda off, there’s just something weird about them

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》 Hello hello! It's almost time for some spoopy fun everyone! Put on your Spirit Caps and come on out to show off your art and fics~ 《
☆Gregtober is only one more week away, can you believe it?! The Helpy Staff wanted to give all of our wonderful participants a little countdown before we actually kick it off on October 1st. (cute salty made emote here)
☆Now then all to our spooky haunts and adorable ghouls, make sure to read over those prompts and rules one more time, and to keep having fun! Its almost here so make sure to also tell all your friends who adore the Fnaf Gremlin as much as we do~
☆Ex-Spector all sorts of fun in a week, cause Halloween is more than just about the Trick or Treats!
~Lines by @moonfang182-magic
~Colors by @notsodailycake