Teen And Up Audiences
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僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako Midoriya Inko & Midoriya Izuku Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku Midoriya Izuku & Everyone
Characters: Midoriya Izuku Uraraka Ochako Midoriya Inko Bakugou Katsuki U.A. Students (My Hero Academia) U.A. Faculty (My Hero Academia) Original Characters Yagi Toshinori | All Might Tsukauchi Naomasa Muscular (My Hero Academia) Nono Seika(Sakurada Reset) Sasaki Mirai | Sir Nighteye
Additional Tags: BAMF Midoriya Izuku BAMF Uraraka Ochako Midoriya Izuku-centric Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk Inspired by Sakurada Reset Midoriya Izuku is a Dork Midoriya Izuku's Hair Is Fluffy Because It's Full Of Secrets Time Travel Time Loop Supportive Midoriya Inko Sassy Midoriya Izuku Uraraka Ochako Has Multiple Quirks Maybe some angst Mostly Fluff Hacker Midoriya Izuku Smart Midoriya Izuku Cats
Stats: Published: 2021-10-21 Updated: 2023-03-13 Words: 79,945 Chapters: 19/?Comments: 812 Kudos: 2,003 Bookmarks: 593 Hits: 67,618
Perfect Reset
Midoriya Izuku's quirk: Perfect Recall. The ability to relive any part of his past with all five senses isn't exactly the most powerful of quirks. Despite that, Izuku's going to become a hero. Even if he has to essentially fight quirkless.
But then one long, long, day, he meets her. And everything changes.
Or: If Uraraka had a second quirk, one that lets her rewind the entire world back to a specific point. The only catch? Her own memory gets reset along with everyone else-everyone, that is, but a single boy with a weak quirk.
notappropriate6 reblogged this · 7 months ago
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More Posts from Futuristicnightmarepeach
Ok, real quick, speaking as a librarian, you absolutely cannot despair about the adult literacy crisis and shame adults for reading fiction books you do not personally care for or think are "challenging" at the same time. It doesn't work with kids, and it doesn't work with adults.
Here's how to increase someone's reading level:
1) Let them read whatever they choose without shame or judgment. Maybe get them talking about it using open-ended, non-leading questions to encourage critical thinking and comprehension.
2) Let them get bored after a while and seek out different books.
3) Repeat.
Mystery Inc. but it’s the 1890s

Who had late Victorian Scooby Doo on their 2024 bingo card? Hmm?
The idea came to me when I was thinking about Sherlock Holmes and then remembered the iconic mystery solving gang hehe
everyone: what's your goal in life?
me: to write a story so soul snatching, so gut wrenching and so devastatingly beautiful that it leaves you crying at 3am when you have a 8am lecture/shift and it inspires people to write entire essays, to write entire fanfics, mood boards and playlists based on it.
Who's the Alley Cat Now?
Ladybug wasn't super surprised that yesterday's akuma was a body swapping akuma, they were bound to have one eventually. It was also no surprise that she had switched with Chat Noir, that was to be expected. What was a surprise was where she woke up...
...in a tent in an alleyway
and she instantly realized how badly she had fucked up.
Note: has a very long prologue. like, several chapters worth.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Plagg, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Plagg (Miraculous Ladybug), Gabriel Agreste, Nino Lahiffe, Luka Couffaine, Sabine Cheng, Tom Dupain, some OC's
Additional Tags:
Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir Never Went to Public School, Homelessness, Sentimonster Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Bad Parent Gabriel Agreste, Master Fu Bashing (Miraculous Ladybug), mild Marinette salt, she was groomed, Marinette Redemption, Parent Plagg (Miraculous Ladybug), Good Parents Sabine Cheng & Tom Dupain, Loss of Trust, It's a cult, no beta we die like men, Families of Choice, Bad Cops
Language: English
Published: 2023-05-30 Updated: 2024-06-08 Words: 35,096 Chapters: 11/? Comments: 154 Kudos: 610 Bookmarks: 138 Hits: 11,871
and you crashed into my life (please won't you stay by my side)
Izuku never gets One For All, and never goes to UA. Away from Bakugou, he finds that most people don’t care about his Quirklessness as much, and actually makes friends in his class.
This, however, gives rise to a new problem - namely lots of confessions to the sweet and smart boy. In his attempts to make them stop, he lies that he’s dating UA star Todoroki Shouto, certain the lie will never come to light.
Sucks that Shouto stops a villain attack on his school while interning with Endeavor. Trying to keep up the lie Izuku takes Shouto aside and asks him to play along for his classmates.
He doesn’t expect Shouto to come back to his school and keep up the act.
Teen And Up Audiences
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No Archive Warnings Apply
僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto Bakugou Katsuki/Consequences - Relationship
Minor Original Characters - Character Midoriya Izuku Midoriya Inko Todoroki Shouto Yagi Toshinori | All Might Background & Cameo Characters
Additional Tags:
Fake/Pretend Relationship Romantic Comedy Quirkless Midoriya Izuku Gay Disaster Midoriya Izuku Gay Disaster Todoroki Shouto Miscommunication Todoroki Shouto is a Dork Inspired by Twitter Gift Fic no beta we die like Izuku's poor gay heart author plays fast and loose with the LOV because this isn't about them Strangers to Fake Boyfriends to Friends to Actual Boyfriends
Published: 2022-08-02 Updated: 2022-08-23 Words: 5755 Chapters: 4/16