213 posts
Fuzzyeagleglitter - A Cryptid On The Hills - Tumblr Blog

Things that work in fiction but not real life
torture getting reliable information out of people
knocking someone out to harmlessly incapacitate them for like an hour
jumping into water from staggering heights and surviving the fall completely intact
calling the police to deescalate a situation
rafting your way off a desert island
correctly profiling total strangers based on vibes
effectively operating every computer by typing and nothing else
ripping an IV out of your arm without consequences
heterosexual cowboy

something about tragic character archetypes
Neil my dude, after showing my mother season one of Good Omens and my dad seeing a bit of it I mentioned you also wrote Coraline and either my mom or dad (don't remember which one said it) said you must have been a weird kid.
Could you please confirm or deny whether or not you were a Weird Kid™?
I was a weird kid.

this is for those who despair over seeing ships or tropes that make them uncomfortable while they do their little scrolly-scroll on ao3, acting like they aren’t responsible for their own internet experience
(alternatively, the back button also works)

I know it’s not hard to point out reactionaries hypocrisy when it comes to like safe spaces or hug boxes or whatever but genuinely how much of an echo chamber do you have to exist in for you to think this is a reasonable thing to say
“ew thick water gross and weird” ITS NOT FUCKING FOR YOU!!!!! “ew why buy pre-cut vegetables when you can cut your own” ITS NOT FUCKING FOR YOU!!!!!! “I don’t need a device to help me put my socks on I’m not lazy” ITS NOT FUCKING FOR YOU !!!!!!!!! “Why drink liquid meals when you can cook them” ITS!!!!! NOT!!!!!! FOR!!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!!


i wish birds brought ME presents
No in between. Reblog if you vote pleas
hot artists don't gatekeep
I've been resource gathering for YEARS so now I am going to share my dragons hoard
Floorplanner. Design and furnish a house for you to use for having a consistent background in your comic or anything! Free, you need an account, easy to use, and you can save multiple houses.
Comparing Heights. Input the heights of characters to see what the different is between them. Great for keeping consistency. Free.
Magma. Draw online with friends in real time. Great for practice or hanging out. Free, paid plan available, account preferred.
Smithsonian Open Access. Loads of free images. Free.
SketchDaily. Lots of pose references, massive library, is set on a timer so you can practice quick figure drawing. Free.
SculptGL. A sculpting tool which I am yet to master, but you should be able to make whatever 3d object you like with it. free.
Pexels. Free stock images. And the search engine is actually pretty good at pulling up what you want.
Figurosity. Great pose references, diverse body types, lots of "how to draw" videos directly on the site, the models are 3d and you can rotate the angle, but you can't make custom poses or edit body proportions. Free, account option, paid plans available.
Line of Action. More drawing references, this one also has a focus on expressions, hands/feet, animals, landscapes. Free.
Animal Photo. You pose a 3d skull model and select an animal species, and they give you a bunch of photo references for that animal at that angle. Super handy. Free.
Height Weight Chart. You ever see an OC listed as having a certain weight but then they look Wildly different than the number suggests? Well here's a site to avoid that! It shows real people at different weights and heights to give you a better idea of what these abstract numbers all look like. Free to use.
There is something about proudly proclaiming a show "tumblrista catnip" that makes me emotional.
Something about how for years tumblrinas were ridiculed by show creators.
Something about Supernatural having a meta episode set at a convention with all the weirdo fans that made the main characters uncomfortable. Something something about Becky and the message that fangirls are gross and obsessive.
Something about Sherlock and the way fans were portrayed as crazy obsessive nutjobs for trying to figure out how he faked his death.
Something about creators mocking fandoms, dismissing them as freaks. Something about queer people not being welcome to engage in their creations because "why do you have to make everything gay?"
Something about the malicious culture of queerbaiting throughout the 2000s/2010s, followed by Bury Your Gays tropes across the media landscape because hell, you should be grateful we even gave you queer characters to begin with - and everyone dies in our show! You ain't special!
Something about Destiel questions being banned from conventions...
And then...
Something instead about Good Omens, and letting the story adapt naturally, embracing the fanbase and leaning into the fanservice.
Something about Our Flag Means Death, and the genuine outpouring of love and affection between cast, crew, and fandom that culminated in an explosion of fanworks that were never once mocked or deemed gross or wrong.
Something about Sandman, and staunchly digging in their heels on the queerness of it all, refusing to give in to the homophobes and instead avidly mocking THEM on social media rather than us.
Something about the writers hearing about fandoms favourite ships and excitedly stating that YES! We DID lean into that because it happened naturally and made sense.
Something about a firefighter coming out as bisexual after 7 seasons...
So yeah, something about a new high quality show made FOR US. By creators that love US. Respect US, and WANT our love.
Something about US FINALLY being a target audience for the best shows being made on TV now.
Tumblrista catnip. Creators saying "we made this for you. You are important. Your voices have been heard."
It just... all got a bit overwhelming for a moment there.
Love how tumblr has its own folk stories. Yeah the God of Arepo we’ve all heard the story and we all still cry about it. Yeah that one about the woman locked up for centuries finally getting free. That one about the witch who would marry anyone who could get her house key from her cat and it’s revealed she IS the cat after the narrator befriends the cat.
yo if youre a cis woman who considers yourself an ally to trans women please take a second to read this
stop engaging with terfs, its not helping. it has never helped. stop reblogging terf posts to poke fun at them, stop directly engaging in arguments with terfs for the sake of getting off some petty insult or telling them off, youre not proving anything and youre not going to change their minds. doing something to “piss off terfs” does not help trans women, it just frustrates terfs, who will then take their frustrations out on trans women. terfs might tell u off or insult u but ultimately they see u as a poor victim who has been Brainwashed By The Trans Rights Activists™, youre not a target, youre not the one who has to deal with their anger, we are.
if u want to help trans women do things to uplift and support trans women, if u see a trans women is being harassed on this site by terfs throw some positivity her way. dont rile up ppl who are attacking someone else just to earn radical discourse brownie points.
Scalped and beheaded multiple times
JJK Character Analysis (kinda)

Topic: "Gojo knows it's his fault that Geto left."
When I first entered the fandom I grew really tired, really quick of this statement. Bc it's just wrong.
Gojo may THINK that he is at fault for Geto leaving, but it's simply not true. They both fucked up big time communication wise. Still, I think the way things went between them was really realistic and could have happened just like that in real life.
I'm gonna ramble now, so either buckle up or scroll.
The obvious point where their relationship started to fall apart was defenitely Riko's assassination. Let's start from here. I'm gonna switch between Gojo and Geto, I hope I can word my thoughts correctly.
So, our boys both responded differently to the incident.
Let's take a look at Gojo first.

We see him get stabbed from behind by Toji and he doesn't even flinch. He just smiles at Suguru and tells him to get away. This moment alone shows how strong the mask Gojo puts on is, and for me, it really doesn't come as a suprise that he later seems unaffected by the events of the day.
He locks it away. He doesn't show anything. Gojo is the Strongest and not allowed to show any kind of weaknes.
That's basically what he was taught his whole life from society and probably his own family/clan too. So, he acts accordingly, bc he actually believes he has to. He smiles through the pain.
Now to Geto.

I started to sum up what happened to him during the incident, but let's be honest we all know what went down and don't need it. So, I'm gonna sum up.
Humans clapping applause over the death of an innocent girl. His best friend holding said girl, a numb expression on his face that Suguru had never seen on him before.
"Satoru, is that you?"
His whole view of the world basically tips and shatters.
Humans, in his eyes, are no longer worth protecting. His best friend's hands are tied by the fucked up Jujutsu Society, forced to keep fighting and fixing until one day he can't do it anymore.
His whole world basically turns upside down, nothing is like it was before. And what is even more frustrating, Suguru doesn't have the power to change it.
Satoru has. But Satoru won't. He acts like nothing happened. Satoru just moved on. (He thinks.)
But Suguru can't do that. This sense of injustice eats him up inside and he can't fight it.
Sooo, now that we got that established, let's look at the miscommunication!
Geto is depressed. Obviously.
He keeps his thoughts to himself, bc he doesn't want to burden his friends. And also (I think) bc it's hard to pin down what he is actually feeling in the beginning. He doesn't quite get it himself, so what is he supposed to tell them?
He isolates himself, allowing his spiraling thoughts to grow and take over his mind.
It's typical depressive behavior. Closing yourself off and marinating in your own misery until those dark thoughts blow up and become all consuming and suffocating.
You can't tell a depressed person to talk, to 'just open up'. The automatic response is to become defensive and close up even more. You can only offer a helping hand. The person has to take it theirself.
"Suguru, did you lose weight?"
Satoru tries. He offeres Geto a hearing ear. Agreed, not in the best way there is, his voice to cheery, smile still on his face, downplaying the situation.
He simply doesn't know how to deal with this new version of his best friend. He doesn't know how to pull him out of it. For that Gojo would need to open up himself, show that he is struggleing too, but that's against everything he's ever been taught. He doesn't know how, and he probably is hella scared of his own feelings, hiding them even from himself.
"It's just the heat stress."
Suguru pushes him away, locks him out, bc there is already enough pressure on Satoru's shoulders. At least so he thinks.
And mayyyybe Suguru even has some subconscious repulsion against him. Gojo has all the power to chnage something, but he doesn’t. Geto has the vision to change something, but he can't. He's not strong enough.
They are both helpless. They don't know how to reach out to each other.
Another point: We only get Geto's pov. of the aftermath. We only get to see him deal with the fallout.
So we as the viewer know that he isn't doing well, that he is spiraling and in desperate need of help. It's easy to point fingers and say "Look at the shadows beneath his eyes. How didn't Gojo notice?"
Gojo did notice. He just didn't know how to reach out. He never had to deal with something like that before.
And now what bothers me the most: Who was there to look after Gojo? Who did offer him any help? If people point fingers at him, why not also at Suguru?
Yes, it was more obvious with Geto, he didn't have the same mask in place. But what friend wouldn't at least ask if things were okay, after their best friend literally got sliced in half and just barely escaped death?
I'm not trying to blame either of them. They simply were both too caught up inside their own minds. They were dealing with their stuff on their own and failed to see the other struggle just as much.
This isn't a one way thing. If anything, they both failed each other.
"Gojo knows it is his fault that Geto left."
No. Just no.
Bc really, in the end it's nobodies fault but Geto's. Yes, he struggled. Yes, he was traumatized. I get his character, I really do and I understand why things ended this way. But I just hate to see all of his flaws getting looked over and pushed onto Gojo.
Like a hug would have fixed things.
It doesn't work like that. Suguru's decisions were solely his own. He decided to push Satoru away. He decided to isolate himself. (Again, typical behavior of a depressed person and likeley to happen subconsciously). He decided to wipe out an entire village of 'innocent' humans.
Don't get me wrong, I love our Monkey Anti, but I'm not going to defend him. He fucked up. He had his reasons, but still.
Like Gojo said later on: "You can only safe someone who is already waiting to be saved."
Geto did not want to be saved. Or at least he didn't give Satoru a chance to save him.
So no, it's not Gojo's fault, even if he himself thinks so. Of course things could have ended differently, but for that both of them would have needed to open up.
Their falling apart was really well executed in the story. They didn't know how to deal with the situation, so they kept silent until it was too late. It's really human of both of them.
(Honestly, if you wanna blame anyone for anything, blame Toji. We wouldn't even have this mess if it wasn't for him.)
Phew... I still feel like I have so much more to say. I hope I brought my thoughts across.
I just think it's really sad that Satoru's pain and struggle get's overlooked so much, just bc we didn't see it on screen. But then again that's really fitting for his character. "The strongest doesn't struggle."
Cleverly written Gege. It breaks my heart every time I think about it.
These are my thoughts on the topic. If yours differ that's totally fine. So, our brains don't work the same. No biggie. Pls don't come at me.🤍🖤
So many TV shows/movies depict the Epi Pen as a total solution for anaphylaxis...it's not. The Epi Pen gives you 30 minutes to get to a hospital where they can save your life. TV makes it look like you just have to use the Epi Pen and then the crisis is over. Do people without allergies or a loved one with allergies know that an Epi Pen only buys you time? The more I see this on TV the more I worry...
**Maybe you should reblog this because I'm actually worried that most people don't know.

a comic about fix-it fanfics

You reached the bedrock after u scrolled ur feed so deep.

abstract and modern art haters are sooo snobby like klein literally Created an entirely new pigment and then painted a canvas in a way where the brush strokes wouldn't be visible. the insinuation that people with no skill could reproduce that is so annoying because unless you are skilled at color mixing and painting you definitely couldn’t lmao
“Girls gays and theys” <- uninclusive while trying to be inclusive. Bad. Makes me uncomfortable.
“Ladies, gentlemen, and other distinguished guests” <- inclusive but far, far too formal
“Alrighty gamers” <- Incisive of everyone, informal, and fun to say.