17M / Gabriel :) / I don't know what to do here I made a side account not knowing it was a side account so pretend I don't exist
112 posts
Gabe-gade - Gabe-Gade - Tumblr Blog

Me foraging green berries for my beautiful wife
Typhlosion did WHAT???

Mount Carlmore
Unironically I think some people on the internet should study old internet culture so we can come to a unanimous conclusion that the majority of what's supposedly ancient history by now still exists.
Does anyone else think about how 4chan completely formed modern internet culture today as we know it, and some of the terms created from the malicious green site still apply amazingly to circumstances we don't have a new word for quite yet? I think lolcows are my favorite example of how old internet terminology still permeates.
I don't know if im making sense, but i have the feeling that people would use the internet better if the history of internet culture, specifically culture, including seemingly niche bits of it, were earnestly taught modern day. I unironically love scrolling through Know your meme, and remembering older memes only to think of how whatever meme term I've stumbled upon is still so applicable. That shits crazy.
legitimately how are you so quick witted. you seem to have a good laconic response for all the stupid shit the web swings your way to turn it into good posts.
I realized a few years back that being overly wordy isn't very funny. My adjective-heavy insult days are long gone, I go for a more psychological hatred nowadays
I know I'm not the first one to say this, but it's honestly sad how often people will look at art that they don't like, and say "I could have made that" as an insult to it. Imagine how much more beauty the world could have in it if instead of doing that, people would look at art they love and think "I could do that!" as a delighting epiphany, and then go home and make art they love inspired by the art they love. And painting Saturn devouring his son on their dining room wall.
I know I'm not the first one to say this, but it's honestly sad how often people will look at art that they don't like, and say "I could have made that" as an insult to it. Imagine how much more beauty the world could have in it if instead of doing that, people would look at art they love and think "I could do that!" as a delighting epiphany, and then go home and make art they love inspired by the art they love. And painting Saturn devouring his son on their dining room wall.

alligator and crocodile that sort of like each other

This scene has probably been one of the most requested ones since I started doing these Muppet Princess Bride illustrations, but I held off attempting it for the longest time because I had no idea if I could pull off Miss Piggy's famous karate chop, and the shot of Kermit falling down the hill. But after hunkering down and putting pen to (digital) paper I managed to get something I'm pretty proud of!
Honestly, I'd love to see Muppet Princess Bride become a reality if only because I wanna see them huck Kermit down a hill. Muppets being thrown is peak comedy to me.

I've slowly been chipping away at drawing scenes from that imaginary Muppet retelling of the Princess Bride, figured it was about time to share what I've drawn on Tumblr!
never change, tumblr. never fucking change.
original post: X
Pukicho I'd love if you'd interpretively doodle whatever unusually sincere and meaningful emotion is lingering your gut today

What else is in there
My bad for the not-so-thoughtful post about jumping off the grand canyon after I get old - the absurdity obscured me from the reality that some people are old - and also that some people my age are not as spritely nor as healthy as me. But Jesus christ, one oversight on one post does not a hate-monger make, keep your adjectives in check, people.
Pros of growing your own vegetables: There's food in my dirt.
Cons of growing your own vegetables: There's dirt in my food.
End-of-Splatoon thoughts.
Thinking about how since the very start, Splatoon has had a feature where players can draw and post artwork and spot them as graffiti on walls or billboards. Or how the weapons have always been paint brushes and rollers and ballpoint pens. Since its inception, Splatoon has been dedicated to engaging its players with the act of creation and creative expression, showing them how their art can build communities and (literally) change the world.
Thinking about finding golden human-made music discs buried underground for thousands of years, and a grand finale music festival. About the Voyager Golden Records. About those human handprints etched into concrete in Alterna. Did those human artists know it would end like this? First a fiery death and then, eventually, a worldwide celebration of music to represent our shared past, present, and future. Did they know that their songs, insignificant in the face of extinction, would one day become the solution that will save the next dominant life-form from the same fate?
Thinking about how eerily similar the Octarian domes are to Alterna. About how close Inklings and Octolings were to repeating the same mistakes as humans. But their doomed fates were undone not by some miracle technology or military power or a rocket, but by music.
Thinking about how humans wiped themselves out with war, and our parting gifts were liquid crystals that somehow paired with the DNA of primeval inklings and somehow infused them with our memories and culture and a Song. And 12,000 years in the future, that same Song will end a war.
Thinking about how art and music and punk culture and rock & roll and friendly competition and petty arguments and water guns aren’t uniquely human concepts, but the fundamental qualities of intelligent life. An inheritable spirit that can cross evolutionary bounds.
Thinking about the theme of Splatoon, that art and music and fun will not die with the human race. That every piece of art we create is a seed we sow for future generations to reap. That our legacy is ingrained into the crust of the earth. That long after we’re gone, the oceans will remember, and they’ll pick up where we left off.
Thinking about how Splatoon says that the essence of humanity –– the thing that will outlive us –– isn't war or prejudice or destruction or greed, it's a song.

Grandfest was great

Does Marge have friends? by Raphael Bob-Waksberg — i’ve read this a couple years ago and it has always stayed with me…wanted to draw to it
i still think one of the funniest jokes i ever did was back during the 2020 election cycle i put a bernie sanders logo on a conscientious objector and just ran around 2fort as scout spamming the "go left" voice command

sixth birthday

big things happening on twitter

safe spot