galerymod - Galery mod more than art
Galery mod more than art

This world is just a canvas to our imagination. Everything you can imagine is real. .....It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.......What we wish, we readily believe, and what we ourselves think, we imagine others think also.

641 posts

Julian Assange Is Finally Free Again!

Julian Assange is finally free again!

The founder of the Wikileaks whistleblowing platform left prison in London today and is on his way to the US Mariana Islands in the Pacific. He is due to appear before a US court there on Wednesday. A deal with the US Department of Justice ensures that he will then be allowed to return to his home in Australia as a free man.

Julian Assange's release from prison is an incredibly important success for freedom of expression and freedom of the press worldwide. The following applies to media professionals all over the world: Anyone who reports on human rights violations and possible war crimes must not be penalised for doing so!

The USA should never have made the espionage allegations. Imprisoning Assange in a high-security prison for five years should never have happened. People all over the world have been protesting against this for years - on the streets and online. Without this campaign, Assange would not be on his way to freedom today.

The picture shows people holding up signs for Julian Assange and a woman speaking into a microphone

Many thanks to everyone who stood up for Julian Assange!

We need your support to continue to fight for the right to freedom of expression and freedom of the press worldwide!

Amnesty International
Amnesty International
We campaign for a world where human rights are enjoyed by all

It is not a crime to publicise war crimes.


We call ourselves civilised, and we should be proud of that! But anyone who legitimises injustice in any way, for any reason, is in truth without civilisation.

  • galerymod
    galerymod liked this · 9 months ago
  • scopophilic1997
    scopophilic1997 liked this · 9 months ago

More Posts from Galerymod

9 months ago

We once went to a petrol station in winter, you know, the real cold, frozen winter. We chose an ice cream and stood at the till to pay. A little boy looked at his father who was standing behind us and said to him: I want an ice cream like that man! His father replied to the little boy: No, it's winter, you can't buy ice cream. We turned around and said to the little boy, “Guess what? The best thing about being an adult is that you can eat ice cream whenever you want!”


If the story is not real, then we will probably buy an ice cream wherever and whenever a petrol station is open!

galerymod - Galery mod more than art

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9 months ago

The author has provided a concise overview of the findings that can be derived from scientific studies.

While the parameters can be readily identified, it is evident that capitalism, despite its promises, has not delivered on its promises of prosperity and has instead brought about a great deal of suffering and disappointment.

That is still a nice way of putting it.


We must develop a new utopia that can fail on its own initiative to address the challenges of tomorrow. The current system of capitalism, which places the greatest value on the creation of value, will ultimately fail and fail to the maximum extent.

galerymod - Galery mod more than art

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9 months ago

We believe that religious freedom also encompasses the right to choose not to be religious.


There are so many freedoms! One of them is the freedom to worship whatever you want, just leave us alone.

We Believe That Religious Freedom Also Encompasses The Right To Choose Not To Be Religious.

And the day came when man invented the machine and then the machine created Jesus, the Son of God, and the cycle came full circle.

Also, we hope this article will be seen as a positive contribution to the ongoing discussion. We are always glad to hear your thoughts on this topic. Please don't misunderstand us: we are not suggesting that Jesus was not drowned. We simply wish to point out that if he had been, all Christians would have an aquarium over their door.


In order to create a balance, it is thought that the highest sanctuary of Islam is a meteorite that was already worshipped by the Romans in ancient times. It could be said that the east is not really exclusive, as it was already there or was adopted and modified.

It is just a matter of religion.

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9 months ago

At the time, nobody cared who wore what. The type was the content. The container was irrelevant.

Everybody wore eyeliner and nobody really cared who you fucked. There was no sexual or gender positioning in the underground, everyone was who they wanted to be.


Sometimes I just feel Grunge today

We still regret that the guy blew his brains out, but sometimes there are moments when it's better not to be alone.


The feeling of dead is the only way out is the concentration of despair.... It's hard to turn the corner and get out of it.

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Some of the times Kurt Cobain wore a dress or a skirt

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9 months ago

Tastes delicious raw and on toast with a little olive oil cut into wafer-thin slices.

Satan more or less

Oh my God, how can you write something like that. But it's ok to go on holiday with springbok in South Africa?

Ten thousand likes and we'll write a cookbook for Bambi dishes, smile

galerymod - Galery mod more than art

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