galerymod - Galery mod more than art
Galery mod more than art

This world is just a canvas to our imagination. Everything you can imagine is real. .....It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.......What we wish, we readily believe, and what we ourselves think, we imagine others think also.

641 posts

Foxmewsmus (derived From Tumps "fake News") Refers To The Periodical Journalistic Work Of Employees At

Foxmewsmus (derived from tumps "fake news") refers to the periodical journalistic work of employees at fox media, in online media or TV with the aim of creating publicity and providing the public with socially incorrect information.

Fake Wikipedia

Foxmewsmus (derived From Tumps "fake News") Refers To The Periodical Journalistic Work Of Employees At

This is in no way in line with the statutes of the International Federation of Journalists. Journalism is first and foremost committed to respect for facts and the public's right to the truth. Journalism thus contributes to the formation of public opinion. It is therefore often referred to as the fourth estate in the state, a classification coined by the British scholar Frederick Knight Hunt in the mid-19th century.

Fox news We don't give a shit about the statutes of the International Federation of Journalists..... What's this rubbish - they're not Americans!

Lachlan Murdoch more or less

  • galerymod
    galerymod liked this · 11 months ago

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11 months ago

Cool! What else......!


Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Fifteen Feet of Pure White Snow

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10 months ago
We Should All Start To Live Before We Get Too Old.

We should all start to live before we get too old.

Marilyn Monroe

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11 months ago

Wow, this is what it looks like when you have recognised the true essence of life despite different religions. See the other person and recognise yourself.... what makes us different is not the difference, as is so often propagated by populist people, but what we have in common!

Those who recognise the needs of others ultimately see what they have in common.

Love, happiness, health and contentment create great things.

Concord does not make things great, discord does not make great things.


A world that presents civilisation with such great challenges can only find solutions together.

By the way, in the context of climate change, we should recognise that the scarcity of drinking water in the Mediterranean region can only be solved peacefully together. Otherwise, even more injustice will arise, resulting in even more terror and despair.

The pied pipers of any idiotic ideology, whether political or religious, need the breeding ground of misery and hopelessness to recruit their future murderers.

Give people a future, and stop counting each other's misdeeds of the past.

This is how thirty years of war were ended. Why not take an example from the past?




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10 months ago

Yes, people pull the trigger - but guns are the instrument of death. Gun control is necessary, and delay means more death and horror.

Eliot Spitzer

Guns are bad, I tell you.


In Florida, to buy a gun, you do not need a permit, you do not need a gun license, and once you buy it, you do not need to register it. You do not need a permit to carry a concealed rifle or shotgun. You can buy as many guns as you want at one time.

Emma Gonzalez

As a side note, there are more regulatory requirements in Florida for opening a taco stand than there are for purchasing a firearm.

A rotten taco that leads to a stomach ache is probably a bigger problem than a gun in the wrong hands.

The interesting thing about the American gun fetish is that even though you are fully armed, you are completely helpless when investors funded by China rat them out of a job.

A socially just society can be recognized by certain indicators, such as legislation in the form of how many laws benefit ordinary citizens and thus improve their quality of life.

Participation is the magic word for a fair society. The figures in favor of the average American citizen are catastrophic in contrast to the upper class of the rich.

The capitalist propaganda of the entire institutions of the top one percent are doing everything they can to get the American people's heads so twisted that they really believe that a social market economy is the freind of the common citizen.

Anyone who really assumes that health insurance or social benefits such as unemployment benefits and a reasonable tax burden for the rich are detrimental to society should simply check the facts. American public health and thus life expectancy is far behind China.

If that doesn't give you food for thought, you should just check whenever the spectre of the gun control movement is conjured up to distract from important issues.

Gun control only means that there is a background check of the gun buyer. Even bad people and mentally unstable people can buy guns if everything is over the counter.

A just society trusts its state institutions because they are there for the common good of all. If this is not the case, something is very wrong in the so-called democracy and it is a state of Kleptocracy.


Kleptocracy - Wikipedia

The eternal repetition of mass shootings with hundreds of innocent deaths every year is a morally untenable state of affairs.

Every statistic says that the more weapons are in circulation, the more they are inevitably used, and not always for morally good motives as the weapons industry suggests.


The fairy tale of the armed teacher who protects the children is already obsolete when the evil one with a telescopic sight blows the brains out of the armed teacher's window.

Not to mention the surprise effect when a machine gunner stands in the doorway of the classroom. Teachers are not john wicks, especially not navy seals.



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