Im just a silly funny goofy lil guy like come on look at me im so crazy and ridiculous i pull so many pranks you wouldn't believe it you can totally trust me ill make you chortle at the very least guaranteed or your money back ok?
210 posts
Gay-charizard - Just A Silly Funny Goofy Lil Guy - Tumblr Blog

I got -$5, rent to pay and 2 weeks until my next check give me something good tumblr gods
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
Certified wunkus classic
Many wunki
Look im gonna do this once and never again, im even gonna bet this goes nowhere.
To make a long story short, i live with my fiance and my two cats. My fiance cant work because he has some medical conditions we cant exactly identify. Whatever it is, hes essentially disabled but we cant get disability due to age and lack of diagnosis. Im trying to work full time to keep us fed and housed. I make just barely enough to keep rent. now were moving bc our current place is infested with mold and i dont have the money to have our landlord take care of it, our company is hyper sketch and im just not gonna deal with it. Problem is paying for both the new place and one last rent for the old place just isnt financially possible. not to mention were out of food. Weve been living off of just rice for weeks. Were looking at food banks. Im not gonna sit here and beg for money bc no one knows me, so why trust anything im saying. If you want to send some, fuck it heres my venmo: https://venmo.com/u/Santiana86
donate or dont, im not gonna guilt trip anyone.
What I want is resources.
I live in the Cincinnati area. Ive been skating the line for fucking months. Ive got nothing else. Im fucking tired. Anything at this point will help. Ill take a goddamn roommate at this rate. I just cant keep fucking doing this. I know im a nobody with fucking 12 followers or whatever, but i need a damn break. What the hell can I do?

![[Image ID: An image on a dark blue background with lighter blue and white text. Text says "This trans woman has been removed from their Community by Tumblr's Guidelines." The picture is an edit meant to imitate the usual "This content has been removed for violating Tumblr's Community Guidelines" image that replaces a post's content if said content, or the poster's blog, is deleted entirely by Tumblr moderation. /end]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/04c03e93cad51b21027a870e4a67b18f/5df9e38fd9ce2f15-49/s500x750/ed5110d926ccc6bd0aabdc9ef8f1741d18f88f1c.jpg)
Posting all of the pills that make you green comics here now, enjoy? I guess?
regret rates


talking points

you problem


modern invention

unethical experiments


think of the children

side effects


making sense




this rocks


And all 3 of these people are in the running to control the largest, most powerful, and most advanced military in the world :)

@staff @humans please reinstate tumblr user @charlottan ‘s blog right now please + now

There is at least one universe where Mustang has this hanging on his office door.
it's fullmetal friday


“First one to leave has to read the next statement”
It’s been 48 hours
Career fucking ENDED
This is what ai was intended for nothing else. Instead we have what we have >:(
not a big fan of AI but this is a top 10 video of all time for me
I was trying to explain to my grandma what being bisexual meant and saying that I looked at ladies butts and she was all “You’re not GAY everyone checks out ladies rear ends” and my sister was like “I have never wanted to look at a ladies butt” Later my grandma called me and was like “I THINK I MIGHT BE A LITTLE GAY”

elon musk told jkr to calm down help fkfbkr
I wish age gap discourse hadn't spiraled the way it has because I want there to be a safe space to say "Men in their 40s who date 25 year olds aren't predators, they're just fucking losers"
It doesnt matter what is being fired, be it a tungsten bullet sharpened to a knifes point or the softest down pillow. It cant be non or less lethal if its traveling faster than sound. Bullets are bullets. These are fucking insane.
Just a reminder for people who may not know, in light of protestors at UCLA being shot in the face with rubber bullets— rubber bullets are not bullets made of rubber. They are metal bullets encased in rubber.
Despite being called “non-lethal” or sometimes “less lethal”, they are well known to cause death and permanent disability.
Here’s a photo showing their size— these are actual rubber bullets used during the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020.

Do not let them downplay the severity of what they are subjecting this students to for standing against genocide. Stay safe and stay educated.

I love this so much, I’m gonna start saying “nuts” we need to bring it back