Riddle/Tobias Im just here to read fanfic lmao i don't feel comfy sharing my actual age on here
233 posts
Genderfluidnuggettt - Genderfluidnuggettt_ - Tumblr Blog
Have some ruggie stuff I found in my phone :]
Random missing Ruggie hours...
Have some ruggie stuff I found in my phone :]
Random missing Ruggie hours...
Save me and my family. Don't leave us alone. Donate to me and my family and share the link
Floyd, in a mound of sand: I am the sand guardian. Guardian of the sand. Lilia: Poseidon quivers before him! Floyd, turned to face the ocean: Fuck off!
don’t stop talking about what’s happening
Book 5 be like:
art by the.gauntlets
gofundme for the family
ok kids repeat after me
vinegar and bleach makes chlorine gas, which is highly toxic
ammonia and bleach makes chloramine, which is highly toxic
rubbing alcohol and bleach makes chloroform, which is highly toxic
hydrogen peroxide and vinegar makes peracetic/peroxyacetic acid, which can be highly corrosive
be careful about your cleaning products and dont get yourself injured or potentially killed ok
LGBTQ Muslims have and always will exist—we aren’t haram and we aren’t alone.
I need this immediately
found my new favorite pasta
^ not my wife
Just fucking lie about the previous poster
YOU hate JK Rowling!
Trapped Family in Gaza Appeals for Help to Survive 🕊️🇵🇸✌️ I Samer Abu Ras, iam reaching out to you with a heartfelt humanitarian appeal, after the ongoing war in Gaza has cast its dark shadow over my life and the lives of my family. Our lives were once filled with peace and stability before the onset of this catastrophe, but now, we find ourselves living in a situation described as nothing short of tragic.
Please note that the conversion rate is
1 USD =10 SEK
10$ = 100 SEK
50$= 500 SEK
100$= 1000 SEK
200$= 2000 SEK
My wife, Shurooq, our three children, and I are now homeless, without a source of income, and without hope for the future. My family and I have lost our businesses and our home due to the war, and we now have nothing left but the cold streets and troubled hearts.
My children are suffering greatly as a result of these horrific events. They have lost the security and stability they once enjoyed and are now facing new health and psychological challenges that threaten their lives. As a father and husband, I feel powerless in my ability to provide adequate protection and care for them.
My child, who is a year and a half old, is experiencing hardships far beyond his tender age. Since the war broke out, we had to flee our home and seek refuge in a tent in a displacement camp. My child lives in extremely difficult conditions, deprived of safety and stability. The tent does not provide adequate protection from harsh weather, and food and medicine are scarce. My child suffers from malnutrition and illness, lacking basic healthcare. He cannot play or grow in a healthy and suitable environment. My only dream is to see him grow up in a safe place full of opportunities
In the face of difficult circumstances, Samer Abu Ras and his family find themselves facing serious challenges in their daily lives. They reside in a modest tent lacking comfort and security, suffering from a shortage of clean water and food, and encountering difficulties in accessing necessary healthcare. Despite these challenges, they continue to express hope and resilience in confronting adversity, holding onto hope for a better tomorrow and a return to a more stable and secure life.
I appeal to you today, dear friends, to extend to me a helping hand in escaping this hell. Regardless of the size of the donation, every drop of generosity will contribute to alleviating our suffering and rebuilding our lives anew.
We need your help to secure the funds necessary to travel away from these destructive wars and seek a safe and stable environment where we can build a better future for our children.
Let us stand together in these difficult times and let hope triumph over despair by providing support and assistance to those in dire need. Let us be part of the solution and build a better future for ourselves and future generations.
Thank you for listening and for the potential generosity of your giving, and for your generous donations that will change the lives of my family for the better.
With sincere gratitude and appreciation,
Samer Abu Ras and family.
@nabulsi @stil-lindigo @sayruq @palipunk @ibtisams @pollo-con-vodka @fairuzfan @vakarians-babe @sar-soor
أنا، سامر أبو راس، أتوجه إليكم بنداء إنساني مؤثر، بعد أن ألقت الحرب الدائرة في غزة بظلالها القاتمة على حياتي وحياة عائلتي. كانت حياتنا مليئة بالسلام والاستقرار قبل بداية هذه الكارثة، لكن الآن، نحن نعيش في وضع يوصف بأنه مأساوي.
أنا، وزوجتي شروق، وأطفالنا الثلاثة، نعيش الآن بدون مأوى، بلا مصدر دخل، وبلا أمل في المستقبل. فقد خسرت عائلتي وأنا أعمالنا ومنزلنا بسبب الحرب، ولم يتبق لدينا الآن سوى الشوارع الباردة والقلوب المتألمة.
أطفالي يعانون كثيرًا جراء هذه الأحداث المروعة، فقد فقدوا الأمان والاستقرار الذي كانوا يتمتعون به، وأصبحوا يواجهون تحديات صحية ونفسية جديدة تهدد حياتهم. أنا كأب وزوج، أشعر بالعجز تجاه قدرتي على توفير الحماية والرعاية الكافية لهم.
أناشدكم اليوم، أيها الأصدقاء الأعزاء، بأن تمدوا لي يد العون والمساعدة في الخروج من هذا الجحيم. بغض النظر عن حجم التبرع، فإن كل قطرة من العطاء ستساهم في تخفيف معاناتنا وإعادة بناء حياتنا من جديد.
نحن بحاجة إلى مساعدتكم لتأمين المبلغ اللازم للسفر بعيدًا عن هذه الحروب المدمرة، والبحث عن بيئة آمنة ومستقرة يمكننا فيها بناء مستقبل أفضل لأطفالنا.
لنكن معًا في هذه الظروف الصعبة، ولنجعل الأمل يتغلب على اليأس، من خلال تقديم الدعم والمساعدة لأولئك الذين يحتاجونها بشكل ماسي. فلنكن سويًا جزءًا من الحل، ولنبني مستقبلًا أفضل لنا ولأجيالنا القادمة.
شكرًا لكم على الاستماع وعلى العطاء المحتمل، ولتبرعاتكم الكريمة التي ستغير حياة عائلتي إلى الأفضل.
مع خالص الامتنان والتقدير،
سامر أبو راس وعائلته.
@communistchilchuck @fallahifag @plomegranate @palestinegenocide @intersectionalpraxis
I recently saw tweets about this website called Hamas .com.
It is a site made by Israel to steal your information.
Its just another way that Israel will harm Palestinians by making a fake website to confuse advocates
I’m convinced people are clinically braindead.
That’s the age of consent where you can consent to people YOUR age. The age to be legally recognized as an adult in Japan is 18
Even without the age gap it’s an unhealthy power imbalance as it is literally servant x master. On top of that, Leona literally almost killed Ruggie too.
I was today years old when I found out that Kalim's earrings are actually cute little snakes. I'm unwell
Execpt I don't think they follow me and I comment really fast on their posts
but sir that’s my emotional support mutual who’s way cooler than me that i can’t believe actually follows me
I am Hala, a child from Gaza, born in 2010, and I lived through all the wars in Gaza. Now I live in a tent with my mother, brother and sister. We fear death and miss our school days, my colleagues, and my education. Life in the tent is difficult, and we hug each other tightly as if it were our last hug. I lost my home, but I didn't lose hope. I pray that peace and security will return, so that I can return to school and continue my education. I would like to leave Gaza to live in peace and continue my journey. Gaza lives in my heart, and I live in the hope that one day peace will come. We created this campaign so we can get out of here with our lives, to get our lives back