she/they minor idk what else to put here

534 posts

Going Through My Old Posts And, Holy Shit I Forgot I Said That

going through my old posts and, holy shit I forgot I said that

hot (but probably already said somewhere) take: the priest in the princess bride is an uwu boy

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More Posts from Generalenemybluebird

9 months ago

Idk, something crazy about c!Tommy's story starting with him creating a drug van with c!Wilbur, only for him to stumble into a drug addiction after c!Wilbur departs from the server and, for the first time ever, is no longer a heavy presence in Tommy's life. Something about losing that constant and not coping well. Even if that constant has hurt him despite how much they care, and in fact that conflicting relationship makes this loss so much worse, and is even possibly one of the driving forces to this potion addiction.

Because imagine; the reason you're here, the reason so much of everything has happened to you, the reason you feel you're either a hero or a bad guy in a simple narrative that is nonexistent in reality, is gone. There's an emptiness, not just from loneliness, but from lack of closure. You're angry, you're sad, you're hurt, you're confused. And what better way to smother all that down than to drink it all away and let bitterness course through your veins? What better way than to obsess and stalk and ponder revenge?

It's better than looking at yourself and asking, "Who are you?" Because you don't have an answer. Or, worse, you might, and it's terrifying. And it's one you've tried to avoid for so long.

Idk something about Tubbo saying that he won't be like Schlatt just as long as Tommy doesn't end up like Wilbur.

9 months ago
I'm Having Emotions About This Scene. How Vulnerable Katniss Can Be With Peeta, And He Can Be With Her,

I'm having emotions about this scene. How vulnerable Katniss can be with Peeta, and he can be with her, how affectionate they are. It's a beautiful snapshot into their relationship and one of my favorites.

8 months ago

This is cinema actually

8 months ago

future citizen of a place that used to be called the 'dream smp' watching a film based on the true events of the l'manberg revolution with actors depicting key players. at the end of the film as the camera pans to the sunset the text appears that tells you what happened to the real people after the events of the film and it says the deputy and his best friend were vaporised by a nuclear explosion at the age of 18. the best friend made the nukes.

8 months ago
This Was Posted With The Comment I See A Pattern.

This was posted with the comment “I see a pattern.”

Yes, so do I. The pattern is that Team Cap got to live thanks to Team Stark’s sacrifices.