she/they minor idk what else to put here

534 posts

Sees Wilbur Uploaded: *dies*

sees wilbur uploaded: *dies*

sees nightcore in the title: *dies again*

its a full album: *dies a third time*

its so good: *at this point just stop reviving me*

  • pinkish-rose
    pinkish-rose liked this · 1 year ago

More Posts from Generalenemybluebird

someone please tell me that they too think c!ranboo is the soldier, c!tommy is the poet, and c!tubbo is the king

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Aimsey from The Internet is being blended!!

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You cannot save him.

Can You Blend Aimsey?

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Part 1, Part 2I Mean You Don't Really Have To Consider This The AU If You Want
Part 1, Part 2I Mean You Don't Really Have To Consider This The AU If You Want
Part 1, Part 2I Mean You Don't Really Have To Consider This The AU If You Want
Part 1, Part 2I Mean You Don't Really Have To Consider This The AU If You Want
Part 1, Part 2I Mean You Don't Really Have To Consider This The AU If You Want
Part 1, Part 2I Mean You Don't Really Have To Consider This The AU If You Want
Part 1, Part 2I Mean You Don't Really Have To Consider This The AU If You Want
Part 1, Part 2I Mean You Don't Really Have To Consider This The AU If You Want

part 1, part 2 I mean you don't really have to consider this the AU if you want

Tubbo Realises The Thing About Growing Up Too Fast Is Everyone Else Catches Up; You Just Didn't Get Enjoy
Tubbo Realises The Thing About Growing Up Too Fast Is Everyone Else Catches Up; You Just Didn't Get Enjoy
Tubbo Realises The Thing About Growing Up Too Fast Is Everyone Else Catches Up; You Just Didn't Get Enjoy
Tubbo Realises The Thing About Growing Up Too Fast Is Everyone Else Catches Up; You Just Didn't Get Enjoy
Tubbo Realises The Thing About Growing Up Too Fast Is Everyone Else Catches Up; You Just Didn't Get Enjoy

Tubbo realises the thing about growing up too fast is everyone else catches up; you just didn't get enjoy the journey.

Fuck, just when he got used to being told that.

Let’s talk more about accents in the Riordanverse!

• Percy with rounded New York vowels and that quick run-together way of saying his sentences. Percy with an accent you can’t quite place until he orders some coffee or water.

• Annabeth with a Virginia drawl and long vowels that don’t quite go away, even after years on Long Island Sound. Annabeth, who will randomly spit out phrases like “nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs”, whose cup always fills with sweet tea in the mess hall/

• Carter with a fairly standard American accent until he pronounces a word so bizarrely it’s clear he must have learned it halfway across the globe. Carter, who gets slightly antsy in the same place for too long and goes to language classes at night just for an excuse to practice.

• Sadie with a London accent that’s begun to fade after years in Brooklyn House, who accidentally says “cheers” when people hold the door for her. Sadie, who skips over her t’s and who drops consonants and, like Carter, isn’t exactly sure where her home is.

• Magnus and Alex with strong Boston accents and nasally a’s that Hearth is glad he can’t hear. Magnus, whose accent gets stronger in battle, who intentionally leans into it when he’s on the West Coast. Alex, who makes people guess where she’s from and tells them something different every time, who argues with Magnus over whose accent is stronger.

• Jason Grace with languid California vowels, who drops the end of every word when he’s relaxed and over-enunciates when he’s in charge. Jason, whose accent is only present when he’s comfortable.

• Leo Valdez with a Texan accent to boot and quick clipping consonants, whose accent sounds nearly the same as Annabeth’s to the untrained ear, but insists that they’re completely different every time someone brings it up.

• Hazel Levesque with a thick New Orleans accent, whose vocabulary is peppered with French and old-fashioned phrases and the occasional Southern saying. Hazel, who sticks to Deep South manners (and passive-aggression, when necessary), who orders in French when she goes to a bakery and watched old black-and-white movies when she feels homesick.

• Frank, who sounds American except for when he says “sorry”, who speaks a bit of Canadian French (which Hazel hates, because she can’t understand it), and gets teased every time he says “about”.

• Piper with a slight valley-girl sound that she’s worked hard to get rid of, but tends to slip into when she’s tired or angry. Piper, whose voice becomes sweet and soothing in charmspeak, who understands every fluctuation and intonation and how to use them to her advantage.

• Nico di Angelo with a seemingly standard American accent, until you pick up on the odd transatlantic pronunciation or Italian rolled “r”. Nico with an arsenal of phrases so jumbled and eclectic that people do a double take when he talks.

Just. Yeah. Riordanverse accents.