Just your local neurodivergent trans man :)
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Geno2108 - Ask Demoverse - Tumblr Blog

Horror: should we do it ?
Horror: should we go do the correct thing ?
Dust: never !
Killer: let's make poor decisions !

Nowhere to go but down
Meet your new friend, KILLER.

Screenshot redraw with my designs <3
Original from Underverse, created by Jakei

killer horrifically bullies you 😞 (not me though, I'm with the science team)

Bothersome beast, comforting friend
bad guys living in a giant abandoned mansion/castle is great but its really funny imagining them being forced into like. a cramped run-down suburban household in the middle of nowhere

My dad’s not feeling well and the baby is comforting him
Are you planning on doing more good ending aftertale? It’s so cute and wholesome

I make no promises :)

Killer's nightmare
He has many, but the one he has most often is of coming out of stage 3 and finding he's killed his new family too alone again. Or maybe worse, that he'll never quite be without someone from his past.
Luckily, it is just a nightmare, and he has a different Nightmare he can see to help him calm down.

Head cannon time!!!
Cross would have painting and drawing as a coping mechanism. He would also have it as a hobby.
His outfit has a lot of pockets and in one of them he keeps a little notebook and a pen that he says is just for note taking but he’s lying
He would probably do a lot of anime and video games fan art but also would do other things, some with a lot of meaning behind them.
Nightmare would definitely hang up some of the original pieces cross has made in the castle.
Cross would definitely paint gifts for dream especially landscapes and flowers

I was originally imagining Reaper as all-black, but I already have Nightmare who's a large, long-furred black cat, so I decided to try out some white, and I'm really happy with how offputting it makes him look. Like with Killer, his irises are super dark.
I was fiddling with Geno's design a little in this one. Not certain about it, but the tummy marking is more prominent at least. He'll need more work probably.
Click here for all my UTMV kitty designs!
In other news, hopefully I should have a short story coming out soon. It's an edited deleted chapter from my larger work in progress fic. Still needs a few more passes.

Been busy studying, but I've taken a bit of a break this morning to update this fellow. Hopefully it's a little clearer he's a sphynx!
Click here for all my UTMV kitty designs!
Old Error design

Last of the main group! I may keep going with other AUs, just because drawing kitties is fun and doesn't take a lot of brain power. (I'd like to update Error a bit, too. Not happy with his face markings still) I'm still working on my fics but TAFE is so intense, I don't have a lot of brain power left over to write: drawing's a lot easier. Anyway, I'm still hanging around, just vibing and having a good time!
Click here for all my UTMV cat designs!

Error's had a design update!
Sorry, definitely no new chapter today, and probably not tomorrow either. I didn't realise how much of a mess it was haha. My shifts at work are super short next week though, so I'll have more time to write and chill <3
Meanwhile, have sphinx cat Error! I'm not as happy with his design as I was with Dust's, mostly because how do you draw a cat with no fur lol. Have you seen sphinx cat paws? They're crazy!
I wanted Error to be the opposite to everyone else, hence the breed. He doesn't look quite like a real cat unfortunately, I might try to work on his markings sometime. His eyes are super bright too, but I wanted both of those things so that he was at least a little recognisable. I also didn't want to give him red scleras, like I did with Dust, because I realised at least Horror would need to have them too, and I didn't want to give everyone an eye disease lol.
Click here for all my UTMV cat designs!

Latest chapter of my fic has me thinking about kitties lol. Anyway I have headcannons now haha. Not sure if I'll get to designing the others, but here's Dusty at least!
(Spoiler alert: I got to designing the others.)
Click here for all my UTMV cat designs!

It's interesting that putting these guys together highlights some possible future changes that may be needed. Dust doesn't have any contrast on him if he has his head turned to the left, and he and Horror may be too similar in shade. They kind of morph together. Horror may need to become a little lighter in colour (Killer and Nightmare are already quite dark, so I don't want to make him darker). Cross is a well needed pop of brightness on the team. Same with Killer's harness.
Decided to have Nightmare as fairly small for a maine coon. He looked hilariously oversized when I made him bigger.
The Stars
Click here to see all my kitty designs!

Taking a break from learning scientific plant names to draw the boy. His eyes aren't totally black, just a super dark brown so they look black. He also seems to have some kind of issue with his left eye that makes it droop. He's a happy little guy, always smiling. :)
Click here for all my UTMV cat designs!

Took a break from brainstorming my next fic to draw kitty Cross.
I wanted him to be elegant and 'perfect', so he ended up as a lilac point ragdoll-esque cat. Fluffy boi!
Click here for all my UTMV designs!

Oh lawd
Maine coon Nightmare. Apparently a lot of maine coons have extra toes. Also, I know it's popular in fanon to make Horror the biggest, but a) I don't think that's canon and b) just look at maine coons. Nightmare HAD to be one. Not sure what I'm doing with Horror yet, not sure if I'll find a way to make him bigger (because I admit it is a fun headcanon) or if we'll have short king Horror.
Click here for all my UTMV cat designs!
Horror bites dust in his sleep. He’ll just wake up with bite marks all over his body and he’s just slobbering all over where he nommed last

Dust just loves every aspect of Horror..
Guh, it looks good with the sketch on so I'm not taking it off. HAHA!!
(Sorry, I'm taking longer to respond)