gentlenaa - Gentle

Hiatus, getting some rest. Illustrating my novel! Hi wonderful people! Here is Gentle! (She/he/they) The random artist in your dashboard! I speak Spanish and English :D!

774 posts

That Moment You Find Out The Titan In The Base Looks Human But You Haven't Seen Yourself In A Mirror

Pencil draw of a man confusingly looking to us, with one hand near his chest, serious face. A small bubble appears revealing the surprise "GASP" of another man, with a big hat.

That moment you find out the titan in the base looks human but you haven't seen yourself in a mirror qibfwofb

Piston And Skyblights Holoforms! :D
Piston And Skyblights Holoforms! :D
Piston And Skyblights Holoforms! :D

Piston and Skyblight’s holoforms! :D

Piston stupid old man by @anasofi3210

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More Posts from Gentlenaa

3 years ago
A long, curvy, anthropomorphic creature, withouts arms, with a top hat, big white eyes, all body black, looking at us. Doesn't seems creepy, just curious. "Hatman" can be read below it.
Suddenly the man wearing a hat creature transforms into a tiny hat with big white eyes. Seems really cute. Below it can be read "Manhat"
Another anthropomorphic creature, a lot like a stick man figure. Seems like he is confused by the sudden transformation of his friend.
The tick figure holds the Manhat in his arms. In the other he holds a cup of something warm (maybe coffee). Seems a lot like a tired old dad.

Today you get a little minicomic with the star appearances of Manhat :D

The long man with a hat is sitting in a bank, in a part. Seems to be late at night. A lamp is lighting him. Some buildings can be seen behind him. He is looking at us, confused.
The long man wearing a hat is eating some papers. The stick man looks at him.
The stick man is trying to take the papers out of the long man wearing a hat. Both angry, trying to accomplish their goal: be it eating the papers or recovering the taxes.

And a bit more cause we have content today!

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3 years ago
An illustration of two robots (vehicons) holding hands platonically. One looking around nervously, the other curiously looking. They seems to have painted themselves with white and blue.
Same picture as before, without the painting.

Did I ever mentioned I have two vehicon OCs? :D

They are called Windspeaker and Soundblast, the vehibros (as they consider themselves)! More information about them under the cut :D

Their dinamic is so similar to Eric and Devorabot's in the Mitchells vs. The machines! Windspeaker is a bot who likes to ask and learn stuff. He started wondering why vehicons don't have names and he was the one who named himself and Soundblast. Definitely the one with the braincell.

Soundblast is the one who tends to speak for both of them, and the protector one. He still have some trouble remembering his name. He loves blue, specially after interacting with Breakdown and Knockout (I head canon they both are really nice to vehicons in general :>).

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