geralds-little-art-corner - Gerald's Little Art Corner
Gerald's Little Art Corner

He/They (caps intended), colombian, esp/eng/fra. Im litterally just a little guy who draws :o)

299 posts

SCHOOL DAY 1 Decided To Post This Already Bcuz I'll Forget Again In The Weekend So Yeeee Forgive How

SCHOOL DAY 1 Decided To Post This Already Bcuz I'll Forget Again In The Weekend So Yeeee Forgive How

SCHOOL DAY 1 decided to post this already bcuz I'll forget again in the weekend so yeeee forgive how scribbly and weird my handwriting is heehee

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    geralds-rambling-again reblogged this · 5 months ago
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    geralds-little-art-corner liked this · 5 months ago
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    yonderghostshistories liked this · 5 months ago
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More Posts from Geralds-little-art-corner

Art request: Pit from kid icarus!

I really want to play kid icarus uprising but Nintendo haven't ported it to switch yet! 😭

Art Request: Pit From Kid Icarus!

Hope you know how to draw wings ;)

THIS TOOK ME SO LONG LMFAO anyhoo I *do* in fact know how to draw wings, kinda not perfect but u can get how it works so 😭

Art Request: Pit From Kid Icarus!

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Why is this nonsense getting more notes than my art 😔

Imagine how terrified I was when today my father saw me reading ao3 (smut fic) and said ooo you're reading a book that's great, and then proceeded to stare at my screen for 15 scary seconds during which I was feebly trembling from the anticipation of the scold but then he just left and I was hit by the fact that he actually doesn't speak English 😭😭😭😭 scariest moment of my life

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Imagine how terrified I was when today my father saw me reading ao3 (smut fic) and said ooo you're reading a book that's great, and then proceeded to stare at my screen for 15 scary seconds during which I was feebly trembling from the anticipation of the scold but then he just left and I was hit by the fact that he actually doesn't speak English 😭😭😭😭 scariest moment of my life

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Imagine how terrified I was when today my father saw me reading ao3 (smut fic) and said ooo you're reading a book that's great, and then proceeded to stare at my screen for 15 scary seconds during which I was feebly trembling from the anticipation of the scold but then he just left and I was hit by the fact that he actually doesn't speak English 😭😭😭😭 scariest moment of my life

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Progress Up Until Now

Progress up until now 😔

I'm painting a lighthouse on a cliff (huge cliff) (big sky) on this lady's wall (it's been 2 weeks of work) and let me tell you folks this has been a srsly humbling experience (first time doing this) like I had a limited amount of colors I thought of buying (idiot mistake) (never done this before) and so I didn't pick enough (stupid)(my palette is too small) and I don't have the right colors for shadows (terrible)(shadows are a huge part of my rendering) and so im humbled now folks (scary job)(she's an experienced artist and can judge my work) cuz I'm relying exclusively on highlights for this (may or may not fuck up)

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