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We are a world-wide Christian ministry sharing daily messages that God is real and that he cares about YOU and YOUR LIFE.

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By Dr. Jeanne Sheffield Estrada

By Dr. Jeanne Sheffield Estrada

by Dr. Jeanne Sheffield Estrada

Have you ever asked yourself how long you’ll be here? I’m sure all of us have often thought at one time, “Will I live into my old age, get a terminal disease, or die suddenly?” Let’s face it - life is definitely unpredictable. Our days on earth are a thimbleful of water compared to the oceans of eternity.

Life is shorter than we realize, but then it goes away as quickly as it came. Like the steam that rises from a coffee cup, it is gone and cold before you can finish it. Likewise, the cold truth is that even as fast as life passes, God never forgets who YOU are or how much time you have before you depart. He has specific plans for each and every life in the struggle of life saying:

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

Every day you live and breathe is a gift from God. He gives many opportunities to live life but especially the life He offers us by accepting His Son Jesus who died for all of us. While He knows the date and time all of our lives will end, we do not, and because we don’t it is up to us to make a decision about what to do next.

So asking the question again, “How Long Will You Live?” and the simple answer is FOREVER but the REAL question is WHERE?? But here is the GOOD NEWS!!

God has a beautiful glorious HOME in HEAVEN for you when you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Do you know Him personally? If you don’t please pray this prayer with me:

Dear heavenly Father, I know that this earthly body I live in is going to die and you know the number of my days. I want to know you, Jesus, and live out the plans you have for on earth while I am still here, because your Word says they are good plans to prosper me and give me a future. Please forgive my of all of my sins and come into my heart right now so that when my life is over here I will still live forever and ever with you. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN

God Bless Your Day, Jesus Loves You #getnotesonlife #life #eternity #coffee #temporary

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2 years ago
getnotesonlife -

Years ago Johnny Carson apologized and explained that he used a word on his previous show that was 'inappropriate' that was rejected by the television network sensors. He awkwardly murmured that he instead should have said “A woman is 'expecting' or 'Is with child.'” By the moral standards of the 1960’s and before, use of the word 'pregnant' was not acceptable to use in society.

While there once was a time in our world when we all had a basic sense of right, wrong, and decency about what was appropriate and acceptable, as today’s scripture passage says, evil people’s standards have shockingly and unabashedly become mainstream and embraced by many not only as OK, but acceptable. Since the Supreme Court rulings of the early 1960’s that forbid prayer and Bible reading in schools, as a result there are perhaps three or four generations that have no idea of morality and civility as what was previously regarded in the public sphere.

The grotesque picture alongside this message is from a January 22, 2022 ad for an upcoming movie produced by the Walt Disney company called “FLESH” and is just one example of the consequences of a society lacking a moral compass. This film is being marketed as a romantic-comedy with a morbid backstory about a young lady dating a plastic surgeon who discovers that her boyfriend is a cannibal that sells body parts to other flesh eaters. Hollywood movie reviewers have hailed the movie as 'a breakout hit' and popular movie rating site *Rotten Tomatoes* gave it a rating of 85 out of 100.

This movie — and it’s message about where we are as a society and how far we have fallen morally — speaks for itself. Just as the Bible has prophesied and Jesus said, the hearts of many will (and have) grown cold.

Friend, the only way to escape this madness is to turn back to the last and ONLY standard of truth and morality, and that is God and His Holy Word, the Bible. Turn to Christ today, and “Love Not (this) World” [ 1 John 2:15 ] before IT Consumes You.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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3 years ago
By Dr. Jeanne Sheffield Estrada

by Dr. Jeanne Sheffield Estrada

What’s the very first thing you do in the morning?

Do you grab your cell phone and plop down in your computer chair to check your email? Yes! It’s easy to do and not be aware of what we fill our minds with at the start of our days as well as continuing to our minds for the rest of the day and night!

What would life look like instead if you filled each morning first with God? When you do, the rest of your day will look different! Your mind will be renewed with peace, joy and hope instead of anger or stress.

When you spend time with God and being in His Word it puts everything into a true perspective. Your soul will be filled, your mind refreshed and renewed, and your stress can be replaced with His peace. The good news is that you have the power to choose when you are intentional with your time.

God’s REWARD is waiting for you. Open up the present by being in the present and opening His Present - the REWARD of HIS WORD to you.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

2 years ago
getnotesonlife - turned 1 today!

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2 years ago
Jim Croce Was A Wonderful Folk/pop Singer Who Composed And Performed Many Great Songs, And One Of His

Jim Croce was a wonderful folk/pop singer who composed and performed many great songs, and one of his most heartfelt one was “I Gotta Name.” In it he emotionally describes his path through this world and how he is moving through life with strength, courage and resolve.

All of us have a name given by our parents while on earth, but did you know that in eternity all those with God will have their own special God-given name? As today’s verse says, he calls those that are His By Name, and Jesus adds to this in Revelation 2:17 -

“To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white stone with a NEW NAME written on it, known only to the one who receives it.”

You see, every single thing in the universe has a NAME, and those that are in God’s will also have 'A Name,' but those not in God will have NO NAME.

Anything that does not have a name by default does not exist.

Croce was right in that in this life we all have a name, and those that are victorious in Christ that leave this world will have a name in the next life. The question you have to face is — “Will You Have A Name In Eternity? If you do, Jesus will be able to call you, and you will be able to hear his voice.

“And I'm gonna go there free...” - Jim Croce, 1943-1973

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

2 years ago
Our National Debt Today Is Estimated To Be Around $30 TRILLION Dollars, Or To Put It Graphically, Thirty

Our national debt today is estimated to be around $30 TRILLION dollars, or to put it graphically, thirty times the one billion dollars of stacked $100 bills stacked on pallets in this picture. It is a debt that is impossible to pay back for our country, but did you know that YOU and I have an EVEN GREATER DEBT that we also can never pay back? It is the debt of SIN.

We all have a debt greater than the national debt that CANNOT be repaid by being a “good person,” being generous, saving the planet, or contributing some great work to humanity. There is nothing you can personally do to escape the debt and payment for sin which eventually will be your eternal death, however someone has already paid that debt for you, and all you have to do is 'Ask for MERCY, because His Mercy is More!'

Friend, the message of the gospel, — plain and simple — is this…

Christ died for YOUR sins and paid the sin debt that YOU owe, and like the master in today’s scripture verse, he showed COMPASSION, FORGAVE & RELEASED the man of the impossible burden of debt that could never be repaid.

Likewise, there is just one thing you must do in order to be forgiven of this debt, and that is ASK GOD TO FORGIVE YOU and repent of what you have done. Mercy means NOT getting what we DO DESERVE, and God is always merciful to all those that simply ask him from a sincere and contrite heart.

Be released of your sin debt today before the Grim Reaper of debt comes to collect. Ask God to forgive, and He will forgive…but he does not forgive unless you ASK.

Have you asked Him?

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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