Madi/Female/ She/Her/ INFP/ 26Yo sometimes I make art. Currently into: JJk
34 posts
Ghostviiines - Survivng (questionably) Thriving - Tumblr Blog

deeply obsessed with this
scars in fiction: I got this trying to save my lover from an assassin- but tragically, I was too late. now I carry the mark of my failure with me always, and I can never forget~
scars in real life: so I was trying to open macaroni sauce with a paring knife
at Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville rn and i’m wondering why more musicians don’t have their own restaurants. i would eat at Trent Reznor’s Tavern of Terror
Wish I was as optimistic as this guy

That one pterosaur

"Like I said, that's not tax deductible"
"Why not?? Who decides this shit?"
"??? the government???"
woah this character is so cool i wish they were covered in blood their whole body trembling with a look of absolute horror on their face as theyre struggling to breathe in panic
spending $20 is like spending $45 which is basically $80 which is of course $100. when will it end
hey! you!
do you love yuri? gorgeous art styles? sick ass action scenes with unbelievably stupid stakes? a solid mostly female main cast of characters that play off of each other really well and are also funny as fuck?
Introducing "Love Bullet", the GL manga about cupids! with GUNS!

The series isn't officially localized in english yet, but luckily fan translators are hard at work on a real-time english translation (I won't share a link here, but you can find it easily enough)
*flowey voice* huh? why am i doing all this? because love bullet is at risk of being cancelled!
the author's said she already has the entire story planned out, but due to bad marketing and a lack of official english translations, the sales for volume one have been pretty low, and the story risks being discontinued
the chapters out so far aren't many, they're a relatively quick read, and really entertaining all the same. i am DYING to see more of these characters, they're loads of fun and there's some genuinely interesting hypotheticals about love, romance (and lack thereof) the series could get into... but only if it stays running!!
so please, give this story a shot (lol) and if you like it, consider supporting the original mangaka. other fans of LB have been resourceful enough to put together a way for you to do that, even as a western fan, so it's the least i can do to spread the word.
do it for yuri... and also insane women and heart grenade launchers


there are only two genders btw. people who are alive and people who are fucking dead

shhh let my husband sleep he's tired <3

What type of pizza do you think is massively underrated? 🍕👀 It’s bbq pizza for me

Teeeeechnically I found a 5th shiny during safari week, albeit in Pokemon Go
Also his name is Lugnutt
week 1: i love doing art
week 2: i am so burned out
week 3: we are so back
week 4: i am so burned out

lil baby hippo
I am the fear.
New blog, maybe I’ll try to be more active on here? Less passive. Maybe post more doodles that I do.