Hirsute chubby and muscular big-bearded men the size of buildings or the size of a thumb — enjoy these hairy men of various sizes!
250 posts
Giantandtinybears - Giant And Tiny Bearish Men
This is one of the fantastic montages by the great artist Pawsum brought to life. It's truly sexy to see it move!
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Sometimes, the big strong muscular beardy strongman enjoys being reduced, and being at the mercy of a now-gigantic man's boots.
Another guy who I can see being highly enjoyable either as a titan or as a little toy.

When you're the size of a hand, you don't have much say as to what that hand does to your body, no matter how many muscles you have.
Giant and tiny cowboy fun -- a variant of my first ever video render!
Don't forget to put your tiny bearded juiced lifter in your bag when you go to the gym.