giraffesnakes - Don't Worry I Know What I'm doing
Don't Worry I Know What I'm doing

1433 posts





  • tatltuae
    tatltuae liked this · 8 years ago

More Posts from Giraffesnakes

8 years ago
Chris Barrie In The Music Video For Little Mixs Sport Relief Single, Word Up. (x)
Chris Barrie In The Music Video For Little Mixs Sport Relief Single, Word Up. (x)
Chris Barrie In The Music Video For Little Mixs Sport Relief Single, Word Up. (x)
Chris Barrie In The Music Video For Little Mixs Sport Relief Single, Word Up. (x)
Chris Barrie In The Music Video For Little Mixs Sport Relief Single, Word Up. (x)
Chris Barrie In The Music Video For Little Mixs Sport Relief Single, Word Up. (x)

Chris Barrie in the music video for Little Mix’s Sport Relief single, “Word Up.” (x)

8 years ago


8 years ago
I Literally Will Stop Our Conversation Just To Point Out The Dog.

I literally will stop our conversation just to point out the dog.

8 years ago

Some No-Romance-No-Sex Asks

Because every goddamn ask thing is full of questions about your first kiss or if you're a virgin idgaf

1: Do you have any pets?

2: What pets would you like some day?

3: What are your plans/dreams for the future?

4: How do you feel about possums?

5: Do you have any tattoos? Do you want any?

6: Favorite holiday traditions?

7: Favorite holiday food?

8: Last 3 videos you watched on YouTube?

9: Last 3 videos you watched on Netflix?

10: Last 3 things you bought on Amazon?

11: What do you want for your birthday?

12: What movie do you watch all the time?

13: What was your favorite movie as a kid?

14: Where would you like to travel?

15: What is your favorite kind of cookie?

16: Cake or pie?

17: How do you take your coffee/tea?

18: What does your favorite mug look like?

19: Do you cook much?

20: 5 songs you really enjoy.

21: Something you're looking forward to?

22: If you were a cartoon character and wore the same thing each episode, what would your outfit look like?

23: If you were a vegetable, what vegetable would you be?

24: What's your favorite kind of candy?

25: You can only have 5 foods for the rest of your life, what are they?

26: What's your favorite color to wear?

27: Do you like spicy food?

28: What is your middle name?

29: Would you be a dwarf, a hobbit, or an elf?

30: Do you have good teeth?

31: What's the last thing you ate?

32: What's the last text message you sent?

33: What is your favorite kind of weather?

34: What is your favorite plant?

35: What's your shoe size?

36: A line from your favorite book?

37: Any 5 people, living or dead, you would like to have over for dinner?

38: What cliche superpower would you NOT want to have?

39: Do you know how to play chess? Are you any good?

40: Do you like horror films?

41: Can you hula hoop?

42: Can you whistle?

43: Do you like roller coasters?

44: What are a few of your favorite words?

45: What is your favorite fruit?

46: Have you ever won something from a crane machine?

47: Can you start a fire?

48: Do you like documentaries?

49: Who inspires you?

50: What's the most random thing you've ever watched on Netflix?

51: If you could switch bodies with one living person for a day, who would it be?

52: What's your favorite thing to do on a day off?

53: Who is your favorite disney character?

54: Do you have any bizarre talents?

55: If you could force everyone on Earth to listen to one song, what song would it be?

56: Are you a tidy person?

57: What is one of your prized possessions?

58: What is your favorite month?

59: How do you feel about Elvis?

60: If you opened a coffeeshop, what would you name it?

8 years ago
Jenine Shereos Made The Above Leaf Structures By Wrapping, Stitching, And Knotting Together Strands Of
Jenine Shereos Made The Above Leaf Structures By Wrapping, Stitching, And Knotting Together Strands Of
Jenine Shereos Made The Above Leaf Structures By Wrapping, Stitching, And Knotting Together Strands Of
Jenine Shereos Made The Above Leaf Structures By Wrapping, Stitching, And Knotting Together Strands Of

Jenine Shereos made the above leaf structures by wrapping, stitching, and knotting together strands of human hair.