Certified Caine Simp! - Fan of many indie animations and games - Tried to draw but… eh? - She/Her - Alt @Funnie-Bunnie1 - I will bite you
305 posts
Im Nobodys Favorite. Trust Me. I Can Ruin It For You So Quick
I’m nobody’s favorite. Trust me. I can ruin it for you so quick
Void are u my favourite
Or like is it funni bunni or idk I'm confused mentally
it's me I'm your favorite 100% don't even
3dogbones liked this · 11 months ago
gl1tched-r4bb1t reblogged this · 11 months ago
gl1tched-r4bb1t liked this · 11 months ago
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do you wanna know a fun fact about the design of void?
"A Little Sketchy", a tale from...
It was the middle of the night and I was sleeping in my bed, when a crazy job offer was transmitted into my head. I thought that I was dreaming or that maybe I was dread. No, the message was real, and this is what it said:
"We're a little company from far away and we're reaching out because we found your resume. We think we've got an offer that you won't refuse, a special opportunity that you won't wanna lose. So sneak into the woods when you can see each star and don't tell anybody where you are-"
Is this a little sketchy? Or am I just paranoid? Is it so farfetched that we could soon be employed? But it's super duper sketchy...
"Hey, I don't mean to naysay, but the verdict is in, and this is HECKA SKETCHY! No mention of benefits? No mention of pay? No experience required... at least that's what they say!"
"It's clear you have potential, yeah, we aren't dull. Experience is not essential to sell your soul- Oops, what we mean is that jobs like these are very hard to find. All we ask is that you leave the world you know behind. This offer won't last long, we're gonna take off soon, so come down to this place when you can gaze at the moon."
Yeah, this is super sketchy... so why am I overjoyed? Guess we're pretty desperate to be employed.
"Isn't this the moment you've been waiting for? It's chances like these that you can't ignore. So come on, come on, come on, OPEN THE DOOR!"
But it's super duper sketchy... but it could my only shot...
Not sure who sent this, or where it’s from but it is absolutely divine! Very intriguing and I like the way of writing. 
What if I- started being nice..? Like nice nice.. really nice and caring…
I'd kill you.
in all of my artwork of void since I made mafia void (this isn’t exclusive to mafia void)
The reflections in his glasses actually work like pupils, so you can see where he’s looking
That’s neat! I love love LOVE LEARNING CHARACTER LORE! And that’s such a creative way to add expression to your art, especially since he’s restricted to just glasses! Man that’s so cool. I eat up character details!
Is your blog a trans safe place?
Absolutely! I do not allow discrimination of any kind on my blog. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and views, but I want this to be a safe-place for all (excluding pedophilia, incest, etc). Everyone is welcome (except the excluded above.)
If anyone harasses, discriminates, or disrespects others on this blog, I will not hesitate to take action.
You are welcome <3