gl1tched-r4bb1t - Gl1tchedR4bb1t

Certified Caine Simp! - Fan of many indie animations and games - Tried to draw but… eh? - She/Her - Alt @Funnie-Bunnie1 - I will bite you

305 posts

Are Men Stronger Than Women (no)? Here Are 8 Scientific Facts To Put This Debate To Rest

Are men stronger than women (no)? Here are 8 scientific facts to put this debate to rest

You can blame it on the sexism that is deeply rooted in our culture, or, simply the patriarchal mindset that thrives on making women take the backseat–the fact of the matter is that women are often perceived as weaker than men.

But you know what? That’s a completely false perception, which we shall clear right here, right now. Because, contrary to popular belief, women are stronger than men. Oh, and I'm not orchestrating this. There’s enough scientific proof to back this fact:

We are the life-expectancy champions

Our survival skills are just as kickass as our management skills

We can handle pain better

We are also emotionally stronger

And yes, we are mentally stronger too

Needless to say, we’re more intelligent

We know when to seek help and have no qualms about it

We’ve got stronger legs too*

*As per a study published in the journal The Royal Society Publishing, a unit of a fit woman’s muscles can produce the same force as that of a similarly fit man. So, women just have a lower muscle mass, not muscle strength. Considering the fact that we tend to have a heavier lower body, the study also points out that women’s legs may be stronger than that of men. So, unless you want to witness that strength in the form of kick on your rear, stop underestimating the women in life!

Woah…. Ty for the reading homework. Actually this had valid points.

  • glitchyk
    glitchyk liked this · 10 months ago

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HEY, at least they aren’t sexual!


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?? Thank you mysterious anon, but uh.. what is this for?

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