Sup, im Glitch, or Hyenadae. This is my art blog. my other blogs are 1-nexomon-a-day (which is currently ob hiaetus) and pongos adventure
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Do shooting stars go down during sunrise? Now they do
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Ok so i finished extinction (i think?) finally and i have some headcanonz >:33 (Spoilerz for Nexomon Extinction)
Ross needs glasses
Deena actually used to visit Solus at the orphanage alot when they were younger but gradually stopped as time went on (cause 2 powerful tyrants in 1 place is just asking for trouble)
Seleena (N1 mc) WASNT actually forgotten after nexomon 1 and has an entire shrine that people visit often and leave gifts at
The reason why Seleena isnt at her shrine is cause its usually crowded with people
Deena visits Seleena often btw because theyre in looveeee❤️❤️❤️
After the events of persecuor mountain Ross finally gets promoted to a silver tamer
Its only because Solus felt bad for using him as soup (but not that bad)
Finn actually has a crush on Solus but its 1 sided
Nora actually becomes the Admins apprentice and later takes over as the next admin after she retires
Lobo isnt actually his name he just changed it after leaving the guild and started his cult
After the events of the game Coco actually (officially) becomes a translater for Solus since their mute but still work for the guild
Coco and Solus are so close that they become inseparable
The reason why trainers use cores in extinction is because after Omnicrons true defeat every nexomon actually got weaker
Speaking of cores whenever a tyrant uses its elemental power it actually seeps into the ground and makes those shards
Which can then be used to power up your nexomon, making them almost as strong as the ones from the past
after Grunda is revived he just goes back to the orphanage and his siblings are confused as to why because he was only there to look after Solus and he never tells them why but its because he likes taking care of those in need
Deena is the only one who knows this but keeps it a secret (at his request)
These are all the headcanons i can think of rn
Nexomon extinction is wonderful, its a HUGE step up from the first game! I love the mechanics and the story and the gameplay and the humor and-its an amazing game
I love all the characters in the game theyre so fun to me, but honestly the more i really think about them IN CANON everyone is kinda..stale
I love Coco to death but honestly his only thing is being sarcastic and even then hes really only there to be a plot device and say all the things that Solus cant.
Everybody's character only has a few traits. Nora is the smart one, Ross is the dumb one, Ameile is the ambitious one, Vados is the bad guy, Lydia is the badass.
The other renegades? Theyre all one note. Also the Champions dont have any personality either, which sucks because THEYRE ALL AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Speaking of-SOLUS DOESNT HAVE A CHARACTER EITHER!!! Ok you can make the argument that they cAnT be given a personality because its the player character or whatever but i call bullshit, they can still be a playable character AND have a personality its possible i promise!!!
Solus only progresses the plot because everyone says to do so. When Ulrich says to go to the immortal citidel and speak to Eliza to learn more about their past-Solus just does it. When Lydia asks them to become a renegade and take down the guild-Solus just does it! WHEN SOLUS IS TOLD THERES A CULT AFTER THEM THEY JUST-MOVE ON????? HUH??? -_-
And i know that Solus is mute and cant really talk but they could still show their feelings in other ways!!! Maybe we could get told their thoughts, or they can use sign language to communicate? Or we can get told how they feel through the game itself telling us (the only example i can think of is undertale, i dont know how to explain it).
Im off topic but what im trying to say is i love this game so much and i love these characters even more!!! But theyre all 1 note!!!!!!

This is how i imagine their relationship btw

😎 my favorite orphan

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Hope to see you there! Please let me know if you have any questions!