good-luck-enby - 'Fxxk gender roles'-Eret
'Fxxk gender roles'-Eret

Clover~Pansexual ~Nonbinary/Transmasc~He/They~In this house we stan Alexander Rybak~You Don't need gender to be problematic

655 posts

Help I Have Nothing To Do

Help I have nothing to do

  • birayrilishikayesii
    birayrilishikayesii liked this · 6 years ago

More Posts from Good-luck-enby

6 years ago

REBLOG: go to your blog and click the egg to see what hatches

REBLOG: Go To Your Blog And Click The Egg To See What Hatches
6 years ago

Bold what applies to you!


I am male I am female I am neither male or female I am a under the age of 18 I am 18 or older I am straight I am gay or lesbian I am bisexual or pansexual I am trans


I have two or more friends I have one friend I have no friends I have/had a best friend I am close with my friend(s) I spend a lot of time with friends I have a crush on a friend I hate a friend I wish I had fewer friends I wish I had more friends


I am single I am in a relationship I am married I am a virgin I often date I prefer to date extroverted people I prefer to date people who are like me I prefer to date people who are unlike me I take relationships very seriously I have high standards I date people who are overweight I date people who are skinny


I have/had depression I have cried myself to sleep I have/had anxiety I am often lonely I keep a lot of emotions inside I am scared of talking to people I want to talk more to I have an eating disorder I have low self-esteem I often feel I embarrass myself I have been abused I feel people consider me dumb or don’t take me seriously I am quickly jealous I feel people want me to be someone/something I’m not I have been sexually assaulted I have experienced discrimination/racism


I have become a better person I have gotten out of a bad period of time I am confident I am looking forward to something I have enjoyed myself over the past week I have met a famous person I consider myself a kindhearted person I am currently feeling relaxed and comfortable I appreciate the little things in life I have nobody in my life whom I hate I have achieved something large this year I am part of a religion that brings me peace I have lost a lot of weight I have a movie/game/song which cheers me up


…get scared from watching horror movies …play a sport …read a lot of books …have allergies …feel shy around the opposite gender …am a feminist …believe in love at first sight …own an instrument …can draw …am listening to music right now …value romance and friendship equally …have sneaked out of the house …am outgoing …respect people’s comfort zones and personal space …am deaf …spend money on a daily basis …want to write a book …can ride a horse …am asexual …put my hands over my face when I’m flattered …like the colors pink and yellow …own an xbox …shop at least once a week …have a drivers license …drink alcoholic beverages …would like a friend of the opposite gender …get scared by unsettling imagery and screamers …eat fast food at least twice a week

Likes and Dislikes

I like parties I dislike parties I like perfume I dislike perfume I like “so bad it’s good” movies I dislike “so bad it’s good movies” I like playing video games I dislike playing video games I like chocolate I dislike chocolate I like having a busy schedule I dislike having a busy schedule I like laughing at my own jokes I dislike laughing at my own jokes I like compliments I dislike compliments I like heavy metal music I dislike heavy metal music I like snow I dislike snow I like taking walks with someone I dislike taking walks with someone I like people who aren’t very talkative I dislike people who aren’t very talkative

6 years ago

Let's goooo

bi asks!

violet: what has your experience been like being bi?

lavender: when did you realise you were bi?

lilac: who or what made you realise you were bi?

indigo: are you out?

plum: any coming out stories you'd like to share?

mauve: do you have a preference for any gender or are you evenly attracted to all of them?

orchid: are you attracted to different genders in different ways? if so, how?

periwinkle: is there a specific type of person you look for?

iris: any cute crush stories you'd like to share?

cobalt: (this can be any question about my attraction to boys)

rose: (this can be any question about my attraction to girls)

grape: (this can be any question about my attraction to nb people)

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