goopcatz - Hedgecat getting an education
Hedgecat getting an education

Nico D AKA Hedgehog | 20 years old | upcoming comic artist | he/him | 🇦🇷🏳️‍⚧️

241 posts

Also, I Think Mob's Favorite Songs Are Probably Like

also, i think mob's favorite songs are probably like

we built this city and drop pop candy

he has no idea what we built this city says he just likes the tune

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More Posts from Goopcatz

5 months ago

So I’m sure someone has probably pointed out this stuff before, but Mob Psycho 100 has big autism energy and here’s why.

- Going 100 is literally the perfect metaphor for sensory overload that I’ve seen in a piece of media. Mob doesn’t start out at 100, and he doesn’t just explode for no reason. It’s always his environment that triggers his emotions, little discomforts and eventually big problems slowly building up to 100%. The same is true with meltdowns.

- A central theme of the show is about purpose. Mob is socially awkward, takes things literally, and has trouble communicating (which btw are all autistic experiences) but he has these amazing powers. But Mob isn’t better for being powerful, and the series reveals him to be kind, friendly and empathetic. He doesn’t need his powers to be a good person. A lot of autistic people are expected to be savants to be respected, to be powerful in their mental abilities but then demeaned for their disability. Mob’s journey of learning he deserves respect regardless of powers or weaknesses is something that a lot of autistic people can relate to.

- And then there’s Reigen. Reigen is a good guy, and genuinely cares about Mob. But he’s also pretty selfish, and although he protects Shigeo he also uses his powers for his own gain and to cover up his lies. In episode 6 when he says that stuff about Mob not having friends, I felt that. I’ve had adults tell me that I was intelligent and a genius but then in the same breath get mad at me for not understanding “basic tasks” and “acting special ed.” Adults in our life genuinely loving us but then refusing to understand and accept our disability when it’s not something they can praise is a reality for autistic kids. 

 -  In the first season, the idea of being a “chosen one” is deconstructed. Although autistic people obviously aren’t chosen ones, we autistics can relate to feeling set apart or labeled special against our will. Shigeo’s brother Ritsu wants to have powers and be “special” like Mob, but finds that having psychic powers makes the world a lot more dangerous to live in. I’ve met a lot of people who wish they had my memory or my synesthesia , and other well meaning neurotypical people who say we’re good because we’re different. But sometimes, it’s okay to aknowledge that being different can be hard and isn’t so simple as being “special.”

- The idea of “your life is your own.” Everyone wants to hear stories about autistic people as long as they’re not written by autistic people themselves . Everyone from parents to corporate organizations want to share their account of our disability but then say we’re glorifying our own condition whenever we say so much as “I like my life.” Similarly , Mob is always being pressured to help Reigen, or Claw, or hell, even the Telepathy Club. But he doesn’t exist, nor do his powers, just to make other people’s lives easier at his expense. At the end of the day he decides who he becomes. Autism parents, fake allies and inspiration porn don’t get to decide how our lives are, either. 

So to all my fellow autistic people out there, remember.

your life is your own.

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5 months ago

bunch of my stupid mp100 hcs:

mob awakened at like, 7 months in-utero

his mom carries the psychic gene, from who? i dunno

after ritsu awakened, the kageyama parents also tried to see if they could move things with their minds, they couldn't but they had a great time

reigen had a crush on both kageyama parents at some point

it was difficult to make little shigeo cry as a baby and it scared the hell out of kagemama, when shigeo turned 4 it was like a switch was flipped and he cried a LOT

Shigeo's first words were around when he was 4, ritsu used to speak for him for a while tho, it wasn't very understandable either way

Shigeo's bookcase is not from him being a good reader but he keeps getting books from people, he never reads them and feels guilty about it

ritsu is hyperlexic

one of reigen's early exorcism works was more qualified as a fist fight

one of reigen's first jobs was as a volunteer for an animal shelter

reigen sometimes thinks he is qualified to help the kids with math bc he had achievements for math awards through his whole education, but the moment he stopped actively doing math he forgot the math

ritsu believed in santa til he was 15

suzuki doesnt know mob's name, he has been told multiple times

reigen's favorite color is "the purple the onions are"

sometimes hanazawa just takes the bus and goes the whole way and back the bus goes, thats his boredom cure

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5 months ago

i love you world domination arc no one could ever make me hate you

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5 months ago

there should be a name for the phenomenon in which you arent affected by your parents hating each other but affected by the fact they love each other a lot they just dont like you

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