Sketch Of A Vintage Balenciaga Dress From A A Book On My City's Library.

Sketch of a vintage Balenciaga dress from a a book on my city's library.
baby-engels liked this · 11 months ago
wekser liked this · 11 months ago
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a palestinian in gaza still needs your help 🍉

bashar is someone i’ve been posting about for many months now. a while ago, he had reached his initial GFM goal of 60k AUD. it was only then that he was informed of the conversion rate to USD, and that he would need nearly double the amount of money to afford supporting himself and his family.
it was incredibly heart breaking to go from the finish line to being set back again to 50%.

currently, he is a little over 70% of the way to his goal. any and all support counts. i give my full permission, and encouragement, to repost my artwork to any platform alongside his GFM link in hopes to help spread the message. thank you always for reading and helping!

I’ve seen this GFM be endorsed by multiple Palestinians on Instagram - it is to help two craftspeople and their families to escape Gaza into Egypt. They had initially denied requests from people to offer money as it felt useless in the situation, but two are now looking to evacuate. Preserving traditional Palestinian crafts in the face of genocide is vital, but I’ll let the description of the fundraiser explain better than I could.

Duck Amuck | Director: Chuck Jones | Studio: Warner Bros. | USA, 1953
i just realized with 2022 i should update my pinned post, so!! as a lot of my followers know i’m unemployed and getting a job that lasts has been extremely hard, even harder now in covid times, i do little things here and there but it’s not enough obviously. thanks to that and the donations i get on this blog, i manage to scrap by every month. what i usually need money for are basic necessities, food, medicine, paying bills, stuff like that. i have a bunch of debts but that’s normal i guess. my mom is diabetic so her medicine is expensive. and my dog has like a million issues because poodles are kinda like that, they get sick a lot, so she visits the vet a lot and every visit is extra money to spend, she also has a heart condition and some other stuff that she gets medicine for that she takes every morning, so that’s expensive as well. sometimes stuff breaks and i need money to get it fixed or replaced, for example i use a nebulizer sometimes and it broke last month, had to take it to get fixed, then i did something stupid and accidentally spilled water on my laptop, three quarters of the keys on my keyboard don’t work anymore and getting that fixed would be very expensive too, i’d love to do that but i can’t, thankfully i managed to buy a cheap usb keyboard meanwhile to be able to continue using it. then inflation, prices rising, blah blah… it’s all a nightmare.
anyway, point is i obviously need money for a lot of things in life, we all do, and i don’t have a stable source of income, which is why i add the ko-fi link to all my posts. and that’s also why i get mad when i find out that people remove it, please don’t do that. if donating money is not possible to you as someone who’s struggling i understand, you don’t need to message me to apologize that you can’t give me money, trust me i get it. but if you can, every donation is helpful. especially when some months i need to spend more than others, or when after i pay everything i have to pay my bank account is on zero so i don’t know how i’m going to manage to get enough money in a month to at least pay for half of the things i need to pay for. any amount of money helps, basically.
i have my kofi account that i link in every post i make here: and my redbubble account: if you’d want to buy (or request) something instead. that’s all. thanks for loving this blog! 💖