Digital Artist who's just showcasing his stuff to the world. My Art
382 posts
Skeledirge And Its Fellow Bird Buddy

Skeledirge and its fellow bird buddy
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was in the mood to draw Terriermon
This meme is a MURDER ATTEMPT.

I am absolutely fucking serious. The original meme, without the big red denial, is someone's attempt to fucking kill people.
There is NO SAFE DOSAGE of pennyroyal oil. Even Mother Earth News says there's no reason to use pennyroyal essential oil for ANYTHING, even topically or as a fragrance, for fuckssake! That should give you some idea about how dangerous it is!
Pennyroyal tea, plant matter in hot water, is a traditional abortifacient. It is *incredibly* dangerous, induces abortion by bringing the body close to organ failure (and frequently pushing the system right over the edge, because dosage is impossible to meter), but I would drink a gallon of it before I took a half-teaspoon of pennyroyal essential oil.
Two teaspoons, taken across 48 hours, has successfully killed someone.
Three teaspoons taken as a single dosage killed the consumer within THREE HOURS.
The person who made this meme is PURPOSEFULLY, ACTIVELY, trying to get desperate people killed!

Flutter Mane aka Paradox Misdreavus is neat. (really wish they gave the paradox pokemon better names tbh)