grapebritain - Grape Britain
Grape Britain

โ˜†18/๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡งโ˜† Artist doing art things. We do a bit of sillying. mayhaps just a bit of goofying here

218 posts

I Freaking Love Fnaf So Much Oh My Word.

I freaking love fnaf so much oh my word.

I have a pure fixation on William to be honest, and that couldn't he more obvious last night. While doing my work , I like to listen to something and I found a video of this guy analysing Williams canonical voicelines in great detail.

I got so happy and excited I literally started shaking ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

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More Posts from Grapebritain

10 months ago


they really just made willry into a song like. that went right into my playlist.

(also the song is pretty suggestive) (just mentioning in case)


I had not but i just listened to it on yt and UR SO RIGHT EEEEEK . Also that is SUCH A BOP as well , the fact one video is rabbit theme as well . Perfection

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11 months ago

I made this for the lols on my phone half asleep. Bit of a shitpost.

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10 months ago

i 100 percent agree with you , as much as i do love my toxic silly old men , with family drama.

I think i might know why, at least in my experience, people in the fandom seem to have less wacky aus.

I usually rp a ton of wacky aus privately , and decided to throw out publicly just a silly idea of William , instead of possessing a full on rabbit suit, possessing an ACTUAL tiny , normal rabbit. It was something really dumb where you'd have mike running after a small ratty zombie bun instead. I had a couple ideas for the reasoning, but at first it was just sum dumb off the top of my head idea. Nothing too out there.

Well , i posted art of it to a sever, and at first ppl were really sweet, i got fanart and ppl talking about ideas for this au. It was very fun.... that is till it had to be soured by someone else there.

I had a guy (no shade to him btw, he seemed chill outside of this ), start to quiz me on it, but in a "is it lore accurate " way. i explained to him several times the intent wasn't for it to be a serious, lore accurate take on the story , more just something silly and funny for the lols, but he didn't seem to take no for an answer, mentioning how it wouldn't be accurate and wouldn't be possible in the fnaf universe.

This kind of annoyed me and also caused everyone else to also seemingly got annoyed as everyone stopped talking about it and it wasn't really brought up again once he started.

Because of this experience, and looking at the fandom as a whole, i really do think it's due to the obsession of things HAVING to be lore accurate for the most part and a bit of the whole ' cringe' culture stuff. I do think the fnaf fandom has started to get slightly toxic with it all and in general tbh, which hasn't helped either.

People antagonizing new fnaf fans , anything that differs from the norm being called cringe etc.... I've even see people been told they can't make the animatronics into anthro furry type characters because thats weird or something?

I don't even know. I just think some (keyword some) fnaf fans sadly sour everything for everyone else, and while i don't mind if ppl want the lore and their own aus a certain way, i think forcing other people to comply to that, is stomping on a lot of the creativity the fandom could get.

FNaF AU's are starting to get same-y.

I feel like after FNaF SL and 6 many Five nights at Freddy's fans have been sticking to the same general story beats. Not wanting to deviate form the preexisting narrative that has already been provide to us by Scott. Only gingerly touching the concepts that the books had to offer. And I'm left wondering: Why? Why are we as fandom refusing to get weird with our AU's now? Like, do things that don't at all align with the timeline whatsoever.

Do weird crossovers, hell have The Afton kids be virtual assistants that become sentient and wish to escape the confines of their limited reality using animatronic bodies and illusion discs. Have Cassidy or Evan be a menace. Have Evan express literally any other emotion other than ๐Ÿ˜ข.

Just anything that isn't :The entire FNaF timeline, but in my art style!: Get crazy with it, get messy with it. It's your AU, you should use elements of the five nights story yes! But at the end of the day it should still have your mark.

I'm not trying to rag on anyone's AU with this, or say you can't follow the lore if you want to. I just miss when this fandom used to take the concept of haunted robots to weird and wacky places.

Places that absolutely no one would expect fnaf to go. Then William and Henry got their names dropped, and suddenly every au became Toxic old man yaoi with family drama on the side.

Again, don't take this the wrong way, I'm just venting.

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10 months ago

what specific flavor of willry is your favorite? as in dynamic? me personally i love the "william is bonkers and henry is unhealthily into it to the point of ignoring his crimes and maybe even helping cover them up"

bonnie and clyde basically


MV of them are my fav dynamic of them , which is very similar to ur fav with a slight difference.

Henry loves Will an awful lot despite not wanting to due to how bad the treatment was for queer ppl to be around in the 60s too 80s. He knows something is up with William as the years go on , and Will spirals deeper into a state on insanity, but more wants to be there for him and look after him in this time. He still loves him very much, and in return , Will does become rather obsessive over him too. Their relationship is pretty intense for a while, that is until Henry finds out about the murders Wills committed and is DEVISTATED.

Will obviously tries to justify himself when Henry finds out but, He doesn't take any of it at all , and is so upset and mad with him he might actually kill him just from pure heartbreak of the one guy he trusted and cared for so dearly, just taking advantage of him by killing his daughter in cold blooded murder.

Despite being shattered by what Will has done, he hates that some part of him still loves and cares about him , yet can't seem to fully shut it off. No matter how much he tries, he's can't ever bring himself to hate him entirely despite his horrific actions.

If you want i can talk for years about mv versions of them bc i love them so much, i might just explode.

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11 months ago
"Guys, Its Stright To Have Gay Thoughts Right???? RIGHT????"-William Probably
"Guys, Its Stright To Have Gay Thoughts Right???? RIGHT????"-William Probably

"Guys, its stright to have gay thoughts right???? RIGHT????"-William probably

I love making him so a homophobic queer who doesn't know what bisexuality is so will unironically thinks it's the norm for a stright guy to think about other men romantically

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