Beta Test. I've been toying with the idea of improving my writing by reblogging porn and writing commentary on it. I will be updating as I go along. For now you shall have to deal with the dinosaur pic and a basic layout until I figue out how to get/make better ones. We'll see how it goes.
26 posts
This Cop'll Tear Your Hole Up; Male Of Female.

This cop'll tear your hole up; male of female.
muskelwolf liked this · 2 years ago
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latinotopadventures liked this · 6 years ago
More Posts from Greenjoseph

Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over over all the creatures that move along the ground.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created them.
God blessed them and said to them,“Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over every living creature that moves on the ground.
And with this mandate man stepped out of the waters and took what is rightfully his; ruling over every fag that is lucky enough to be dominated by him; filling them with the seed of life; and using them as he sees fit.
And with that, every fag that lives and serves a man fulfills his intended role.

He lifted his shirt, and snapped a picture of his muscled and well defined body to send to his girlfriend. He wasn't alone in that room and he knew full well that the faggot in the corner was watching him do it in a way only a faggot would. How could something that resembled a man be such a pussy; he would never understand. Disgusted, he marched over to the faggot and condescendingly said, "I look good don't I?" Realizing he'd been caught, the faggot froze. Grabbing him in a choke, the faggot was asked again,"You've been asked a question by a superior man faggot; I look good don't I?" Frightened, the faggot softly answered "Yes." The man slapped him in the face, "Yes, what?" Without thought the faggot quickly self corrected, and in a louder manner this time he responded, "Yes sir." Satisfied, the man put the faggot down and shoved him away; he had just added another whore to the collection.