gremlin-writes-angst - Earths Candy
Earths Candy

372 posts

You Asked For Ideas And I Have A Suggestion, A Pet That Normally Doesnt Like Other People But They Almost

You asked for ideas and I have a suggestion, a pet that normally doesn’t like other people but they almost immediately adore your Blooming Panic SO. Going up to them, letting them pet them, etc

I loved doing this, got a little carried away.

theirs a small part that mentions of past animal abuse, neglect, and dog fights. I used red words to indicate where it begins and ends. It's nothing graphic but I don't want to trigger anyone. let me know if I miss any triggers, spelling, or grammatical errors.

Gender-neutral reader/mc

Enjoy!! I also added a reference at the end for what I think the pets look like!!

You Asked For Ideas And I Have A Suggestion, A Pet That Normally Doesnt Like Other People But They Almost

After graduating and getting a job Nightowl decided he need more space

He had multiple reasons to move, he was pretty far from his new job, he'd wanted a pet companion since he was little and his current apartment did not allow it. And he realized that he wanted to live with you, and his small college apartment was not fit for two people.

He thought it be perfect, you had quit your job and was visiting Nightowl almost all summer, and of his knowledge, there was no reason for you to go back when you could get a job here and live with him.

But he wanted to get settled in before freaking you out, so getting a pet came first

He did a lot of research to find a puppy but it was a lot harder than he thought until he got a message from an old classmate, a photo of a litter of labs, Nightowl didn't even wait a second before asking if they were for sale, lucky they were and Nightowl got a chocolate lab puppy which he fittingly named Coco.

You had been to Nightowl's old apartment before, you'd even been in his new one to help pack but recently he was afraid to invite you over and it started to make you wonder.

“How's is the unpacking going?”

“Oh, it's going great! Always better with your help!”

He tries to sweet-talk you before he recalls something.

“It's mostly Coco. Whenever I do something he starts chewing it up and throwing things left and right. He doesn't seem to like the change of new things. And I know I should be a little mad but, he's just so cute. I took a photo when he got into my socks.”

Nightowl pulls out his phone to show you the adorable photo of his new chocolate lab. You'd seen the puppy before but only on calls.

“No, I totally get it, how could someone get mad at that face.”

“Thank you for agreeing, I was starting to worry I wasn't being a strict enough dad.”

You use your fingers to zoom in on Coco’s face.

“I can't wait to see this face in person, a little mad it hasn't happened yet.”

You joke as Nightowl pockets his phone.

“Yeah…about that, he doesn't like people. It's not like an aggressive thing but when I bring anyone over, he stays in a corner and glares and if anyone other than me gets within 5 feet of him he growls.”

Nightowl pauses looking at you to see if you had anything to say, he knows that he talks a lot and often forgets to let others speak. When he realizes you are content with just listening he continues.

“I would love it if the two of you met but I don't want to scare him anymore and I don't want to disappoint you.”

“Look at you, all papa mode.”

You joke before taking his hand and changing your tone, you could tell Nightowl was genuinely concerned.

“And I'd love to meet him if you're ok with that, but if it makes you feel better I promise I'll back off as soon as Coco becomes distressed. And even though I think it obvious, you won't disappoint me.”


Nightowl gives in.

“What?! Really!? When!? I mean it doesn't have to be now but I did leave stuff in your apartment before I left…”

Nightowl agreed, so after your short coffee date, the two of you walked back to his apartment. When he gets to his door he pauses.

“Just, don't get too excited, cause I don't want to disp-

“It'll be fine babe.”

You kiss his cheek and rest your hand on his, the two of you open the door together. You immediately started to search the area for Coco. Nightowl realizes this and laughs.

“Sorry, um I knew you were coming back for your stuff so I made sure Coco was in a different room, just in case.”

That's when you hear scratching, you turn your head to the Nightowl's room, you can see the shadow of tiny paws under the door, then two when the scratching continence, must be Coco or a ghost, you were hoping it was Coco.

“He must have to go outside, we were gone a little longer than I planned

Nightowl opens the door, leaning down to catch his pup when he runs up to him, but he doesn't. Coco bolts straight to you as the Nightowl fumbles to stop him, only a little afraid Coco will bite you. But instead, the chocolate lab tries to climb you, not getting any higher than a foot. You lean down to pick up the puppy.

“This ok?”

You ask, not wanting to disrespect the Nightowl or Coco. Night owl nods and smiles as getting closer to you. You finish picking up the little dog and holding it near your chest. The puppy is trying relentlessly to lick your face.

“I guess I had nothing to worry about.”

“Duh, of course, all dogs love me, I'm just so special.”

You joke

“You are.”

Nightowl responds, totally serious before leaning in to kiss you, pulling away when Coco barks. Nightowl doesn't tell you this until you've agreed to move in with him, but he was so relieved that Coco liked you because if Coco didn't like you it would ruin his whole plan to ask you to move in. Nightowl takes a quick photo of his two cuties and changes it as his phone’s background.

You Asked For Ideas And I Have A Suggestion, A Pet That Normally Doesnt Like Other People But They Almost

Quest has a pitbull

Cause I said so

But seriously he does and here's why

Both are big, loyal, adorable, and often misjudged on looks …and my favorite

It wasn't really a decision Quest made or planned, he had been apartment searching for a while, not many people wanted to house someone with a record but he had his hopes up about his most recent one. Over the few weeks of applying, viewing, and being interviewed for one apartment Quest I realized something. It was a lot more space than he'd ever had to himself, he knew that it would be hard. He knew the size and silence would bother him, make it hard for him to heal. He was even considering pulling out, looking for somewhere smaller. He walked to the apartment building as the rain poured, he decided to move on to try and find a new one and had to let the owner know. As he walked, his hair and clothes soaked and dripping, he saw her. He had seen her before, she was always in the alley between a coffee shop and an antique store, she often had a small cup of water, he'd assumed one of the coffee shops was responsible for the water, given the logo. Most times Quest would just walk by, ignoring the dog, he knew he wouldn't be able to leave the poor thing if he looked her in the eyes. He always wanted a dog, but everywhere he lived didn't allow them. The first time he saw her he had to tell himself

Someone else will help it. You can't care for it now. The homeless shelter doesn't even allow dogs.

But today he stopped. He squatted down, held out his hand out to the dog, and waited. He stayed in this position for at least 5 minutes, he watched through dripping bangs as the dog slowly approached him. He smiled when the dog sniffed his hand, he stayed still as the dog lowered its head. Quest cautiously turned his hand and rested it on her head, waiting before petting her. As she got closer and closer, as he continued to pet her he dreamed. He dreamed about the apartment building 2 blocks down, what a life would be like there with this sweetheart, the space wouldn't be just his but theirs.

Trigger warning:Covered in wet dog hair, Quest went into both stores, asking about the dog. He learned that she was originally for sale, but after the buyer got no calls he left her here, she was covered in bite marks and gashes, pretty obviously abused, and most likely forced into dog fights.(End of tw) The coffee shop explained that no one there could take her in, nor the antique shop, but they tried their best to feed her. When Quest heard about her past he couldn't help but feel like he was meant to help the dog, so he left his number with both shops, explaining that he was getting an apartment soon and he'd love to take her in. Luckily the apartments allowed dogs, including “aggressive “ breeds, and he was able to take her in, naming her Rain. The coffee shop loves her and Quest, they often give Quest coffee in the house along with a pup cup.

Sorry I got carried away, now for you meeting her.

Quest hadn't told you about rain, he was slightly afraid you would judge her past and breed, even if he knew that wasn't you. He thought it was fine until you bought a ticket to visit him. He tried to tell you but it never felt like the right time, and now the two of you are outside his apartment building. You were super excited to get inside and rest, walking ahead of Quest as he tried to talk to you.

“So, I've been trying to tell you something-”

He was interrupted by one of his neighbors.

“Afternoon Quest, how are you?”

“Im great Ms. Opal I-”

He's cut off again when the older lady sees you.

“Oh, and who is this? Oh is this the person you're always texting? And they're finally here, how cute.”


Quest blushes lightly.

“Um, their here for the week so you'll have time to chat if you'd like but n-”

Once again the lady interrupts him.

“How fantastic. Oh but what about rain, poor things, always running away from people. Will she be fine?”


You question, you never heard Quest speak of a Rain.

“His sweet dog, she's so sweet when she gets to know you but that takes months, she's almost as shy as her dad, not wanting to open up to new people.”

Quest tried to talk but before even getting a word out he was cut off.

“Oh my, I'm gonna miss the birds! See you love bird later!”

The lady leaves in a rush out the door laughing at her joke. You turn to quest, his head bowed in shame.

“You have a dog?”

“Yeah… I was trying to tell you but, it's hard to get the words out, especially with Ms.Opal.”

You laugh a little.

“Other than the constant interrupting, why was it hard? It's a dog, it's not like you have another partner.”

“I know but, I just don't like the words, I think it stupid when I have to tell people and they respond in horror or worry for my safety. Or worse they think we belong together because-”

He pauses not wanting to say the words, you rub his back, letting him know you're here and listening.

“We’re both aggressive.”

His voice is low. You roll your eyes, annoyed that quiet is treated that way.

“Sounds like a bunch of idiots. Ms.Opal seems to think your dog is sweet, and she's met the dog so listen to her, not the people who assume things based on breed.”

Quest feels a little stupid thinking you'd judge his dog, feeling a lot better after hearing you say that. He's now fueled with excitement for you to meet rain. The two of you hurry up the stairs to his apartment. He tells you more about her.

“She's a pit bull, that where most people get the idea she's aggressive, but she really is the sweetest thing I've met.”

“Even sweeter than me?”

“Way sweeter!”

The two of you laugh as you arrive at his door, his excitement dialed down just slightly.

“Ms.Opal wasn't lying though, it takes a lot of time for her to be comfortable around new people, she’s … people weren't the best to her.”

Quest decided he'd tell you more later, not wanting to ruin this moment. He opens the door, putting a finger against his lips. You stayed quiet as you entered the apartment. Quest calls for the dog and whistles, you then hear the slow pitter-patter of the dog's feet. You watch as the dog rounds the corner, her body wiggling with her tail as she gets closer to the quest. She leans her body against his legs as he pets her, you watch as Quest smiles and praises the dog. You watch as the dog freezes for a second when it sees you, you let your hand hang near her face, not too close but if she wanted to she had access to smell you. She stopped wiggling and sniffed your hand, after a few seconds she started wiggling again, moving from Quest to you, putting her body against you as you pet her. You hear as Quest lets out a relieved sigh than a laugh.

“This is insane, that's the fastest she's ever warmed up to someone, even me.”

He laughs even more incredibly relieved that he wouldn't have to separate you from her for the week.

Later that night Quest tells you more about rain, her past, how he got her, why he named her that, the coffee shop. You make him promise that he'll take you and rain to the coffee shop in the morning, he feels at peace knowing the two most important souls in his life get along.

You Asked For Ideas And I Have A Suggestion, A Pet That Normally Doesnt Like Other People But They Almost

Nakedtoaster likes to support local businesses including a nearby cat cafe.

It was one of his favorite places outside of his own home, he also thought that it was a great business.

The owners were always kind and almost always working as hard as the employees, they hired people who struggled to get jobs previously, whether because of a disability,discrimination, or if they have a criminal record. The cats and kittens were up for adoption and raged ages along with backgrounds.

They mainly loved this place because no matter how packed it got it was always a calming atmosphere.

Though he was never a cat person, he enjoyed watching the kittens chase each other. The older the cats slept, the more he started to understand people who liked cats. This was his downfall.

He started to frequent the cafe, and one kitten started to frequent his lap. Every time he sat down at the cafe a kitten would jump up and sleep in their laps.

After weeks of this they started to feel bad that the kitten wasn't adopted, he had seen way, he was prone to biting and scratching the other quest, but the kitten never scratched him so they took it upon themselves to adopt the kitten, it was so calming to him anyways.


Toasty soon realized the kitten was a rascal, running, jumping everywhere, knocking down one thing after the other. And though he found it annoying he loved the little thing.

You knocked on the door, looked down at your phone trying to make sure it was the right apartment. You heard fumbling and someone whispered a string of curse words. That's when you knew you had the right door. You waited patiently for Toasty to open the door, when he did it was only a sliver. You could tell they were frantic and unprepared, his hand playing with his hair as he looked behind the door.

“Are you gonna let your partner in?”

You teased smiling as he fumbles and blushes.

“Oh yeah sorry.”

He opens the door wider for you, you follow their eyes to one of the rooms, a closed door. He quickly closes the door.

“Welcome… sorry I haven't had time to clean up.”

“That's okay… so… can I see the kitten?”

“Wow is that all you came here for?”


Your tone was serious but Toasty could tell it was a joke, making him laugh.

“Oh, I see how it is. “

They stayed quiet, looking back at the door again before speaking again.

“I don't think that's a great idea, he's kind of violent, not bad but you're also the first person he's met since I got him. “

“You don't think I can take a little scratch?”

You ask him, hoping to raise the likelihood you'll get to see the kitten. Success.

“Ok, but I warned you.”

He turns around ready to go open the door that his kitten is kept in, only to see the door open. Toasty rushes over to the room and searches it for the little cat.

“Uggg, be careful, he's probably out there, plotting his next move”

“You make him sound like a video game boss.”

“Everything in my life is a video game boss.”

When Toaster emerges from the room they see you holding their little boy.

“You exaggerated, he's so calm. I don't know what you were worried about.”

You tell him as you pet the kitten in your arms. Toasty moves closer to you as they accuse that kitten.

“You little, you're trying to deceive them, I know your true colors.”

They started laughing, knowing they just said something silly, they also blush. When he finishes laughing he stands up, moving to pet the cat, only to be hissed at. Shocked, Toasty looks at you.

“Did he just hiss at me? Oh, he must like you.”

He directs his attention to the kitten.

“Trying to steal my sweetheart? I know they are special but they're mine.”

Toaster is back to accusing the kitten again.

“What did you call him?”

That's when Toaster realizes he let the name slip. As soon as he got the kitten he named it oven, thinking it was fitting based on his fur and they thought it was funny Toaster and oven. But when the server asked the kitten's name, the Toaster decided it best to tell no one, knowing that all would tease him.


They lie.

“No! You called him oven! You named him oven! That's so cute!”

You start laughing at the matching names.

“Yeah yeah, it's a good name ok. He has the colors of an oven and I go by a Toaster so it's… it's a good name”

“I totally agree, I bet the server will too.”

You set Oven down as you reach for your phone as Toaster tries to stop you.

You Asked For Ideas And I Have A Suggestion, A Pet That Normally Doesnt Like Other People But They Almost

I mean it's Cat, not much backstory is needed.

I do think Cat isn't big on new people.

Cat has social anxiety.

Mostly based on my own cat but because they're scared of people Cat hides really well when people are around.

Like Xyx cant even find them, and it's his house.

You arrive at Xyx’s house. Still, a little rattled from the ride on Xyx motorcycle, even if it wasn't your first time on a bike, it was the first time you rode with Xyx and boy was he reckless, but as he told you.

“I’ll be careful, need to be when I got this special cargo.”

It made you laugh at the time but know you wished you would have seriously told him to be careful.

You made your way inside, taking a seat on the couch, as you were told.

“So where's Cat?”

“Hell if I know, that little troll is probably in the walls”

Xyx moves around his kitchen to get you a drink as he continues, his voice softens a tone

“Cats aren't the biggest human fan, I mean I'm not either, but that little thing can't stand us. They always hide if anyone other than me enters this house.”

You listen as you spot a fluffy tail movie behind the chair next to the couch. Not wanting to make the cat uncomfortable, you don't do anything other than watch, you watch as the cat gets closer to you, you watch as its hind legs bend and jump right into your lap. You snicker under your breath as you respond.

“You sure about that?”

“I’d bet my bike on it.”

Xyx makes his way into the living room with a glass for you, not yet seeing the fluffy creature in your lap. He leans over the couch to hand you your drink.


He freezes upon seeing Cat in your lap

“Your bike? I guess I wouldn't mind a souvenir.”

You laugh as Xyx rushes over to examine Cat, making sure it's not a hologram or something. He's genuinely surprised Cat is in your lap.

“They really just cost me my damn bike. First my house now my bike, it really is a troll.”

Xyx move to sit next to you on the couch before leaning into your ear

“I don't blame it, I'd jump straight to your lap too.”

You Asked For Ideas And I Have A Suggestion, A Pet That Normally Doesnt Like Other People But They Almost
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More Posts from Gremlin-writes-angst

3 years ago

So, India is dying.

Look, I know a good number of you are from the US and things aren't amazing there either, but my country is literally on the brink of collapse. So I'd love it if we could talk about that for a minute.

If you can't do anything else, please just read and reblog.

A second COVID wave has taken out the healthcare system. There are no more hospital beds. There's an oxygen shortage. There's a critical vaccine shortage. The Central Government has thrown its hands up and is passing the baton to the State Governments to do what they can.

There are over 16 million covid cases. A record 330,000 new cases reported yesterday - comparable to the US at its peak. 187,000 dead as of today.

There is no plan.

Mass cremations are taking place. The cremation grounds are running day and night and they are short on wood. People are watching their loved ones die while waiting for a hospital bed, and then they're unable to give them the proper burial rights.

So, India Is Dying.

Hospitals are overwhelmed. Patients are being confined, two to a bed. They're the lucky ones.

So, India Is Dying.

We are on the verge of people dying in the streets.

This is the second-most populous country in the world. The largest democracy. A country that encapsulates over 15,000 years of recorded human history and has endured everything from famine to invasion to colonisation.

We might be at the end. This might be the thing that does us in.

People are dying.

So, India Is Dying.

People are dying.

So, India Is Dying.

People are dying and there is no plan.

So, India Is Dying.

More good news? Variants are popping up. A double mutation strain has shown up. It is resistant to current vaccines. This will not go away. This is the devastation they warned of when the anti-maskers were out protesting the minor inconvenience of covering their face in public.

My country is on the verge of an emergency state. Our government has failed us. This is as dire a situation as it ever could be.

Look. I don't do much with my life. I write fics, some of you have read them and that's pretty much it. I spend my days with my head in the clouds because that's where I like to be.

But two days ago, my grandmother tested positive, had to be taken to hospital and the ambulance caught fire.

She barely made it to the urgent care she needs.

So, here I am, using whatever meager platform I have to cobble this request together. Because I have to do something.

If you can, donate.

Or spread the word.

Help. Please.

3 years ago


I hate rsd

I feel like a failure 24/7 and then I try to find comfort but then the comfort make me feel worse because a single word was a little negative and now I feel worse

And then I come up with the brilliant idea to tell people that I have red and that they be careful with their words

But then I feel selfish and guilty , and think rhat it would be better if these people never even talked to me because then they wouldn't have to walk around egg shells

I wish I was normal

3 years ago

Heyoo! For some BP LI ideas how about: you and the BP LIs trying a class on a sport/skill and how that would work out and which class would it be? Or maybe how did you guys cope while you two were on long-distance (did you guys send each other packages? Letters? Mainly calls? Etc?)

I hope you have a good day!

I'm going to post a separate post with how I think the LI's handle long-distance but for now, have this.

The BP LI's taking classes with you.

(it's a little ooc for most of them but I had fun so I don't care that much.)

Heyoo! For Some BP LI Ideas How About: You And The BP LIs Trying A Class On A Sport/skill And How That

Sewing lessons

I don't have a story for how or why this happens but the two of you take a sewing class

It is obvious (to me) that Nightowl is a creative guy, along with fashionable.

So I wouldn't be surprised if one day he had the urge to learn how to alter his own clothes.

So he found a class that teaches sewing, embroidery, stitching, and all that stuff, and he invited you, cause he has dependency problems so much love for you.

You had to admit, Nightowl was doing a lot better than you. You weren't doing badly but, you were behind him, which isn't saying much, he was ahead of the rest of the class too but it made you want to know what he was doing. You were currently working on making two shirts, one, your boyfriend was working on a secret project, he wouldn't even tell you what he was working on, no matter how much you begged. You tried to figure out what he was doing, but your attention was drawn to the strange noise the sewing machine was making. You looked at it and saw how some of the fabric got bunched and sewed together, unintended. You let out a groan of frustration, grabbing Nightowl’s attention.

“Cutie, you can't look away!”

He was sure to use a caring voice.

“I'm relieved this is all that happened, you could have stitched your hand.”


“It's okay, I'll help fix it!”

He says softly, kissing your cheek as he moves close to the machine. As he fixes the shirt you lean back on, trying to take a better look at what he's doing, you see soft fabric cut out in a pattern you assume is not random but looks random to you. You ponder when the pattern means, where the pieces go. You notice the fabric he was just working on, he was embroidering something, an image, words, you try to decipher what it might be but before you realize what it is your vision is blocked.

“There you go, I reset the thread for you to- hey!”


“You were spying on my super top-secret FBI assigned project!”

Nightowl spreads his arms trying to block your vision even more.

“Was that just a diversion? How dare you!”

Nightowl fakes a betrayed voice.

“I thought I could trust you.”

You roll your eyes as you get back to work. Nightowl smiles before getting back to work.

About a week later you're sitting on the couch of your and Nightowls apartment. You relax after a long day, scrolling on your phone, wondering why Nightowl hasn't greeted you yet. Your wondering stops when you feel the couch move, lifting your head, you see Nightowl has joined you, you assume by his heavyish breathing and the sudden movement you just felt that he had run and jumped into the position just now. You could tell he was excited, you turn your phone off and give him your attention when he sees this he starts.

“I finished my project!”

“Does that mean I can finally know what you were making?”

Nightowl didn't answer you with a yes or no, instead, he holds out what was behind his back and yelled.


You look at what's in his hands. It was a plushie of your favorite animal. You move to hold it, assuming it's for you, pausing when you realize it might not be for you.

“Go ahead!”

“You listen to Nightowl as you grab the little thing, examining it further. You notice it's wearing a little bow tie. You then see that on one side of the bow tie is a heart in your favorite color and on the other side the letters, ILY, embroidered in the same color. You look up to thank Nightowl but stop seeing his nervous stance, hand behind his neck, how cliche.

“I- I wanted to get you a plush that matched Mister but I couldn't find the right one. So I made one, it's my first time making a plushie so it might be a little imperfect-”

You could see where this was going so you cut him off.

“It's perfect, I love it, and you.”

You lean in to give him a kiss, loving how bright he gets from the simple sign of affection.

(I saw someone call Nightowl’s bear with a bow tie, Mister so I'm sticking with it)

Heyoo! For Some BP LI Ideas How About: You And The BP LIs Trying A Class On A Sport/skill And How That

Dancing lessons.

You never thought about taking any sort of class with Quest so it was a surprise to both you and him when you got excited to do so.

You two had won free dance lessons at an office party, Quest thought you wouldn't be interested in it but he was happy to humor you.

Mistake one.

The first lesson was slow dancing and Quest felt pretty happy with himself, he wasn't perfect but he liked it. Liked the control, the pattern, how uniform it was, and he loved how close he got to hold you.

But the next lesson was hip hop.

It was Quest's turn to show off what he learned, it was in partners but Quest was still embarrassed how bad he was at this. He attempted the simple sequins the class had learned and practiced. As soon as he finished you let out a laugh you tried hard not to let out. Quest looked at you, you felt a little bad, he looked like a kicked puppy.

“Is it that bad?”

“Sorry but, what even was that? I love you, but were we even in the same class?”

You laughed a little more as Quest went over one of the steps. You took it upon yourself to stand up and help a little.

“You're too stiff, the moves are freer, let your body move.”

“That's- that’s not how my body works, I got arms like a robot.”

You laugh as he demonstrates his stiff arms, definitely robot-like, would be perfect if that's what you were learning.

“Here follow me, it like instinct.”

You did the first step faster than Quest was expecting.

“Can you go slower?”

“No, that's your problem, you think too much. Just do what you see with confidence, if you mess up and act as you meant it you'll fool at least one person.”

He wasn't able to fully get it but he did get better. The next lesson was tango, and Quest had his turn to embarrass you. Quest was currently twirling, dipping, and spinning you but to you, it just felt like you were being thrown around.

“Follow me, it's like instinct, angel.”

Quest mocks what you said last time as he takes the lead on this dance. The tango is by far his favorite, it was the perfect mix of a controlled, patterned dance, and a dance that is free and passionate. He loved how he could follow a pattern and still and his own little twist, and being able to hold you close, to make you flush was a large bonus.

Heyoo! For Some BP LI Ideas How About: You And The BP LIs Trying A Class On A Sport/skill And How That

Cooking lessons.

When you first started living with Toaster you started to realize how much take out they had.

You knew he wasn't a cook and that he opted for ramen and takeout but you didn't realize it was an every meal thing/

It caused multiple problems, and you were tired of having the same three foods from the same three places. So you signed the two of you up for baking lessons.

You didn't tell Toasty though, you just told them that it was a date, a surprise one. He was very surprised when you entered a room full of other couples.

“Sweetheart? You sure we're in the right place?”

Before you could respond the teacher made an introduction.

“Hello couples, I'll be your teacher today and the rest of the month. “

Toaster turned to you, trying to be discrete as the whisper, clearly not the happiest with this surprise.

“A month?”

You decide not to respond as the chef continued to teach.

“Today we're going to start very simply with some burgers and jojos. Our team tries to be very accomodating to everyone so if you have an allergy or don't eat a certain food, like meat, we have appropriate replacements. If that's the case go ahead and talk to one of the assistants on the side. We also like to encourage experimentation so if you feel something missing, maybe want more spice, you can also ask the assistance for what you want, Now Under your table you'll find everything you need for today, were going to start with jojos, so grab the basket label jojos…”

You and Toaster were walking home, you notice they were kind of silent, more than average.

“Did you hate it that much?”

You were slightly embarrassed, you thought this would be something nice the two of you could do but if your partner really didn't like it you would let it go.

“No, I liked it.”

“You don't have to lie.”

“I'm …. not, little surprised myself, but I didn't hate it.”

You stayed silent wanting to hear more of his thoughts.

“I almost liked it, I didn't like that I was surrounded by others doing better than me, but they weren't paying attention to me, so, it was okay.”

When Toaster looked at you they realized that you wanted to know more so they continued.

“And I learned, even though I burnt the … jojos? The jojos, it was a simple mistake and it's an easy fix. And …”

Toaster mumbles and you miss the end of his sentence. You nudge him a little, letting them know you didn't catch that.

“I liked how happy you were.”

Over the month the two of you made many dishes and almost every time Toaster would react along the lines of.

“Is pizza supposed to taste this good.”

After the month was over there was a notable decrease in takeout dinners. Throughout the first week out you caught Toasty learning how to make ramen, not instant ramen but authentic level ramen. The problem was that they ate just as much ramen as before the classes, but at least he was making his own with different variations.

Heyoo! For Some BP LI Ideas How About: You And The BP LIs Trying A Class On A Sport/skill And How That

Motorcycle lessons.

I know he already knows how to ride a motorcycle, but I also think that if you ever expressed interest in driving your own, he’d drag you to some lessons.

He also loves being a troll, signing himself up as a beginner, asking obnoxious questions, then showing off how well he rides, like a natural.

(Read this with the knowledge that I know nothing about riding a motorcycle.)

It was the end of your lessons, after this, you would be able to apply for a license if you wished. The instructor was having the class do a simple lap on their course, you had just finished yours. You did pretty well, Xyx had a grin on his face the whole time for so many reasons. For one you looked fantastic on a bike, he also loved that you were willing to learn and share one of his passions, when you pulled up to the end he could help but feel proud, you were his. The last reason was that it was his turn now, and he was ready to burn rubber. After all this time, pretending to be the worst rider, worst student, he was ready to show the instructor what was what. Xyx stepped up to the instructor.

“So for this test, you need t-”

“I've got it. Keys?”

The instructor hesitantly gave the keys to Xyx, he grabbed them before the instructor could take them back. The Instructor did his best to stop Xyx but it was no use after his helmet was on, his legs swang over the bike. Xyx lifts the helmet shield, winking at you making your face heat up, mostly from embarrassment. The instructor took this chance to try and stop Xyx.

“Sir, I need you to -”

“To drive, got it.”

He slid the shield back down before starting the engine and driving off. He made sure to do everything the instructor wanted. When he pulled up to the end he was quick to shut everything off and make his way to the instructor for his grade.

“Other than your attitude and inability to listen you did everything, perfect.”

Xyx was proud at how relucent the instructed was to say that.


“But you were speeding, quite a bit, you should know that its dangu-”

Xyx had already started walking away, so the instructor gave up. When Xyx got to you he wrapped his arm around your waist.

“Did I look good out there doll?”

“You looked reckless.”

“You wound me doll but I'll take the high road, I think you looked hot out there.”

Your face heated up again.

“Shut up.”

He laughed at how easy he could get you flustered.

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3 years ago

idea Who knows

suga x reader, Daichi admits he likes Suga, suga admits that the reader was just a rebound for him and that he like Daichi, the two rejoice that their feelings a reciprocated. Not knowing that reader overheard it all, he's there, listening to their smile and laugh about being together.

Reader wants to step in, be brave say

"you don't need to explain because I heard it all"

But he cants, he's in to much pain. Because suga didn't just cheat on him with some random person, but with his best friend, and it wasn't a fling, they are in love, and all the lies of love Suga said, are all liars because reader is just the rebound.

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3 years ago

Hello can I have a mha matchup please 💕

A fight drabble, were you choose the ending

She/her, bi

Personality: I am very empathetic, always trying to keep the people around me happy (even if I'm not in the end) I hate disappointing people so I can over work myself sometimes. Mostly I am kind and polite, but a I get very sassy moments (I can also be very sarcastic). Im also kind of reserved when I first meet someone and it can take me awhile to show my fun, goofy, happy side to them

Love language: physical touch

I want someone who has a good scenes of humor, is kind and friendly, who can match my level of dork also 😂 and who won't judge me ( and also give me food and cuddles)

Cute things I would want to so with a partner: take random pict of each other, do face mask with each other, do stupid things at 3 am

I have no gender preference ( and I don't care if I get matched up with a hero or villain)

I kin deku, kirishima, akaashi, and armin

I like reading books, writing, listening to music (mostly kpop). I also like to go exploring like in the forest or even abandoned places I also love cooking and baking (more so baking tbh)

sometimes I stop in the middle of talking because I think I talk to much (I've been told many times that I do so I just try not to really talk in a way)i play with my hands a lot, I have a really high pitched (idk sorta cute?) sneeze, I can be very clumsy (I literally tripped on air once😂) when I do something scary my hands shaky after I've done the scary thing (if that makes any sense)

Hello Can I Have A Mha Matchup Please

For this event, I match you with Denki and Bakugou. Denki matches most, if not all of your wants in a relationship and for Bakugou it was mostly a match because of your kins and that opposites attract and because I think Bakugo is a great match for a fight drabble.

For this drabble, the characters are aged up to about 19-20, and they’re about to go to their first hero gala as pro-hero’s, and they need dates.

Hello Can I Have A Mha Matchup Please

“ Back off dunce face”

Bakugou was currently holding you by the elbow. Less than five minutes ago he was as timid as you could imagine him. When Denki interrupted the two of you, you could feel the change in his bones. Something about Denki, in this specific moment, set Bakugou into a panic. You couldn’t think of why the two have fought in both mentally and physically, and Bakugou has one in almost all battles, so his sudden fear doesn’t make that much sense

What you don’t know is that this battle isn’t one of brain or muscles, but your heart.

The two blondes fell for you, naturally. they both had their reasons, their own moment that made them fall for you, the things that make their hearts beat faster than doctors would consider healthy.

Your two admires just so happened to be close friends. One night when Denki and Bakugo were hanging out with each other along with you, Mina, Sero, Jirou, and Kirishima. It wasn’t a shock that mina was pressuring each member to talk about their love life, past present, or future. That night Bakugo talked about the person he was interested in he was confident, he even talked about how he planned to ask her out to the hero gala coming up. When Denki talked of his crush he wasn’t smug like Bakugo but he was confident, but he rambled. His rambling was something that Bakugou would normally ignore but Bakugo started to make connections between Denkis crush and his own.

Eventually, Bakugou pulled Denki aside and basically forced the name out of Denki. Denki saw the look on Bakugous face when your name left his lips, he knew that Bakugou didn’t like that answer, and that’s how the two realized that their eyes were set on the same person.

Both parties became worried though they both seem like confident men but their confidence was easily disrupted. Both of them thinking that they would be your second choice, making them rethink their approach

Bakugou had precisely thought that he was all set to go on asking you out, that he had all the time in the world, but now there was a challenger, a nice, flirty challenger. Bakugo knew he needs to act fast if he wanted to be the one at your side at the hero gala. So the Monday after the group hang out, Bakugou rushed to you, that’s how you got to your current moment

You watched as Bakugou rushed toward you, you began to panic even though you are close to him, he still is strong and scary. And when he pointed at you, it did not make you feel better.

“You are going to the gala with me”

Bakugo yelled at you, you know that you never agreed to go to the gala with him or anyone else. And though you wouldn’t mind going to the gala with him, you don’t like that he’s telling you, and not asking.

He could see it on your face that what he said and how he said it wasn’t okay, and he wants to be more than ok so he tries again.

“I’m sorry, Can we talk? Like in a private area” You agreed, he grabbed your wrist pulling you into a private location in the building. When he grabbed you it was more aggressive than necessary. The reason behind that was that Bakugou saw that Denki was watching, and ready to interrupt, and Bakugou needs more time.

Once in the private hallway, Bakugo looked around as if this was a mission and a villain was around the corner, after he was done with securing the space he faced you, his hands on your arms.

He avoids eye contact with you and begins to talk

“I like you and I would like to know if you would accompany me to the hero gala”

His head is still tilted down, as you replay

“But what about the person you were gonna ask, the one you talked about on Friday? Did they reject you?”

The last part had some mockery tone behind it, trying to hide the slight hurt that you might be his second choice.

He looked at you the same one he does at Denki when he says something unimaginably stupid. Looking into your eyes and responding in a serious tone

“You are the person I was talking about, idiot. And I hope you don’t reject me”

The last part wasn’t meant for your ears, but you heard them anyways and they brought a smile to your face, you were about to replay when you felt Bakugous hand tighten around your elbow, pulling you closer to him.

“ Back off dunce face”

You realized that it was Denki by the nickname that was spat from Bakugous mouth. When Denki interrupted the two of you, you could feel the change in his bones. Something about Denki, in this specific moment, set Bakugou into a panic. You couldn’t think of why, sure this moment was internment but Bakugou was overreacting a bit, especially for smug Bakugou.


Denki responded to Bakugous demand, not a lot of people had the guts to say no to Bakugo in any situation, and here Denki was saying no when the air around Bakugo was unbearably tension

“No? It wasn’t a question, get out of here before I blow your face off”

Bakugo raided his hand, ready to send explosions Denkis way

“Go for it, she’ll still choose me over a jerk like you”

You were ready for Bakugo to leap toward Denki, but he didn’t and you wondered why

It’s because Bakugo believes Denki, he thinks that Denki is better for you. And he knows that attacking Denki will only prove that point

“Tch whatever, they already agreed to go with me”

You are shocked and you are not sure if you should even be. You pull your arm out of his grip and stand up for yourself.

“ I did not”

You roll your eyes as Denki interjects

“Yeah from what I remember, you didn’t even ask, you basically threatened her to go with you”

You and Bakugou both replay at one

“I did not”

“He did not”

You and Bakugo both blush at the way you two synced together while Denki interjects

“Well, he definitely didn’t ask?”

You were about to speak up when Denki steps forward and softly hold one of your hands with both his hands

“But I will. You were the person I was gushing over on Friday y/n, your the person I want to have by my side. So y/n, Will you do me the honor of accompanying me to my first hero gala?”

The whole time he looks into your eyes with his own, he seems to be full of sparkles, waiting for your answer

You which your options but don’t get far before Bakugou interrupts

“Just say yes, don’t try and pity me”

Bakugo goes to exit the hallway when you grab his hand, stopping him. He turns to face you, you’re now holding both of the boy’s hands, and looking at them

“Cant I say yes to both of you”

The two answer at the same time



Denki just wants you to go with him and doesn’t mind having to share, where Bakugou still thinks it’s out of pity.

“Well I either go with both of you or none of you”

The two switch answers, over and over until they both agree to both be your dates. But Bakugo still has some questions

“I don’t have to be his date though. Full offense but Denkis, not my type.”

Bakugo asks, his last sentence full of venom

“ back at you”

Denki replays, though there is almost no malice in his voice, he said it like Bakugou just called him hot, and not an insult

“No, I just need more time to decide what’s best for me, you or Denki, or someone else, I might just be better alone at the moment. And I think you guys should think about that too. You both seem to need to learn to love your selves.

Hello Can I Have A Mha Matchup Please

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