grimoire-of-lamb - Grimoire

239 posts

Energy Work Masterpost

Energy Work Masterpost

Updated: September 2nd, 2016


[Basic Elements of Energy Work]

[Choosing Your Energies]

[The Elements and Energy Work] (tw: gif)

[Energetic Blockages]

[Energy Clearing and Infusing]

[Energy Feeds and Magic Fatigue] and [A Clarification]

[Energy for Beginners Part I]

[Energy for Beginners Part II: Gathering, Raising, Storing, and Casting]

[Energy Work]

[An Energy Work Primer (You Don’t Have to “Feel” Anything)]

[Fixing Your Energy] (an ask)

[Learning to Sense Energy]

[Passive vs Active Energy]

[Protect Your Energy]

[Sensation & Direction - A Beginner’s Guide to Energy Work]


[Different Kinds of Visualization]

[Having Trouble Visualizing?]

[How to Visualize]

[Magical Visualization - Some Basics]

[Mistakes I Made with Visualization]

[Simple Visualization Exercises]

[Visualization and Spell-Casting]

[Witchery for Tactile Learners]

Charging / Enchanting / Programming

[Charging an Object]

[Charging and Dedicating Stones and Crystals]

[Charging Objects]

[Charging 101: The Quick Basics]

[Distance Charging]

[Enchanting Objects]

[Enchanting Things with Touch]

[How to Enchant Items]

[How to Enchant Items]

[Let’s Talk Basics: Directing Energy]

[Magickal Skills: Enchanting]

[On-the-Go Enchantments]

[Sending Energy to Objects, aka Charging]

[Witch’s Guide to Programming]


[Airy Grounding Guide]





[Grounding and Centering]

[Grounding and Centering]

[Grounding, Centering, and Shielding]

[Grounding or ‘Earthing’]

[Grounding Techniques]

[Grounding Theory and Application]

[Grounding with Your Aura]

[How Do I “Ground”?] (tw: gif)

[Rooting Meditation]

[Sea Witchcraft: “Sinking”]

[Some Favorite Grounding Visualizations]

[Witch Tips: Grounding]

[Witchcraft 101 - Grounding & Centering]

[Witch’s Guide to Grounding]

[Witch’s Guide to Grounding - Sturdy as Stone]




[Centering and Grounding]

Shielding / Warding

[Checking and Repairing Shields]

[A Crash Course in Warding]

[Elemental Wards]

[Energy Warding]

[Energy Warding Before Witching] (tw: gif)

[Energy Work: Expansion vs. Contraction] (tw: gif as blog header)

[How to Create & Use Wards]

[A Long List of Ways to Spiritually Protect Yourself]

[Making Warding and Shielding Talismans]

[Personal Shielding]




[Shielding and its Purpose]

[Transmuting Energy: An Alternative to Shielding] (tw: gif as blog header)

[Wards and Grounding]

[Wards and Ward Accessories]

Energy Manipulation / Exercises

[Advanced Energy Manipulation: Competitive Magic]

[Animist Reset Ritual]

[Banishing the Energy of Others]

[Building Galaxies]

[Decontaminating People Before They Enter Your Space]

[Energy Balls and Programming Energy]

[Energy Exercises]

[Energy Feeds and Magic Fatigue] and [A Clarification]

[Energy Manipulation: Aura Shaping]

[Energy Manipulation: God Energies]

[Energy Polarization Habits and How to Break Them]

[Energy Protection Bubble]

[Energy Work: Energy Ball]

[Energy Work: Introduction to Fields Exercise]

[How to Send Energy to Other People]

[Personal Energy Cleanse]


[Scream Jars]

[Sending Energy to People]

[Sensing Energy Exercise]

[Tips for Building Mind Spaces]

Thoughtforms / Servitors / Egregores

[A Bit on Entities and Thoughtforms]

[Creating a Servitor] (an ask)

[Creating a Thoughtform]

[Creating Positive Thought Forms] (tw: gif as blog header)

[An Introduction to Servitors]

[A Lesson on Servitors] (tw: music autoplay)

[More Information on Egregores] (an ask)

[Servitors: A Basic Guide to Artificial Entities]

[A Short Guide to Thoughtforms]

[Technowitchcraft - Thoughtforms]

[Thoughtform Masterpost] (tw: gif)

[Thoughts on Thoughtforms]

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More Posts from Grimoire-of-lamb

1 year ago

How to Do Witchcraft Research for Newbies

Basic search:

Get off Tumblr. (I know, it’s hard.)

Direct your browser to

Choose the main keywords of your question. For example, “what is calendula good for in witchcraft?” might be parsed as “calendula witchcraft magickal correspondences”.

Hit enter.

For more in depth research, try these sites:, if you have access to it.

Online public library catalogs to find books. (Search your county and “public library.”)

Amazon Kindle. It can be put on your computer for free, there is a Cloud Reader online and a free smartphone app. Filter by price and you can find witchcraft and occult ebooks for free through a few simple searches.

Google Books for the same purpose. (There is a shit ton here, btw, I use it all the time.) for the same purpose.

Cornell University online witchcraft collection. for public domain magick texts. for all sorts of neat shit. for magickal lore on plants.

Search your county’s website for weed/plant information to get a list of things growing in your area.

Some tips to aid in research:

Use your browser’s bookmarks.

Use the Amazon wishlist to keep track of titles, or to keep an eye on titles that are occasionally offered for free on Kindle.

Look around on publishers, like LuLu, Immanion Press, etc, for self-published material.

Cross reference with lots of sources to keep on top of the BS.

Take good notes.

Dirty experience/field work is better than reading/book work.

Mkay? After you’ve done all that, come back and ask about what you still can’t find. (Trust me, you’ll find most of it, if not all and more.) You have no fucking excuse to be on Tumblr asking about the basics of paganism or what such and such plant does for witchcraft, or how to summon demons. Harassing people for basic knowledge gets you nowhere. There is so much out there even just online. You do not need the newest, shiniest books by the most popular authors. You do not need to attack people when they tell you to go research on your own. The information is right fucking there. Now go get it.

1 year ago

Some Urban Witchcraft Things I Do

Using small shielding wards while moving in crowded spaces to stop people from entering my personal space, using it to get a space on the train while others try very hard to not be too close.

Being a regular customer at a coffee shop, where the barista knows your order, using that regularity and infusing it in the drink to ensure a smooth work day.

Tapping into the electrical energy of street lights, traffic lights, the tangles of power lines or the wire work embedded in the concrete. Tapping into it to feel the pulse of the entire city and how its as never-ending and expansive as nature and the cosmos

Borrowing energies from businesses, abandoned spaces and construction equipment for on-the-fly spells. (Once I used a buzz saw being used for a building renovation for a shield spell)

Pausing at florist displays to communicate with the small fresh spirits living in the cultivated potted gift plants, their energies foreign in the space.

Meditating on public transit, buses and trains, tapping into the circuits they run, the power that sustains them, and the thousands of people constantly on and off them.

Meeting eyes with the birds who brave the city streets, connecting a kin-ess of survival under such unnatural conditions. 

Marking sigils in the crook of my elbow in sharpie after designing them on the receipts that are tangled in my pockets.

Recognizing the glamor in mundane objects in stores, items being charged by desire and brand recognition by those who handle them, recognizing the residual affect it has on you after touching it.

Instinctively finding green spaces and specific plants you enjoy (for me its lavender, I can smell it from a block away) and having a mental map of where to pilfer powerful plants from city gardens. 

Feeling the spirit of the city, all the energies of thousands of people and history and industry only -just- covering the nature that existed there for millennia before it, feeling all this as you walk through the quiet dark streets in the early morning hours. 

1 year ago

im trying to get started in witchcraft, but i cant find anything? help please, ive been trying to research it but i an never find any sources (or if i do im never sure if i can trust them)

You definitely need to be wary of who you trust, there is a lot of misinformation out there. Just remember that everyone has their own way of practicing, you just need to find what you feels right for you!

Here is a really helpful witchcraft resource post by visardistofelphame (who I’ve followed for years) and here is a long, helpful post we reblogged a few days ago!

If you have more questions, feel free to send another ask! I can point you in the direction of some blogs or more info if you want! Have a great day!

- sweetpeawitch

1 year ago

Gemstones for Healing:








lapis lazuli










rainbow obsidian



1 year ago

Candles And Their Meanings

Hello! Today I am going to share candles and their colors magical correspondents. This guide will be perfect for those who need to light candles for their prayers and craft. Enjoy!


WHITE: Signifies truth, sincerity, peace, devotion, joy, purification, protection, and power, purify and heal. Represents truth, unity, protection, peace, happiness, and spirituality. Some say it can be used to replace any color candle in rituals. Used for concentration rituals and meditation work. Lunar energy. 

IVORY:  Neutrality, balance, and harmlessness

BLACK: Means against black magic, sadness, bad influence. Burning black with any other color dissolves negative energies!  Protection, hex-breaking, reversing, banishing, destroying evil or negativity, binding, and repelling. Also used for healing very powerful illnesses.  RED: Represents physical pleasures. It can stimulate lust, courage, or strength against enemies. Can confer passion, love, and/or respect. Stimulates energy, health, fertility and will power. Draws Aries and Scorpio energy. Increases magnetism in rituals. Infers sex, vibrancy, and survival. 

VIOLET: Strength, Success, Idealism, psychic revelation; Ideal for rituals which are designed to secure Ambition, Independence, and financial success or to establish contact with the other, spiritual world; Enhances Neptune energy.

PURPLE: Used to obtain desires, power, and success. Can stimulate idealism and psychic manifestations and help make contact with the spiritual world. Increases enthusiasm, desire, and power. Is also powerful for healing, and spiritual development. Some attempt to use it for power over others. 

BLUE: Communication, truth, peace, calm, losing weight, wisdom, understanding, protection, harmony, inspiration, truth, patience, health and happiness, luck, communication, loyalty, peaceful, cooling, contentment, healing, idealism, harmony, devotion, meditation

GREEN: Promotes prosperity, fertility, and success. Stimulates good luck can increase money, harmony, and rejuvenation. Also represents Healing, health, and growth. Can be an important component in rituals involving Venus; attracts love, and social delights. 

YELLOW: Intellect, wisdom and honor, action, inspiration, and creativity, studying and intelligence, concentration, memory, logic, learning, attraction, confidence, Mental powers, intellect, inspiration, concentration, retention of memory, energy, cheerfulness, sunny disposition, changes, endurance, stability, and security.

DEVIL: Is used rather by black magic, as a symbol to occupy sites dedicated to worship the dark and evil.

CROSS CANDLE: Is used for the altar and used to provide energy to an altar and ask a favor. 

SKULL: Ward off evil influences hidden enemies, and also in calling upon the spirits Can be used in enemy work.

FIGURE OF MAN:  Black - Draw Power, Protection, Repel Negativity, Binding, Releasing, Breakup or Separate Red - Draw Love, Passion, Lust, Creativity and Vitality Green - Attract Money & Good Luck, Wealth, Prosperity, Success and also for Healing White - Peace & tranquility, Purification & Healing, Cleansing, Clarity, Sincerity, Spirituality


 Black - Draw Power, Protection, Repel Negativity, Binding, Releasing, Breakup or Separate Red - Draw Love, Passion, Lust, Creativity and Vitality Green - Attract Money & Good Luck, Wealth, Prosperity, Success and also for Healing White - Peace & tranquility, Purification & Healing, Cleansing, Clarity, Sincerity, Spirituality

PINK: Successful, love, abundance, passion. Devotion, love, tenderness and faith, friendship, romance, honor, spiritual healing, caring, affection, forming partnerships, peace, emotional healing, Universal love, purest form of love, love that is unconditional, spiritual love without sex connotation, raises vibrations, sensitivity, healing.  

ROSE: Treating heart ailments, anxiety, depression. Good for people who suffer from nightmares. This graceful color increases admiration, love, friendship, fidelity, and calmness. Can also arouse emotions. It stimulates compassion for self and others, higher mystical powers, and humor. 

ORANGE: Used as a balancing element. Promotes mental agility, energy, success and stamina. It’s used to affect legal matters, success, action, and promotion. Gives encouragement, adaptability and stimulation. Cleanses negative attitudes, situations and places.

SILVER: Victory, Stability, Meditation, Developing Psychic Ability, Removal of Negative Power, Repelling Destruction, Cancellation, Neutrality, Stalemate. Silver is primarily associated with female deities.

GREY: Is to expel evil influences. Useful when pondering complex issues. Can neutralize negative influences without repercussions. Represents balance encourages stability, helps develop psychic abilities. In magic, this color often sparks confusion; it also can negate or neutralize a negative influence. 


Sunday– Gold or yellow candles

Monday– Silver, Grey or White



Thursday– Blue


Saturday– Black or Purple

I hope this was helpful to all of those who are crafting out there!

Thanks for reading!

Candles And Their Meanings