guestuser2023 - Random dude on the internet
Random dude on the internet

#guestuser2023mystuff for personal stuff

208 posts

Woke Up Today And Realized That Tumblr Entirely Killed Fuck Ya Life Bing Bong So Here Ya Go Again

woke up today and realized that tumblr entirely killed fuck ya life bing bong so here ya go again

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More Posts from Guestuser2023

1 year ago

i don't really understand why you would be pro-zoo. like i understand nature reserves and sanctuaries where people can observe from afar, but it doesn't seem right to me when they're locked up in generally small confined areas for people to watch them do nothing all day. idk maybe i'm getting this wrong, and i still really respect you, i just don't understand this. like i interned at a zoo and felt uncomfortable with how small their living areas were and how they had no stimulation

Zoos don’t look like this anymore.


They look like this:


Good zoos do not keep their animals in “tiny spaces” with no enrichment.  I’m not pro-roadside zoo.  I’m pro-accredited zoo.  Zoos are incredibly important for conservation and education.

Are Zoos Necessary?

The Importance of Zoos: Resource Post

Why Zoos and Aquariums Matter: Assessing the Impact of a Visit to a Zoo or Aquarium

Why I Want to be a Keeper

Why I Believe in Zoos

1 year ago

Hihi! I would like to request tender chenmiya anal. Maybe with anal beads too? Dealer’s choice

predictably, i spent ages on this,

Hihi! I Would Like To Request Tender Chenmiya Anal. Maybe With Anal Beads Too? Dealers Choice

contains: anal, toys, creative tribadism, ongoing consent, overthinking service-top ch'en


Ch'en doesn't have much of a strategy. She's been thinking way too hard about it already, even with Amiya's countless reassurances, her promises that she'll tell her to stop if it's just too much for her.

She's done so much research. She's picked out the best-reviewed lubricant, the most forgiving texture of toy for beginners, and what she thought to be-at the time-a modest size.

Looking at the strand of beads now, feeling the weight of them in her hand, she's suddenly doubtful, suddenly very hot in the face imagining them disappearing one by one into Amiya's body-

Fuck. Fuck.

Amiya is reclined patiently on the bed, hugging a pillow to her chest, peeking over the top of it at Ch'en curiously.

While her thoughts spiral, Amiya reaches a hand out, gently tugs at Ch'en's sleeve.

"...Ch'en? Um. I was wondering..."

I'm ruining it, Ch'en thinks immediately, an apology ready on her lips, for even suggesting it in the first place, for getting so nervous now at the idea that it could hurt Amiya-

"...Could we maybe...start with your fingers, first?" Her face is beet red behind the pillow.

Ch'en instantly feels her pulse double in speed.

She's so cute.

"Of course-" Ch'en tries to keep her voice level, "-anything you want. Do you have enough pillows? Are you still comfortable like that? How do you want me to...?"

Amiya nods, nestling closer, her hand trailing down to Ch'en's.

"...Like-like this?" Her fingers wrap around Ch'en's and very slowly drag them between her legs, through the exposed slick of her center. She shudders with a quiet whimper as Ch'en's fingers coax downward, pressing experimentally at the ring of muscle lower down. "A-Aah-just, stay close-"

Her voice is so soft, wavering in little puffs of breath against Ch'en's cheek as they nuzzle close together.

Amiya must see how fervently Ch'en is trying to read her expression, because a moment later, she speaks up again-

"-Y-Yeah, like that-mhh."

-and where Ch'en's fingers have moved further down, Amiya's stay just above, tentatively stroking her fingers through her own folds, an occasional catch in her breath pulling her chest tight.

Ch'en is instantly stricken with affection for her, seeing her like this, so free to enjoy herself, so comfortable, so safe-just seeing her so satisfied is reassuring enough.

So she gathers her courage, and waits for the font of Amiya's arousal to trickle down, and slowly sinks a finger inside to the first knuckle.

"A-Aaaah-" Amiya vocalizes immediately, and her body squeezes, tightly, around her finger. Bleary-eyed and over-sensitive, she drops hold of the pillow and paws at Ch'en's jacket until she can grab hold of a lapel instead, and Ch'en can't help herself-she chases those parted, whimpering lips with her own as she stirs her finger, pumps it slowly back and forth. Only when she's absolutely sure that Amiya is used to how it feels does she begin to add a second finger, the stretch a gradual, slow ache around her. She tamps kisses into the side of Amiya's neck, partly so she can tell her more quickly if she needs to stop, partly to let that sin-sweet voice out just a little louder.

"Amiya-" Ch'en hears herself marvel against Amiya's shoulder, panting, "'Miya..." She murmurs again, completely listless with devotion to her task and fuzzy behind the eyes with how cute she sounds when Ch'en parts her fingers inside, lets the tension in her body close them again.

They never get enough time together. It's hard enough keeping their relationship a secret, and combined with the fact that they're two of the busiest people on the ship at any given time, it leaves very little time for them to relieve any stress the way they'd like to.

It's most certainly why Ch'en feels the additional pressure to make it so good for her. Since she wanted to try something that deviated from the norm of how they spend their precious downtime, she knows she'll feel so much worse if it's painful or uncomfortable for Amiya.

"Ch-Ch'en..." Amiya moans in that particular tone of voice, the one that's bliss wrapped around a warning.

"-Go ahead-" Ch'en breathes out, anchoring the heel of her hand against Amiya's pelvis as she keeps her fingers moving, "-Just like that. Keep going, don't stop, it's okay-" She can feel Amiya's voice buried against her hair as she hugs close, rising in pitch and desperation, "-I've got you. I've got you-" She repeats, coaching her through it, knowing she always responds well to direct instructions, something where she can just turn her brain off for once and do what she's told, freefall for Ch'en to catch her, "-Let it go. Now."

Where Amiya had been suppressing her voice before, it comes out in a sudden, gasping cry, her whole body crumpling against Ch'en like she's her only lifeline. She's soaked, dripping down over Ch'en's fingers, legs trembling so badly that she can't close them through all the spasms.

It's getting easier for Ch'en like this, too-to slip back into a slight, authoritative edge, to let Amiya's tell-and-do attitude foil to her. She rewards her with heaps of praise and long, lingering kisses, parting from her only to unstop the bottle of lube and absolutely flood the toy with it, coating each and every gradually-larger silicone bead. She warms some between her hands and slides it against Amiya for good measure, opening her up again with her fingers, letting it flow inside, stirring it into her.

It looks so obscene, watching the lube soak into her while she whimpers with pliant curiosity. She looks so debauched, so innocently radiant with earthly satisfaction, eyes following Ch'en's every move with equal parts trepidation and anticipation.

Even if Amiya can't bring herself to say it outright, Ch'en will give her everything she wants, without exception.

With everything prepared, Ch'en sidles close beside her again, gently turning her to her stomach, taking her time to kiss her way down Amiya's spine before shifting back to poise the small end of the toy between her legs, prodding it against her well-lubricated entrance.

"It's going to feel different than my fingers," She warns, "but this first one is about as wide."

"Mmhm..." Amiya nods against the sheets, and Ch'en begins to push.

It slips inside much more quickly than she expected, and she waits as Amiya gasps, then settles down, before adding another.

She's quiet until the fourth one pushes against her, and then lets out another crumbled cry of shock.

It's noticeable, by now, that the widening silicone is stretching her to her limits. Ch'en gets the bead to the widest point-and waits, holding it there, letting the stretch linger. Amiya trembles against the bed, knuckles white as she grips the sheets.

Finally, she sends her hips back, slowly, on her own, until the bead slips all the way inside.

"I-Is that, all of them...?"

Pity cools the ardor in Ch'en's chest somewhat-she sounds almost hopeful.

"...There's one more. But don't push yourself. You don't have to have them all-" She leans close and kisses her shoulder, tender and wanting of nothing, "-you never, ever have to do anything that hurts you or worries you, and we can always stop right away if you need to rest-whether that's just for a little, or the rest of the night-whatever you need."

"...Mmhm." Amiya's back is slightly damp with perspiration, her hair blotting to her cheeks. She absorbs the information thoughtfully, then fixes Ch'en with a deep, careful look.

"...I think I can do it. I...I really want to try."

Ch'en can't hide the surprise on her face, because Amiya immediately adds another reassurance.

"I, I promise, I'll tell you-if I need to stop..."

"...Alright. As long as you know your limits."


Ch'en unstops the lube once more, coating the last bead liberally.

It's just shy of being twice as large as the second bead was.

She gets it right against the ring of muscle, and Amiya lets out a shaky, deep breath, relaxing her body, letting it in with just a wince of surprise as it sinks in, as the flared handle is all that's left outside of her.

"A-Aah..." She starts squirming, drooling against the sheets, "...Ch-Ch''s, s-so full-"

Her voice is strained, but all Ch'en can hear over again in her head is that last word, and she thinks she might go crazy.

"You're all full." Ch'en crawls over top of her and lowers against her, lining her hips up with the back of the toy so it has nowhere to go. "What do you want me to do about it, Amiya?" She asks sincerely, her heart full to bursting with devotion.

"S-Stay! R-Right there-please-!"

Ch'en's heart slams in her chest against Amiya's back, and she threads the fingers of both of their hands together, lays her full weight on her so she can struggle through it, so she can indulge just that little bit more in the feeling of knowing Ch'en will make her finish again, that she's not going to stop grinding against Amiya until she can't stop cumming.

She's so cute when she begs that it's an outrage. Ch'en grits her teeth and anchors herself hard against the back of Amiya's thighs, and the sounds that come out of her stuffed rabbit can only make her imagine how good the toy feels squirming inside of her.

Amiya calls out for her again. She's so close, so desperate to finish off-

Ch'en can't help herself either. It's too good, too much, and Amiya's voice is melting in her ears. Amiya tries to arch up from beneath Ch'en with a breathless wail, and Ch'en pins her down, latches onto her neck with her teeth, squeezes hard enough to bruise as she rocks her hips tight against her legs, her thighs, and collapses into climax right there with her.

They lay there, silent save for the panting and whimpering mess they've made of each other, and Ch'en forces strength into her arms to help Amiya onto her side, slowly easing the toy out of her bead by bead. It comes out utterly drenched with lube, and the remaining lube that Ch'en had primed Amiya with leaks out of her obscenely.

"Ch...Ch'en..." Amiya can barely move, but she still snuggles into Ch'en's arms once she's turned around again, like a blind, newborn animal. She's breathless, glowing, even with her eyes half-shut; it feels like Ch'en is looking into the sun.

She hoards Amiya close. Amiya's empathy trails into her like drops of rain coalescing on glass, cooling and suffusive.

"Ch'en...I'm so sleepy...It's like I'm going to float away..."

She presses a kiss into the crown of Amiya's head, crimped with the slightest of exhausted smiles.

"Not until we take the longest warm soak together tomorrow morning."

1 year ago

I need everyone to know that the ship Götheborg, the world's largest ocean-going wooden sailing ship, answered a distress call the other day.

I Need Everyone To Know That The Ship Gtheborg, The World's Largest Ocean-going Wooden Sailing Ship,

Imagine waiting for the coast guard or whatever to show up and instead a replica of 18th century merchant ship pulls up and tows you to the coast.

1 year ago
This Is My First Coding Assignment For My Software Engineering Class That Started Today. Its Going To

This is my first coding assignment for my software engineering class that started today. It’s going to be a really good semester.

1 year ago

Things that happened in my Laterano themed RimWorld save, in chronological order:

Things That Happened In My Laterano Themed RimWorld Save, In Chronological Order:

Started with Fiammetta, Mostima, Exusiai and Lemuen

All with bonds to facilitate teamwork because. RimWorld.

Within 8 real life minutes Fiammetta and Exusiai were in a relationship and going on dates.

Within 15 Lemuen and Mostima were in one too.

By the end of day 1 MosLemuen had proposed.

Things That Happened In My Laterano Themed RimWorld Save, In Chronological Order:

Also by the end of day 1, FiaExu were fucking on the floor while everyone slept in the same bed less room.

God help Lemuen forget that night.

Day 2, FiaExu keep going on dates.

Fiammetta, using randomly generated dialogue, calls Exusiai her Angelwing

Things That Happened In My Laterano Themed RimWorld Save, In Chronological Order:

Horny motherfuckers

We became officially known as the CULD - Chaotic U-Haul Laterano Dykes

Things That Happened In My Laterano Themed RimWorld Save, In Chronological Order:

Lemuen and Mostima do most of the research work. FiaExu hunt and fuck. That's all they do.

Things That Happened In My Laterano Themed RimWorld Save, In Chronological Order:
Things That Happened In My Laterano Themed RimWorld Save, In Chronological Order:

Extremely fitting randomly generated dialogue

Things That Happened In My Laterano Themed RimWorld Save, In Chronological Order:


Things That Happened In My Laterano Themed RimWorld Save, In Chronological Order:

Lemuen nearly dies

And that's it for highlights for now

I love Rimworld