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118 posts
This Is Another Request Made From Causalpatrolperfection An He Also Does Muscle Growth Blogs To And So
This is another request made from causalpatrolperfection an he also does muscle growth blogs to and so please go follow him.
As you won a trip to Mexico you get sad because of the plane ride from Russia all the way to Mexico. Once you go to the plane to and land you go to your hotel and leave all your things in hotel room. You see this old run down shop and you these boxers that are still perfectly sad in the package and it says on the package “this brief can make you become a man from where your at.
You go back to you hotel room after you were done taking the boxers home. You soon take a shower and go to the beach and take the boxers to put them on at the beach. You get to the changing room and take off all your clothes and put on the boxers leaving and don’t put on your shoe and pants because you want a tan, but that leaves you showing off you skinny body and arms and legs. You soon see people leaving and going home, until it is just you and you soon see that there was a necklace with the package and put it on.
You were about to go home till you felt the boxers sending out heat to your body. You soon see your chest staring to hared and see your your upper chest gain pecs and as your belly get abs 6 pack and you soon start getting taller and you soon felel your arms inflating really big and you soon feel your arms rock hard and then the heat goes to your legs as they get muscular more muscular and you see veins popping around your body.. then the heat goes to your face, as you feel your face getting chiseled and you face getting cheek bones and your eyebrows get thicker.
The all the heat go to your dick and balls. you see the balls go to the size of tennis balls and your dick gets bigger then it was before even though it was big before. You soon feel your cock get thicker and longe. Then your all the heat goes to your butt, as it gets big and soon you stretch out the boxers to look like a speedo. You soon forget your old Russia life and gain a New Mexican life where you don’t know Russia, but Latin. You soon fell horny and you cum in the boxers that now look like speedo. You go in to the water to wash off the cum and see that once you come out your hairs is longer and you are more tanned then usually. You soon see that you are now interested in men instead off women and you wait by the room now and wait for a gay muscular guy, so you horny dick can get some big ass. You still keep the necklace and now speedo, so you can show off your body.

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More Posts from Guytransformedforever
Request for help :)
Hi everyone.
First of all, thanks to everyone who appreciated and who will appreciate my new story. I will continue to produce the history for this series by far.
Secondly, there is a small problem. I find it difficult to find photos for racial TF. So if you have a few photos where handsome foreign guys are a bit upset or a bit lost, please send it to me. You can also send pictures of the guys before turning if you have interesting pictures.
And you can also send a photo of Mr. Turns, as you imagine. Maybe your photo will appear in history. Send photos, I will be very grateful. And thanks again for your support ;)
The Great Shift: Across State Lines
It’s funny. In retrospect people were really focusing on the wrong aspects when of oddities when it came to the great shift. I mean people all over the world were switching bodies with one another! You’d think a couple of abnormalities wouldn’t be too surprising. Yet here we are. Me discussing the first reported “odd” case of body swapping during the great shift.

Meet Abram. A nice young man! He grew up in Russia, had nice blond hair, and even had a nice slim body, unlike a lot of the other athletes he knew who were very muscular. Well… he was all of those things. After the Great Shift he found himself in Spanish underwear model Antonio Albolia. This 6′2 densely muscled body of his was everything he’d ever dream of having! He spent a solid few minutes just flexing in his bathroom mirror, when he made the discovery. However, the following days would be a little more stressful. You see most people swapped bodies with a person and that was it. Abram received a little more than Antonio’s body. The first word uttered from his new form was in Spanish… and so was the second and third. Abram had never spoken a word of that language before, so you could imagine his confusion when he began to speak it so fluently. He was sad to see that he could no longer speak Russian, but honestly he was too engrossed with his new body to mind too much. After all he was one guy in the supposedly long line of abnormal swaps.
Hey guys. Story Teller here. I’ll be back with more writings soon! Hope you can enjoy this brief cap before I go back into more frequent posting!
Thanks for this story :) It’s very hot...
This was a request that was requested by another blogger like me and he is casualpatrolperfection, so please go follow him, he make amazing stories.
So you are a small nerdy adult that is straight and you are going on a trip. So as you were rushing to the plane to go my vacation. Till it was already late and you saw the plane leave without you. You will have to wait 3 hours just for another plane.
A Few hours pass and you go on your plane. The plane took hours and some people were complaining. Once your plane landed you got a taxi and asked the driver “to take to this five star hotel that is around this place?”, Then once you are a your hotel you book the best room in that hotel because there was no other rooms left.
As you made it to your room you see that last person how was here left his clothes, you guessed that they rushed out of the room. They left some of their food. You decided to check out if their clothes fits you, so you can take home. Then you find this box. It has a button on top and you think it can grant wishes, but for a price.
You stare at it as you think it is a child’s toy. Then you wish that you were handsome and muscular and that you had a big dick. The box had different words now it say what is the price. You don’t know what kind of price. So you say this box is gay. Then the box words change to press button to confirm that you will become gay for the new life. Then you press it and it say you have more room for another with it. So you wish that you were everyone was attracted to you. Then the box says that to make everyone attracted to you need to give another cost. So you thought of your intelligence to gove up as well. So you say that “ I am going to give up my intelligence. the box says press button to confirm wishes.
you press the button.
Then you feel heat enter body, when you let go of the button. Then you feel you body as it grow taller. Then you take off all you clothes because the heat is too much. Then you feel as if your chest was inflating. Then your body gains a hard 6 six pack. Then the heat goes to your arms and hands as they grow big and you see veins popping and the arm turns rock hard. Then then heat goes to your legs and feet. Then your legs grow humongous and strong and big. Then your feet get bigger and you take off your shoes.
Then the heat goes to your face and it changes the features, as they are you eyes getting wider and your eyebrows getting thicker and your nose gets narrow. Then the heat goes to your balls and your dick and as you see them grow and your balls get to the size of tennis balls and you dick gets bigger and thicker and then you cum a lover too he floor. Then your transformation completes. Then you feel yourself getting dumber and dumber and soon you feel horny and you want to stick your sick into a mans ass now and you feel a attracted to men now. You soon put on boxers and pants and head down to the beach because you see a man with an nice ass and you both had fun in that big bed in the room. Then the box diappears. Now You like going to the beach now to find a sexy man who is checking you out, so then you you can fuck them in your hotel. Now I am guessing you aren’t a tourist anymore.

I’d like to try the black leather jacket.
And here’s the first one who wants the leather jacket. Do you want to feel a cold touch on your skin? Take her away. Do not forget to take another set of her a few gold chains and black speedo. They’ll be perfect. Put it on. I can see your body changing. It becomes smooth and a bit thinner. Not quite what you expected, is it? But leather jackets are not only big bikers. Your skin turns pale and your hair disappears. Muscles become large, strong and relief. I think your body looks like a swimmer’s body now. Blonde hair falls into the perfect hairstyle. Face changes. Cheekbones become clearer. The chin becomes squared. The lips are inflated, and the nose takes on a perfect shape. Now you can show off the face of the model from the cover of a glossy magazine. Can you pose for me a little I want to make one photo. The perfect boy.

A long overdue promise to my good friend @flynn1808.
Dean was an average gay white millennial, struggling in the world, just to make ends meet. Dean literally lived paycheck to paycheck, as a matter of fact, he lived previous paycheck to previous paycheck. Dean wasn’t happy, he could barely afford to eat, pay rent, or keep himself in shape. In his very little spare time, he admired people from afar, people he imagined having it better. One of his favorite people who randomly friended him on Facebook was Pedro, a a 36 year old stud from Mexico.
Dean and Pedro had been chatting for sometime, and Dean was falling hard fro Pedro. In the evenings Dean and Pedro would chat in Spanish, which Dean thought was pretty awesome, because he was learning so much. Pedro had limited English, and Dean did his best with his limited Spanish.
Even though Dean was broke, he really wanted to meet Pedro, so he started working a third job to save up and fly down to meet his crush. The time finally came when Dean had enough money, so he asked Pedro if he could come and visit, Pedro excitedly said yes.
It was Winter in the States when Dean flew out of LAX airport, teeming with excitement.
Thoughts racing through his head on the flight:
Maybe he is the one! Maybe we can start a life together. At least maybe we can have sex…..
All of these thoughts in his head, Dean didn’t even realize they had landed. AS soon as the doors opened, Dean forced himself through the crowd of people, making himself one of the first people off the plane.
He picked up his rental and sped off to Pedro’s address, barely containing himself.
Finally arriving, he was a bit surprised at what he saw, because it didn’t look like the pictures.
Maybe this wasn’t his actual home, he thought.
It was little more than a shack, run down, and abandoned looking. Dean was not about to turn around, he had come too far.
He went up to the building, pulled his hand back to knock only to hear a creaking noise as the door opened on its own.
He cautiously crept into the house, making sure that it was safe. It seemed to be okay, it looked like someone was staying there. Dean looked around some more, he began to recognize the things he saw in the pictures. Hats, clothing, and other items were exactly the same, which relieved him. He finally found a bedroom, which was kept up immaculately, it looked exactly how he thought it would.
On the nightstand there was a ring, he had seen Pedro wear something similar and his curiosity peaked, so he picked it up and slid it on his middle finger and sat on the bed. All of the excitement seemed to tire him out and he found himself fast asleep within minutes of being on the bed.
He had disturbing dreams, dreams of an old woman luring people from the United States and taking their nationalities, leaving them in Mexico. The weird thing was that this actually excited Dean, and as he slept he got hard. He wanted to be Pedro more than anything, which was a new encounter for the old woman. Dean actually faced the women in his sleep and told her he would willingly give her what she sought. This would make the job easier for her, she wouldn’t have to fight him and would take much less power. In return, the woman told him that she would leave some of his memory intact and that she would make sure that he was happy with his body in the new life he would have. Anger and spite usually left those who fought in rough bodies, but this would be different.
Dean woke up suddenly, the ring was glowing and heating up, to a point where it hurt. He couldn’t remove it though, it felt like it was pulling on him. He he tried to scream but his efforts were cut short as his voice was pulled from his throat, the color drained from his hair, face, and the rest of his body. He couldn’t think, he thought he was going crazy, English words slipping from his minds grasp. Leaving only rudimentary knowledge. The assault on his brain continued as bits of knowledge were pulled out and replaced with new memories. His American education was being stolen, college years felt like they were running backwards, being replaced with memories of physical work, apprenticeships, and lots of sex. His brain was rewiring, he wasn’t just gay anymore, he was quickly becoming bisexual.
Suddenly his body convulsed as his muscles began to tremble and twitch. He could feel the years of working out and physical work changing him. His gut pulled back as he fell to the ground. He felt his arms expanding, and his legs felt weak. The weakness was the spasms pushing his thighs out, his calves hardening, and his feet expanding. Concurrently his chest became more defined and his back muscles wound tight like a spring. His hands expanded while he felt that he was getting taller. The fact was, he shot up form 5 foot 6 to 6 foot 1 in a matter of minutes.
Dean’s silent cries suddenly became audible, much deeper and differently accented than before. He rolled onto his back and held his face in his hands, hoping top stop the extreme pressure he was feeling. His face became angular and unimaginably handsome. He could feel his once light and spotty beard thickening, as it filled in with color and density. His hair became thick and dark, watching would have looked like black ink was spreading through his follicles. His once blue eyes taken from him flooded with deep black colouring, returning to perfect vision as the pressure subsided.

Desiderio stood up and looked in the mirror, knowing that he was once Dean Flynn. Dean was no more, his whiteness would be given to a Latinx person who would become white to support their family from the USA. Desiderio would do alright himself, he was a quick learner and could always find a gringo willing to pay good money for a bit of sex.