Discord Bio Template 1
discord bio template 1
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More Posts from Hagstromviking2

Iron. It is a substance that can be found anywhere in the world. It's in the sand, of course, but it's also inside spring water and vegetation. And, of course, iron is a mineral found inside human bodies. Iron is a plentiful nutrient found in foods like spinach or liver. It is an important substance in the blood. Do you know what happens if the body is depleted of iron? To put it simply, your blood turns a repulsive yellow color and you die. The iron in your blood captures the oxygen you inhale and is responsible for carrying it to every part of your body. If iron disappears, that precious oxygen will not reach your fingertips or your brain. In other words, your body has already lost so much iron that despite your heavy breathing, oxygen is not being carried to your body. You will become a corpse even before you die.

jojo's bizarre analog adventure
can’t wait to get top surgery so I can wear my shirts halfway unbuttoned like a slut
♡ lovestruck. °₊

pairings : elvis presley x female reader.
summary : elvis turns into a brat whenever you're not with him.
includes : fluff, (mainly) elvis being clingy (and childish), some swearing words.
author's note : this is a little present for my 170 followers! i still can't believe i have that many people who enjoy what i write and it just makes me so happy!!! i had a bunch of requests for something with the real elvis so this is for all of those lovely anons<3
buy me a kofi!

if someone would've told you that the moment elvis presley and you started dating he would make tantrums whenever you leave his side and deny anyone else's help but yours; you would've punched them in the face for playing with your feelings.
but now you would just hug them and nod while sighing. because that's exactly what he does.
elvis considers himself as a hopeless romantic, he believes in love at first sight and in the fairytale kind of love story. it didn't help that you were almost the same.
you and elvis met when he delivered some packages to your family business, he invited you a cold coke in your lunch break and the both of you just felt a spark. the rest is history (literally).
elvis got famous and you married him a few months later, just after he arrived to germany, now being at his side whenever he needed or wanted.
and you love him with all the love you could possibly have for someone as special as he is for you — you felt like you were going to burst out crying everytime you see his beautiful face.
you thought for a long time that you were the sensible and clingy one in the relationship as you always grabbed his hand in press conferences that you were invited to, gave him a kiss before every show to keep his stage fright at bay, pampering him after every show and telling him he deserves to be taken care of at least once, caressing his hair whenever he fell asleep on your lap, cuddling him while sleeping together at hotels or in your room at Graceland, tying his tie in those rare occasions he wore suits, kissing him on the cheek before he goes to meet some fans outside your home, etcetera.
it was just your routine.
you remember telling elvis about psychical touch being your love language at the first stages of the relationship.
“ but, and i mean this, if you ever feel overwhelmed for everything, just tell me and i'll stop. ”
“ i will, mama. ”
but he never told you anything. because he loved it. even more than he liked to admit. and he confirmed it the week you went away for a family trip.
you told elvis you were going to visit your sibling as they just had a baby a few days before you had to go and he took it very well, just nodding and smiling while you told him, feeling very calm.
he was also calm when you were packing your stuff while listening to him complaining about some childish fight he and some member of the memphis mafia got in, just to fill the silence.
he was also calm while kissing you goodbye, wishing you the best, telling you to be careful and ordering you to call him at least every two days to know you were good. after agreeing at everything you kissed him again, fixing his hair before driving away. he just waved you goodbye while ignoring that weird feeling he felt.
and he was also calm the next day, eating breakfast and dinner with his dad before practicing some songs in his piano and even calling some friends of his to hang out with.
but he stopped being calm the day after that.
he woke up with the sun hitting his eyes making him gruff and turn around, watching the clock in the nightstand, widening his eyes at the hour.
“ god-dammit! ” he said with his deep morning voice, almost tripping while getting out of bed, running to the phone and immediately calling jerry, who usually told him almost everything.
“ jerry here. ” his friend's typically calm voice answered.
“ jerry, man! ”
“ ep, what the fuck, where are you? ” it sounded like jerry was walking out of a room, 'whispering' to the phone, now his voice sounded concerned.
“ i fell asleep, damn it. ” elvis just ran his hand by his hair, the way you use to do when he felt stressed. “ what are y'all doing? ”
“ well, all the musicians are waiting for you while practicing and everyone else are just cracking jokes, the colonel almost sent the whole police force there to see what made you so late. ”
elvis just sighed.
“ okay, tell 'em i'm really sorry and that i'll be there in ten. ”
“ you good? something happened? are you sick? ”
“ nah, nah, i just... i'll tell ya later. ”
“ sure. see you then. ”
“ see ya. ”
elvis hung up, hitting his forehead in the wall next to him before walking to the bathroom to get ready.
you were the one to usually wake him as you woke up earlier because of all the household duties you love to do. it was after you told him after he insisted on hiring someone for it:
“ i love taking care of you, don't be stubborn. ”
that he stopper insisting.
now he regrets letting you win because he got so used to your cute voice waking him up with little kisses in his face.
damn, he felt like he was going to cry.
️️ ️️️️️️️️️
after he arrived, everyone was around him, asking him if he was okay, if something happened, it made him want to hold his head to block out the noise.
“ nah, 'm good, don' worry, 'kay? ” he said with a tired tone in his voice.
you usually walked hand in hand with him, answering all questions for him as you knew how overwhelmed he could get at this hour and even more when he had to practice for some show.
elvis then sat in the chair inside the booth, clearing his throat. feeling a bit weird as you weren't there to give him his good luck kiss.
“ ep, you good? ”
he turned to see the pianist looking at him.
“ yeah, yeah, just a bit, uh... don't worry. ” he just shook his head, giving a thumbs up for the music to start.
he spent the whole session spacing out after ending a song, laughing quietly at some jokes and just drinking water.
he felt so weird. he didn't knew in what moment did your touch became so comforting to him at the point where he felt he was going insane without it.
when steve gave everyone a five minute break elvis just shoot himself out his seat, almost running to the phone out of the booth.
dialing your number he waited, not patiently, for you to pick up.
“ hello? ” elvis thought he was going to pass out at the sound of your voice, he really missed you.
“ baby! god, it's so good to hear your voice. but hey, i think you cursed me or something 'cause y'know i got late today because i couldn't wake up without your 'good morning', ” he even made a girly voice in an attempt to copy yours. “ then i didn't had breakfast because i tried to do that sandwich you make for me and it just. didn't. hit. the. same. ” he stomped his feet at every pause, like a toddler. “ and i almost break down crying because i didn't get your good morning kiss either, can you come home? ”
he waited for an answer, probably a 'okay, i'm actually taking a plane back home as we speak' type of answer but what he got was laughter.
“ wha-. is my suffering funny to ya'? ” he asked with his hand in his waist; doing his dad stance.
“ oh my god! elvis aaron presley, are you telling me to go back home because you couldn't get your good morning kissie? ” you said between laughs, probably tears running down your face.
“ no! ” he defensively said, looking around before saying. “ not just that, it's the sandwich too. ”
you laughed harder.
“ stop laughing, it's not funny! at all! if you told me 'elvis, i love you and i need you to leave right now to be at my side', i'll do it! i'll take the first plane back home and- ”
his rant was cut off as steve screamed at him.
“ elvis, come on! ”
elvis sighed.
“ you have to go back? ”
“ yeah... ”
“ okay, look, call me when the session ends and we'll talk about whatever you need, okay? ”
“ okay... ” he pouted like a child.
“ okay. i love you, you baby. ”
“ 'm not a baby. ”
“ sure. ”
you hung up, making elvis sigh again.
“ elvis-! ”
“ yeah, i hear you, goddammit! ”
️️ ️️️️️️️️️
he was now in his dressing room, sitting in the chair as his makeup artist worked while listening to the colonel explaining the whole agenda to steve.
elvis was playing with his straw, occasionally smiling to his makeup artist in a way to say that it was going good.
“ colonel, with all due respect, i feel like 'suspicious minds' should be the open scene, it's just a small show, not a big event. ”
“ no, no, no! it should be polk salad annie, it's fun, it's upbeat! ” the colonel turned to elvis, pointing at his figure with his clown custom cane making elvis snicker as he remembered that time you joked about the colonel showing a picture of him to the shop worker about the type of cane he wanted and them just giving him a clown cane. “ my boy would agree with me! ”
steve just sighed. “ elvis, what do you think? ”
“ uh... ” the makeup artist took a step back, elvis standing up; putting his hands in his waist, looking at the ground. “ excuse me. ” he walked to the white phone that was on the table.
“ what are you doin- ” elvis held a finger to the colonel.
“ hiya, baby! ” elvis greeted you, showing his back to the colonel and his profile to steve. “ wanna ask you something really quick, uh, what song do you like more as an opening song: 'suspicious minds' or 'polk salad annie'? ”
steve had to turn his head to the side to hide his laughter at the sight of the colonel's shocked face.
“ suspicious minds? great! thank you and enjoy your day, doll, i love ya'. ” he kissed the phone before hanging up, looking at the colonel with a confident smile.
“ suspicious minds will be the opening song. ” he sat in the chair again, grabbing his coke and sipping it while looking at the song lyrics clearly unaware of the situation before hearing steve's loud laughter.
“ what in the damn hell just happened? ” the colonel asked while steve kept laughing.
️️ ️️️️️️️️️
he was getting ready for a press conference, fixing his hair for the millionth time.
the colonel was giving orders to the press, telling them what was appropriate to ask and what not while elvis stood behind him, next to jerry and another memphis mafia member.
“ shit. ” he muttered under his breath, trying to make his hair look good.
“ what's going on? ” jerry asked, sparing a glance to elvis.
“ my hair is looking like a damn mess. ” he complained, his hands still touching the ends of his hair.
“ lemme call the styl-. ”
“ no, he doesn't know how to do this. ” elvis quickly turned the offer down, getting more nervous as he saw how his hair continued to look like he just woke up or something.
“okay! boy, we' goin' out right now-. ”
“ no, just let me fix this. ”
come on, you dumb hair, work!
“ elvis, we don't have ti-. ”
“ wait! ” he quickly remembered what you used to do, he grabbed steve's water bottle wetting a part of his scarf in it now using that piece of cloth to tame his hair down, making it work. not as perfectly as it did when you did it but it worked.
“ 'kay, let's go. ” he shrugged his shoulders, walking to the press conference with five shocked and confused faces behind him.
️️ ️️️️️️️️️
after the show, elvis just dried his sweat with the white towel he was given by some staff giving them a quick 'thank you' as he walked to his dressing room.
in a moment of obliviousness he stopped in his tracks, leaning his cheek to the side while drying his wet hair.
everyone just stood quiet.
“ uh... elvis? ” steve asked, looking at elvis as if he was insane. “ you good? ”
he just looked at steve like he was bothering him before realizing what the fuck he was doing.
snapping out of the state of mind he was in, he stood straight, clearing his throat.
“ sorry, thought the suit was... tighter. ” he whispered the last part, walking quickly to his dressing room while everyone looked confused.
he dialed you again, now in his expensive robe, sitting in the small couch his dressing room had.
“ hi! ” your voice welcomed him again.
“ i'm going insane. ”
a few seconds of silence passed.
“ okay, what happened? ” you asked as if this was normal to you, it sounded like you were in some kind of outdoor area as the wind could be heard.
“ i just- you're going to laugh again. ”
“ i won't! ”
elvis reluctantly shook his head.
“ i don't believe you. listen, just... can you come home? i really, really miss you. baby, i'll send the private jet, hell, i'll fly it myself! ” he threw a hand to the air, hitting his elbow with something making him pout.
you softly chuckled. “ elvis, just for two days mor-. ”
he groaned.
“ no! i want you here right now! you don't get it, i have to take this suffering alone. ”
you held your laughter back, shaking your head.
“ elvis, it's just for two days, they're going to pass quick! i'll be there in a blink, you'll see. ”
he blinked.
“ liar. ”
“ elvis! ” you laughed. “ you're being a brat. ”
“ hey! 'm not. ” he sighed again, falling in the couch as if it was some kind of support. “ fine. two more days and you take your cute ass home, got it? ”
“ yes. ” you chuckled. “ i love you, sleep well. ” you sent him a kiss, making him smile.
“ i love you too, g'bye. ”
“ bye. ”
the call ended. making elvis feel lonely again.
️️ ️️️️️️️️
it was now the day you were going to come back home, elvis dressed the best he could, driving himself to the airport as he insisted in you traveling back home with his plane so he could welcome you without anyone bothering you.
he was checking himself out after arriving, fixing his hair the best he could, cleaning his glasses and trying to make his outfit look better. feeling the excitement feel his body at the realization that he was going to go back to normal, his morning kisses will be there, the pampering will be there after every show... and those delicious pj's sandwiches you do.
thank god you're already his wife because he could propose you again.
... why not propose to you again?
before he could think even further he listened to the plane landing, bouncing in his feet like an excited kid. and after some minutes, he saw your figure go down the stairs, now in the same place as he was.
he ran to you, giggling like a love-sick high schooler, his arms holding you when you were close enough.
“ elvis! ”
“ doll! ”
you both said hugging each other with all the strength you could muster.
“ i missed you. ”
“ i missed you even more, sweetheart. ”
you both didn't notice the relieved sighs of jerry behind the both of you.
breaking up the hug, you both walked to the car. hand in hand.
“ so, how was it? did you get some free time without me? ”
elvis immediately shook his head, holding your hand tighter.
“ no doll, i beg of you to not leave me alone ever again. next family reunion i'm going with you, i don' give a damn if i have something important that day. ”
you laughed, caressing his arm with your other hand as you arrived closer to the car, jerry and steve beside the both of you.
“ that's too bad cause i thought of going to my cousin's wedding next wee-. ”
“ NO! ” three male voices shut you down, jerry pleading with his hands as if he was praying, steve with his hands in his head as if you just told him the world was ending and elvis hugging your waist as if you were going to dissappear in any second.
looks like the one that'll be needing free time is going to be you.