25/M into hair growth, jock/bear tfs, hit me up if you're a jock ;)If you like what you read and want to support me,Cashapp: $HairyJockTF
179 posts
Fire In The Forest
Fire in the Forest

Adam sighed deeply as he unlocked the door to his apartment. The familiar scent of old laundry and takeout boxes washed over him as the door swung open. He slid his bag off his shoulder onto the floor and slumped onto the couch. Today had been one of the worst days of his life, to put it mildly. The company he’d slaved away for since graduating a few years ago had unexpectedly let him go as part of cost cutting measures. Every late night he’d spent at the office suddenly hit him as a waste, his hard work had never mattered to those up top. Adding insult to injury was his paltry severance package; with his rent it’d barely last two weeks. He wouldn’t even have time to breathe before having to find a new job.
Before he knew it he’d passed out sitting on the couch, waking up hours later to a dark sky out the window. Shit, he muttered to himself, rubbing his eyes before forcing his body up and off the couch. He tossed a frozen meal into the microwave before setting his laptop up on the table. With the microwave humming in the background he started visiting websites of companies he knew of in the same sphere. Career page after career page yielded no luck. He grabbed his food from the beeping microwave and continued to solemnly scroll through page after page of indeed listings, applying to every one he could convince himself he was qualified for. Soon enough it was two in the morning, and Adam decided to call it quits. He cleaned up his now very cold dinner and went to the bathroom to splash some water on his face and clean up for bed. His red hair glowed under the ceiling light, looking almost like fire. It was one of his more attractive qualities, he thought to himself, looking at his skinny frame and ghostly skin. He flipped off the lights and hopped into bed.
It was around ten the next morning that Adam finally crawled out of bed. He grabbed his phone off the desk and quickly checked for any job notifications. There was only one, and not one he recognized. It was a recruitment email from a logging company, Cascade Lumber. He skimmed over the email, they’d “found” his profile online and thought he’d be a good fit for a lumberjack role? That was ridiculous, he thought, and closed out of his email. Frustrated at no actual leads, he decided to take a walk for the morning and get back to searching that afternoon. While out trying to enjoy the rare sunny day, that email stuck in his mind. Really? A lumberjack? It was absurd, insulting almost. He was a software developer, not some country laborer. He got back to his apartment and threw himself back into the search, sending out applications one after another. The next day was much of the same, desperately trying to find more niche positions that might be hiring. Still no responses, though. Each day he became a little more stressed, a little more frantic in his search. How had no one responded yet? He had plenty of qualifications and experience, he didn’t understand the problem.
Two weeks had passed and Adam was against a wall. His severance cash was nearly dried up, and still nothing had come through, not even an interview. Even his connections had fallen through. With the bills starting to pile up on the counter, he was out of options. That was when he remembered the email from weeks before. At this point it couldn’t hurt to respond, maybe they had a tech position he could weasel into. He wrote a short response and sent it off. Just minutes later, as Adam was in the middle of making lunch, his phone buzzed. They’d responded already, inviting him out to their office. The address was nearly an hour out west, but what choice did he have?
The next morning he was on his way out of the city, high rises giving way to fields and then forest. Dense groves alternated with barren patches of recently logged areas, letting sunlight down to the road. He pulled down a narrow road and a few minutes later parked in front of a modest building tucked into the trees. His car was surrounded by huge trucks filled to the brim with tree trunks, as well as some large machinery he couldn’t identify. Upon walking inside he was greeted with a dim room full of old logging gear. He heard the footsteps of someone large approaching, before a huge man descended the stairs to greet him. He looked enormous in this small room, almost scraping the ceiling, and his frame was equally wide. His open shirt revealed a forest of hair on his chest, and his beard was incredibly thick. Adam suddenly felt very intimidated, despite the large smile on the man’s face.

“Hey there! You must be Adam, so glad you took us up on visiting. We really think you’d be a great asset on the team. Whoa! I’m getting ahead of myself, the name’s Derek,” he reached out his absolute paw of a hand. With a shake Derek immediately began touring Adam around the office. Derek was overwhelming with his enthusiasm, but also in his assumption that Adam had agreed to start working there. He didn’t have another option, but they didn’t know that. They got into Derek’s truck and he drove off into the forest towards a work site. The majority of the information Derek was spitting out went in one ear and out the other, but Adam tried to look as engaged as he could. The truck came to a screeching halt in an area they were currently clearing. The sound of chainsaws was like nails on a chalkboard to Adam as they stepped out of the truck. In the distance he saw machinery whirring away cutting trees, as well as men harnessed up with saws. Derek went into more detail about working in an active logging site, the dangers and safety measures. Adam was instead busy looking at the men working nearby. They had on hard hats and bright orange vests overtop thick jackets or flannels. They all looked big and burly, like they’d been lifting for years. Adam wasn’t sure how in Derek’s mind he would be able to do anything here.
“...and I think that just about covers most of it. Oh! And the salary is $55k per year, with annual raises and benefits. We try to do right by our guys here,” Derek smiled at Adam. That number had finally gotten his attention. Nothing close to his old job, but better than zero. In a decision that probably warranted some more thought, Adam opened his mouth.
“Great, when do I start?”
Derek’s smile doubled in size and he slapped Adam on the back. “That’s my man, let’s get you all set up then while you’re out here,” he said. They both got back into Derek’s truck and drove back to the office. Inside Adam was handed the same hat and vest he saw the men at the site wearing.
“Now that’s just the basics, you’ll probably want some heavy clothing while on the job, and get yourself some good boots while you’re at it,” he chuckled, looking down at Adam’s aging vans shoes. Adam thanked him and walked back to his car. Still unsure of this whole venture, Adam departed. On the way back he stopped at some workwear stores, looking for boots and clothes to fit the job. Having no idea what he actually needed, he just looked for the closest things to what he remembered the guys there wearing. Close enough, right?
Back at his apartment he cautiously tried on all the clothing he’d just gotten. To his surprise, it all fit fairly well, despite his body being much smaller than most of the guys out there. His thin frame looked bulkier under a thick layer of protective and warm clothing. He almost… liked how it looked? Adam quickly put that thought out of his head and stripped off the gear. The sun was already dipping below the horizon and he had to be out there early in the morning from now on.
The alarm came even sooner than he thought. Adam rolled out of bed at four in the morning, and was out the door as soon as he could get himself together. The air was chilly outside, with not even a hint of the sunrise yet in the darkness. He drove straight to the site Derek had assigned him to, finding a group of men chatting together while donning their equipment. Adam introduced himself, and began putting on his own assigned gear. The day flew by as several other guys instructed Adam on how things worked. He was more keen to pay attention to everything this time, listening intently to each burly man who showed him how to use a chainsaw. By the end of the day he’d felled a few trees and learned the basics of the larger machinery the team used. Despite it being cool all day, Adam was sweating up a storm in his thick coat. Maybe he’d overestimated how much layering was needed. The drive home felt shorter than it had the day before, but Adam was frustrated at a recurring itch on his jaw, it just kept coming back no matter how much he scratched at it.
The next few days were much of the same, Adam’s time was highly supervised while he was learning, but he was surprised at how easily he took to it. His original plan of finding a tech position to switch to had already been forgotten. The other lumberjacks seemed to like Adam as well, despite his scrawny stature. His red hair made him easy to point out, even though it was usually covered by a hard hat. The itch on his face reared its head a few more times, as Adam’s baby smooth face was slowly overtaken by a light red stubble. Each day it would poke out just a hair more, reaching out from his chin towards his sideburns. Adam failed to notice this, just as he was blind to the muscle his skinny body had started to put on. In just a week he’d gained serious definition, he had slight pecs and shoulders, and his arms looked like he’d been working out for years. Must be the intensity of the job, he thought to himself when one of his old t-shirts no longer fit. As the days passed, his stubble connected across his face, and some wispy hairs poked out of his growing pecs. Barely noticeable, but there nonetheless.

The weeks continued to pass as Adam got settled into his position. He started to feel like a real lumberjack as trees fell by his hand day by day. He began to fit in more with the other men as well. His bright red stubble thickened. Hairs that were barely more than peach fuzz grew thick and pushed out into a true short beard. The wisps on his chest likewise grew thicker, curlier, as more pressed out of his pecs. The red hairs grew and wove together until the hairy coating could no longer be ignored. His chest hair was normally kept beneath multiple layers, until one of his fellow loggers spotted the rug while he was changing. The crew gave him their old flannels and forced him to wear them and let some of the fiery red hair poke out. They all loved it, he was looking like them with their thick beards and hairy chests. The tiny new hire was quickly vanishing beneath muscle and fur, as the hairs on his chest spread downwards over his tight stomach.

Adam began noticing that each day he would leave work absolutely soaked in sweat. His layers just absorbed it leaving him a sopping mess as the job was so labor intensive. It didn’t bother him, he just bought more work clothes to cycle through, but he was oblivious to the other effects it was having. Adam’s body, steeping in sweat all day, was producing more and more. Not only that, his previously bare pits began sprouting fine red hairs. At first it was just a few thin hairs poking out, but as they were soaked in sweat they grew thicker. More hairs popped out of the damp pit, filling in rapidly. His once smooth pits were growing into a dense jungle of hair, the hairs thick and red, tangling together into a tuft that trapped even more sweat and stench. They spread out of the confines of his pit, connecting with the pelt on his chest and beginning to pop out across his upper arms. He would dig his fingers into his furry pits to scratch, the hair growing in itching like mad. Each day more hairs pushed out, more sweat was trapped, and the more he smelled like the other men around him.

As the weeks rolled on, Adam kept having to buy new clothes between sweat stains and simply outgrowing them. His body had put on a lot of size since starting, his thin frame bulking out as he grew taller and wider. The weather was growing colder, and the added layers were hiding his growing size, as well as his growing fur. The hair from his pits was continuing its march, with wiry hair cropping up across his shoulders, triceps, and was especially dense on his forearms. Red wispy hairs sprouted all over his upper body, filling in gaps and growing into a thick ginger rug. His body was growing at a rapid rate, biceps filling out and pecs becoming real pillows, but it wasn’t all muscle. His size was softened by a healthy layer of fat that only encouraged more hair to sprout. His already dense chest hair thickened further, red hairs swirling around his nipples and growing longer and curlier. The chest fur grew up and over his shoulders, creating a seamless carpet from his hands through his torso. Even his back was beginning to show signs, as light red fuzz was gathering around his shoulder blades and above his waistline. Hair sprouted out of his shirt collars and poked from his sleeves; even under his layers of clothes his coworkers knew Adam was hiding some impressive fur.

What they couldn’t see was below Adam’s waistline. The fur coat from his stomach slowly inched downwards, the wispy hairs occupying his groin quickly overrun with a thick red bush. The hairs pushed out from the base of his cock, thick and curly they sprouted and tangled together as the bush expanded. The hairs climbed up and connected with the rug on his stomach, and out to his thighs before racing down his thick legs. His pubes grew denser into a thick triangle of red hair, his cock growing larger to not be hidden beneath the jungle. Adam hardly noticed as the bulge in his jeans grew day by day, sweat soaking the area as it developed a thick musk that was barely contained by his underwear. He had to buy larger sizes after his balls swelled considerably, dropping lower than before and sprouting with their own rug of red hair. The hairs spread down over his taint before blossoming in his ass crack, a thick fiery explosion of fur pushing out as the hairs grew like weeds over his large cheeks. His legs grew stockier to support his growing body as the hairs continued their march from the thick nest of pubes. His thighs were coated before it spread to his calves. His feet stretched and ached as they grew multiple sizes in just a few weeks, before too being buried beneath a thick mat of red hair.

Winter finally began showing its ugly face, and Adam’s job grew rougher daily as temperatures plummeted up in the mountains. His body adapted, packing on considerable bulk. Gone was his thin, twinky frame, replaced now by a thick and strong body, built for strength and warmth. His thick muscular frame was coated in a layer of fat to insulate him, and his belly seemed to just keep growing. The fur coat he’d been developing only continued to come in. The red hairs grew thicker and denser every day, pushing against his clothing. His fiery red beard, which had been well kept until now began erupting from his face with a fury. Thick hairs curled over his upper lip as the hairs on his cheeks pushed out inch after inch. More hairs filled in between as the coating crawled higher on his cheeks. It surged down his neck and blended with the thick chest hair. He looked wild, but it kept his face warm from the frigid winds. He even got complimented on it, earning a reputation as a real mountain man from his fellow lumberjacks. Adam had fully adapted to his job, there was no going back. He was now a hairy, hefty lumberjack with a fur coat to rival an animal’s. He’d grown to be one of the best in the crew, each tree felled returning as a hair in his pelt.

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More Posts from Hairyjocktf
Beary Blast

What better follow up to a smooth surfer TF than a vape triggered bearification-
Also thank you to everyone who voted in my 1,500 follower poll, probably going to go ahead and get the top two stories out next week! Best and Enjoy! -Occam

Jeremiah was a delivery driver currently on the way to his last stop of the day. He got permission to just head straight on home afterwards so he can get up early and open tomorrow, which is to say he’s looking forward to what little hours he can get to himself before returning to the endless grind once more. The last customer was in the ritzy part of town, some guy who put his name down as “Mr. A,” Jerry just rolled his eyes hoping it’ll just be an in and out job, knowing how richies can go either way.
Parking his truck on the curb Jeremiah made his way to the door, walking up a manicured sidewalk past a porch swing to knock on the door. No bell or anything, just a door knocker shaped like a bear, Jerry shakes his head and slightly grimaces before using the knocker. After almost no time at all there is a massive shadow behind the door and it promptly opens, standing there is the largest man Jerry has ever seen. In every sense of the word. Jerry’s not short but as he looks up to the behemoth of the man he’s never felt smaller. He would be beyond intimidated were it not for the unmistakable kindness in his eyes peeking out above his beyond dense beard.
Jerry can’t help but stare for a few seconds before remembering himself, “uuuh Delivery?” He then tackles on a quick and quiet apology for gawking, “so sorry” Mr. A puts his large hands on his waist letting loose a deep laugh. The bass vibrates in Jerry’s bones as he makes a point not to stare once more at the hair peeking out the neckline of the robe as it hugs his large powerful curves. He holds out the pizza, hands shaking slightly from meekness at standing opposite this titanic man. Mr. A grabs for it, neglecting to hold his robe as it spills open, letting Jerry see the tight boxers previously hidden, and the package barely concealed within.
Jeremiah wasn’t gay but this isn’t the first time he’s been moved by a man. Though by the near total loss of function in the face of Mr. A, perhaps it’s time to reconsider a thing or two. For the first time the bear of a man speaks up, “Thank ya kid. OH! Y’know what I’ve got somethin’ for ya, tips on the card but, do you vape?” Jerry sheepishly nods as the man turns to rummage for something in a desk, blasting a smell of expensive cologne and cigar smoke out the door as his robe flies behind him. Jerry’s almost shocked at the speed with which the mammoth moves, though he strains not to think too much of the man lest he totally lose composure.
Within a minute Mr. A returns, robe now cinched and hugging his form, which causes no less a blush on the delivery driver’s face. He holds out his hand with what must be a vape completely hidden in his meaty palm. Jerry reaches out, getting within an inch of the hairy mitt and retrieves the vape, not a brand he’s familiar with though he certainly is not one to complain at any act of kindness, let alone one from this, uh, hunk. Mr. A beams down as he explains the frankly bizarre handoff, “Yeah one of my, uh, cubs gave it to me. Must’ve thought it was cute that it’s ‘Beary Blast’ flavored, hah! But I stick to cigars, don’t wanna go crazy with the stuff y’know,”
Jerry finds himself politely nodding along in agreement, keeping mum, unaware of just how submissive his eyes are as they stare up at the man. After exchanging a few more pleasantries Jerry remembers that he’s off the clock now and bids farewell before struggles to walk without making it obvious that he had started chubbing from his all too short time spent at Mr. A’s doorstep. The bear watches to ensure he makes it to his car with no trouble and nods before heading back inside.
Jeremiah rubs his face hard for a few full seconds, shocked and a little uncomfortable at how totally absorbed he was by the bear. Opening his eyes to see the gifted vape in his lap he immediately takes a massive hit, he isn’t all that much of a vaper, but even more so he’s not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. The horse metaphor brings his mind reeling back to seeing Mr. A’s cock through his boxers as he continues drawing on the vape until it blinks and he no longer can. He sits and exhales, releasing burning cool fumes of Beary Blast that immediately fill the car as if he were hot boxing. The clouds dissipate quickly enough but the fumes continue to stick around, every ongoing breath just a wisp of Beary Blast infuses itself into his lungs.
Even so, Jerry finds the taste far too alluring to persist on whatever dregs remain in the air, what with the source so readily available. The nigh obsession he had felt standing in the shadow of Mr. A fades from his mind as nothing is, nor perhaps ever has been, more singularly important than chain hitting this vape. Really he shouldn’t be driving given how difficult it is to focus on anything besides the buzz, the pleasure, that each breath of this ichorous vape holds. Minutes pass as he drives towards his home and just after yielding to temperance to put the vape down, he notices a strange itch in his crotch as he pulls up to a stop light.
His mother always tried to hammer into his head to never scratch an itch, but in the privacy of his own car how could he not. He nervously double checks that no other driver has a sightline before stuffing his hand in his work pants and scratching like a dog. Jerry does a double take as he immediately finds that his pubes seem to have grown at a far faster rate than they usually do. He’s not seeing anyone at the moment, but he usually keeps it smooth down there in case any chicks call him up, at the moment though it feels like he hasn’t shaved in a week or two? He furrows his brow trying to remember how it looked down there this morning, continuing to scratch he doesn’t notice as they begin to grow even thicker. Before the stoplight even turns green his once clean shaven crotch now holds a bush that looks as if it hadn’t been groomed since it first started to grow.
As the light changes he jolts in his seat and starts the drive once more, gritting his teeth slightly as the itch begins to travel up above his waistline. He rolls his eyes hearing a voice in his head repeat that scratching only makes it worse, though as the itching begins to turn to a slight burn as it spreads up to his belly button and beyond he wonders if there is any other option. He takes another massive hit of the Beary Blast vape before reaching under his shirt to get at the expanding itch rising across his stomach.
His body physically jerks in shock as he feels the tickle of hairs over his abs. Not a day in his life has he been able to grow any body hair, no one in his family can. As he rubs his stomach, dragging his nails across it’s tight skin, longing to find the smooth torso he has always had, the treasure trail inching up from his pubes is impossible to deny. Adrenaline begins to rise in his chest from the shock and his heart races, his fingers trace up to his chest and he finds hair beginning to prickle in the center of his chest. Jeremiah pulls over to the side of the road, concerned that he might be losing his mind, putting his car in park however the only thought able to overcome the din, is ‘fuck, I need another hit.”

Jerry shoves his hand back in his pants as looks for where he threw the vape in his car amidst whatever this episode is. He feels his pubes thicken and curl as he scans the floorboard, pointedly not noticing as hair starts to spread beyond the center of his chest and towards his nipples. Nor is he aware of the weight that is slowly starting to amass on his arms and pecs. He’s always been fit, though not one to go out of his way to put on muscle. As he searches his dash the pecs he is impossibly starting to develop suggest otherwise. Jeremiah does notice the uniform starting to pull on his chest in a new fashion as he squirms about the driver's seat looking for the gift bestowed by Mr. A.
His right hand is still planted in his crotch digging through a jungle before he moves lower and he starts to scratch at his balls, causing two revelations at once. His eyes dart down as without a doubt in his mind he knows they are larger than they should be. He shifts his weight to confirm, moving to cup them which sends a surge of pleasure through him as both his balls and his cock surge larger in his pants, straining his already tight underwear.
Moaning to himself from the impossible pleasure of this moment, his surging cock pushes his hand into the second conclusion, the vape had been resting squarely under his package. Jeremiah stretches his neck to look past his chest, still not noticing its growth as his nipples make themselves apparent in the tight shirt and his free hand lances past the weightier crotch for the vape. Without a second thought it is in his mouth once more, the hard plastic carries a scent from its short time hiding beneath his balls, though it is nothing compared to the sheer captivation of his vape as he indeed takes another hit.

Before this sleepless nightmare his underarms had always been carefully groomed as one of the two places it was even possible for him to grow body hair. As he continues inhaling though, his thin trimmed bushes of put hair burst beyond the boundaries where they have always been contained. Hair stretches long and far out of his pits and it becomes clear that its expansion is not to stop here. Similarly he feels a tickle on his face, causing him to smirk as he continues to inhale, as for the first time in his life, he’s finally able to grow a beard. A mustache bursts out of his upper lip and he drops the vape once more as he rubs his face to feel stubble quickly shadow and encompass the entire lower half of his face. Pleasure begins to overwhelm him as between the beyond 5’oclock shadow and the still expanding bulge there are some definite upside in whatever impossible horror is happening to him.
As he starts to paw at his crotch over his work pants his hand bumps the wheel and dream or not he decides he cannot just masturbate in public. He shifts to drive away as his body continues to demand attention and grow larger. He discards his shirt as he hears the first tear of his sleeves alert him to just how tight his uniform has become. His biceps grow to a size that require constant time at the gym as hair begins to pepper them, thickening from his wrists up the whole of his forearm before crossing his elbows and launching a campaign towards his shoulders. The hair from his pits grows towards the hair on his chest as it blasts past his nipples. The thick trail on his chest discontented with remaining so confined spreads to encompass the whole of his stomach creating a rug that would evermore hide his abs. Though as his pecs and arms continue to grow he notices not as his stomach begins to press into his seatbelt, his strength similarly expands as muscle and fat begin to pile onto his waist.

His hands flex on the steering wheel as pressure continues to build in his balls, demanding immediate satisfaction. He struggles to keep attention on the road as his thighs begin to grow to strain his work pants. He adjusts in his seat to absolve the tightness in his crotch, only causing it to grow more intense as his ass takes this chance to fill out the seat of his pants. This leaves him sitting higher despite gaining no height as his ass expands into a cushion that would fill any top with desire. He shakes his head as he speeds down the road, unsure why such an idea popped into his head, and after what feels like an eternity in his mind he arrives at his apartment, gritting his teeth not to just lose it right there as he stumbles out of his car.
Jeremiah pockets the vape, unaware as it too begins to change, lengthening as the hard plastic gives way to expensive tobacco leaf as the fluid within returns to a less synthetic form. Each step towards his door grows heavier as the weight he carries continues to pile on, muscles expand, his grunts grow deeper, his stomach bloats outward now free from its confines, and his cock grows thicker as he struggles to put one foot in front of the other. The friction of his pants struggling to hold it together almost makes him cum right there, so close to the finish line. Barely scraping past this ultimate trial he reaches out towards the door handle as hair trickles further down his hand and he turns the knob before falling inside and slamming it shut.
Inside his home he rips at his pants eager to free his cock from the confines, as in the open air of his home all the hair on his body grows darker and thicker. Hair growing on his ass tickles the floor as it expands up his back and crests over his shoulders to meet the blanket of chest hair as it races towards his neck. The hair in his pits spreads likewise to create a hemisphere of hair around his nipples, as his body wants nothing more than to display just how virile, how powerfully masculine he is. The hair on his face leaves the idea of stubble behind as it thickens and expands into an impressive beard that juts well beyond his jaw as weight makes itself evident on his face.

Jeremiah lays there, convulsing his impossibly warm body on the cold floor, struggling to take in all the pleasure that this new body holds. Scratching up and down his torso and feeling the power and appeal within. He humps the air as he loses control without even touching his cock, staring at it as with each pulse he feels more himself than he ever has before. He watches as his pubes extend onto his thighs and darken them with forests that soon stain the entirety of his legs. Across his form his pelt thickens enough to completely hide the skin beneath. He gasps lying in the aftershock of the first of many releases he shall enjoy in the new life he is suddenly resolved to live. Reposing in the small entrance of his apartment as behind him it changes to erase the life once lived of this pizza delivery man, he sees in the pocket of his discarded pants where there once was a vape there now lies a large cigar.
Before the image reaches his conscious mind he is already reaching for the stogie to light it up. Neglecting to care about smoking inside, he sets it aflame and gives the cigar a large puff. The feeling of the large stogie in his mouth brings him an inner warmth that swiftly spreads throughout his body. He feels the pleasure of the smoke in his mouth glide through him as his body continues to grow. His stomach bloats large enough that his pecs don’t hang out so much as rest on his powerful gut. His massive arms lose a tad of the apparently hard earned definition but grow strength that he never dreamed he could have attained. While the massive beard on his face surges even further out making it evident the powerful jaw beneath will never see the light again as a few white hairs begin to pepper it.

Jeremiah moves off the floor, grunting with the effort of getting his drastically larger form off the floor and grumbling under his breath as he continues to mouth the cigar. The smell of smoke alongside his own sweaty body odor quickly brings his focus back to his cock as it stands to attention in its own way. He smirks as his eyes drift between the cigar lolling in his mouth and his cock as it continues bob larger in the air. Before he’s able to act on his ever-demanding cock he hears his phone chime. He grunts and his voice deepens even further as he reaches to see who’s calling, though as he sees the ID he smirks and answers, “Yello there boss.” He rumbles out in a voice that would drive any twink to their knees.
Who else could respond but the man who started this chain of events. Back in his home Mr. A is pawing his own crotch at the sound of Jeremiah’s voice, just picturing the growth that must have occurred. The man grunts as he responds, “Hey there ki- urgh, not quite a kid any more are ya,” loosing a large guffaw before continuing, “know you just up and left my place Jer, would ya mind comin’ on back now though? Got a proposition that you’d hate to miss out on if ya know what I mean.” For his part Jeremiah is already on his way back to the car, throwing on an expensive robe and nothing else as he breaks out the door. Though he remembers not the life he once lived it would be impossible to forget the mark on his psyche from standing there completely dwarfed by Mr. A, though this time something inside of him suggests that he will not be nearly as sheepish in his lust. In fact he’s got something in mind that will ensure that both of them walk away with a limp as he smirks and starts his way back to that place where he truly became a man.
Country Charm

1500 Follower Special here! Thank you all yet again for following and reading :)
Probably for the best not to vacation at a ranch unless you want to learn what a real man is.
My word, this turned into my longest story yet! I hope you enjoy- Given the close finish do keep an eye out for the second place story coming soon! -Occam

The Old Red River Ranch had sent Louis coupons for an all inclusive vacation. Obviously he found the idea immediately shady and dubious, but checking reviews online it looks like the place is legit. He holds onto a healthy suspicion that the offer remains too good to be true but starts packing up to head out nevertheless. After what feels like no time at all he’s headed west to get some rest and relaxation at the Old Triple R.
Arriving at the ranch proper, Louis does not make it far at all before his expectations are dashed. None of the photos or information in his little pamphlet suggested that he would be working but as he rode a shuttle in he passed large advertisements boasting of the opportunity for visitors to labor for such a high caliber ranch as the Triple R. It’s not like he was expecting a spa, but dude ranches don’t typically have you herding cattle right?
Louis is crestfallen as he is dropped off on the dusty road with his luggage. The shuttle driver tips his hat and says, “Be back in a week aye?” and promptly speeds back the way he came. Louis stares off dumbfounded at the trail of dust in his wake, that can’t be right can it? He would’ve sworn it was only three or four days, really he should know eh. Louis is interrupted before he is really able to interrogate his memory by a large hand patting his back.
“Hey there partner, you must be Louie.” Louis catches himself before he falls over and struggles to hide the fear in his eyes by plastering a tight-lipped smile on. Looking to see his assailant he finds a shockingly large man, at least a foot and a half taller than himself and a chest wide and hairy enough that Louis can’t help but think of the livestock the man must help rear. He opens his mouth to say something though his mind bombards him with too many options to spit out. The cowboy throws out a hand to shake which, nothing if not a gentleman, Louis cannot help but meet with his own.
Clearly not from the South, Louis is not at all expecting his hand to be trapped in an iron grip. His eyes widen as he sees the tendons in the man’s arm tense to enact this pain unto him, his eyes glistening above a perpetual grin, “Names Rusty, happy to have ya here Louie.” In response Louis struggles to put any power into his own grip before sheepishly replying, “It’s uh Louis actually.” Rusty lets loose a hearty laugh and slams his meaty palm into Louis’ back once more, “Hah sorry ‘bout that bud. Trust I’ll get it right next time. How ‘bout we get you inside there?”
Without waiting for a response Rusty hoists up Louis’ luggage and breaks for the ranch house at the end of a long dirt path. Louis watches him run off, unable to overlook how powerful his ass and thighs are in his tight jeans. He sighs before bouncing on his backpack and slowly following after, reconsidering if this experience is even worth suffering through for free. First things first though, he’ll need to get his stuff back from the oaf that just made off with it.
Dragging himself to the front door Louis starts to knock before it is wrenched open by who else but the apparent welcome committee of one, Rusty who cheerily shouts, “You ready to get yer hands dirty bud!” Louis opens his mouth to say any of the litany of excuses to why he must leave right now, though seeing the excitement in Rusty’s eyes he just opts for the truth, clearing his throat before starting, “So sorry Rusty but, um, I was kind of not expecting to y’know, do manual labor on my vacation, so I think if it’s alright with you I-”
Rusty puts both his hands on Louis’ shoulders, interrupting him as the weight of his arms send an unmissable blush across his face. The joy in Rusty’s expression slightly dissipates, though he tries to keep it light, “Oh no worries there, lotta visitors ain’t about livin’ that cowboy life. I’m sure you’ll still find sumthin’ worthwhile to do around here!” Louis does not feel reassured standing in the gaze of this man, though seeing the light in him lessen he does feel a little guilty. He quickly shakes it off though, why was this bull of a man expecting him to chip in at all! He’s five feet and change and could probably not lift 100 pounds, why on earth would anyone ever expect him to perform any kind of physical work.
Still, he is here and it is getting quite late, doubt he’ll be able to find accommodations besides spending the night here. He assuages Rusty that he’ll give it a go and Rusty leads him to his room, showing Louis his own on the way should he need anything. Louis is unconvinced that he’ll be finding any real leisure in this but he is now resolved to give it his best try. Judging by the general demeanor of Rusty and the baseline comfort of the lodgings at the very least he hasn’t been suckered into one of those fragile masculinity bootcamps, which was really what he was worried about standing on that dusty road.
Looking out the window Louis finds evidence of some of the other men staying at the ranch. Unsurprisingly no one else seems to be of his, uh, diminished disposition. They do all seem to be having a good time doing whatever chore they’re doing after supper. As he watches a few of them discard their shirts and Louis starts to feel like a lech gawking at the sweaty men laboring. He closes his blinds and goes to sit on his bed, grabbing a book from his luggage.
He starts to read as he awaits for the day to end and his time here at large to swiftly pass. Before too long however, he finds he just can’t get comfortable in the bed. All of a sudden he feels a little pent up, Louis shivers as he feels some all too familiar urges start to influence his mind. Unable to focus on his book as he is increasingly overcome by the demands of his loins Louis discards it and takes off his pants, though he abstains from masturbating outright thus far. Rusty was awfully touchy-feely, he’s not used to such a powerful man manhandling him as he did. He should have been more prepared to see a crowd of cowboys however.
As his mind flashes back to the events of this evening what must have made him horny it of course only makes the issue grow more pressing. He snakes his hand into his boxer-briefs and his balls pulse as they feel headway gained. He grimaces as he feels almost disgusted at the control his dick seems to have over his mind at the moment, though this only heightens the intensity of the pleasure rolling across his body. He removes his underwear and almost enters delirium as his cock bounces free of its confines, his thin chest reddens with blush as he is almost overloaded with sensuality. His balls feel heavy and full as he reaches down.
Any true control over his actions has been thoroughly abandoned as his cock grows harder than ever before in want of release. His last conscious thought figures that it would be best to get this over with as his interactions with these manliest of men are sure to be ongoing. His body contorts on the bed as his hips hump the air as he pursues pleasure in the only way he can. After seconds or hours Louis feels himself reach the pinnacle of his ecstasy as he feels his larger balls pull and he unloads into the open air of his lodgings, ropes shooting upwards onto the headboard and his body in its wake. He immediately falls into a dreamless sleep as his body prepares for whatever awaits him tomorrow.
Sun leaks in through Louis’ closed blinds as a handful of roosters crow outside in the ranch. Louis bolts up in bed as the ecstasy of the previous night returns to his mind in flashes. He rubs his face and finds it scratchy, deciding it must be time to shave again. He throws his legs over the side of his bed and sits up, pointedly not looking at the bulge in his pants as his morning wood is clearly larger than usual, nor does his mind draw attention to the absent mess he made last night. Instead he makes for his ensuite bathroom to shave. Louis usually shaves once a week so this should be the only time he has to here, he scratches at his face feeling it being just a tad thicker than usual before he lathers up with shaving cream and gets it done.
With each pull of the razor he feels himself wake up more, by the time he’s finished he is absolutely raring with energy. It’s like coffee is running through his veins despite having had nothing to eat or drink since before his arrival. He contemplates what to throw on for his theoretical day of leisure before realizing he didn’t unpack. Looking around the room however he finds a tank-top, jeans, and some boots with a letter from Rusty, “To Louie- In case you wanna come out with the boys >:) -Rusty” The discomfort from Rusty getting inside his room aside, Louis for some reason feels drawn to putting on this outfit.
Certainly not his usual fashion but when in Rome right. The more he thinks about it he isn’t sure if he would be comfortable just sitting around while the cowboys are all out there working anyway. His mind is of two sides, and the fact that he isn’t questioning why on Earth he is suddenly willing to throw on a wife-beater at all points to which side is sure to win. He mumbles and groans at his indecision before just opting to put on Rusty’s outfit with a jacket thrown on over top. The clothes are all a few sizes too big, though certainly not large enough for Rusty himself. Louis makes a note to grill the man over the whole situation as he steps out.
His boots click loudly on the paneled floor as he finds his footing in them, not entirely sure it’s safe to wear boots that are too big, though heading out in spite of this. Rusty’s eyes light up as he sees Louis walk down in his laid out garb. He cheers, “Good morning Louie, come on down and meet the crew!” Louis opens his mouth to correct the man before he is shouted over by the horde of men sitting around a large table eating breakfast. He sheepishly walks over to sit in the open seat by Rusty, trying to stand taller than he is, unaware that his efforts pay off as his spine stretches and his chest puffs out.
Rusty throws his arm around Louis’ shoulder and Louis can’t help but sniff as the man’s B.O. is once more forced to the front of his mind. He feels a pulse go through his only recently quieted cock as he realizes he probably should have rubbed another one out this morning. Rusty looks down at him with a coy smirk, his deep voice trying to speak so only Louis can hear, “So you wanna come see what real men do on the ranch huh?” Louis blushes from the intimacy, shrugging as he looks away to avoid getting too heated from his scent. Rusty takes this as a yes and cheers before directing the men out to the fields.
his as a yes and cheers before directing the men out to the fields.
The men file by, giving Louis pats on the back just as Rusty did last evening before Rusty taking up the rear slaps him on the ass and drags him out alongside them, “don’t you worry ‘bout goin’ too hard now, Louie. Day one you can take a back seat and watch, mostly.” Louis rubs his ass where Rusty slapped him, perturbed at the indignity while being more than turned on at the act. He feels his ass start to better fit the pants as he wanders after the crowd of men, grateful that for whatever reason the jeans seem to be hanging better on his hips.
The day goes by without much note, despite ostensibly joining to avoid gawking at the men working, it is what makes up the bulk of Louis’ day. Sitting in the sun he throws on a ball cap to keep it out of his eyes. He struggles to ignore the dozens of erections that demand his attention as the hours pass, each one slightly more intense than the last as each time it fills his pants ever so slightly more. His balls beneath growing hungrier and fuller as the minutes trickle by. Sometime in the back half of the day Louis decides to try and engage with their activities to distract himself. Seeing the men working intense machinery and sweatily lift massive objects with a smile, Louis starts to daydream what exactly he would be able to do if he joined them.
From afar Rusty watches as the quiet man looks around the ranch, staring at hay bales and motioning with his arms. Unaware that each step in his mind towards masculinity his body will follow suit. He raises an arm behind his head and notices his jacket is catching oddly, so he discards it and reveals the show that is soon to start. Louis slowly circles the field as his arms start to put on mass. His arms snake longer and larger as he taps on a tractor and talks shop to the man sitting in its seat. The two of them laugh and Rusty watches as Louis’ chest expands, his shoulders and wingspan stretching larger with each hearty exhalation.
The rate at which Louis’ balls continue to expand he finds it hard to not simply just think with them as hormones begin to course through his mind, filling him with a confidence he has never had before. Just as everyone is starting their final tasks before supper Louis decides to step up and help out, only polite to help them get done faster right? He flexes his arms unconsciously as he makes his way towards Rusty to inquire where he could best fit. Rusty points him towards equipment to bring back to the shed, sure that even now it’d be a struggle for the tourist to handle.
Not to be emasculated, something he’s never been concerned of before, Louis stomps over, paying no mind as his shoes suddenly fit the boots he was swimming in hours ago. His jeans hug his thighs as he bends down to hug his arms around the large hunk of metal. Muscle that has never been there presses into the harsh lines of metal and he strains to stand. Veins force their way on his neck and his body bursts larger as it struggles to imbue him with the power to lift it. He smirks as his pecs force their way out larger and his core tightens with strength. Around him his, or no, the other cowboys grab the rest with expediency and little ado. Pride fills him as he does his part and gets whatever this machine is back inside before heading back to Rusty, struggling to hide the proud grin on his face.

Louis takes off his hat to shake sweat from his hair as Rusty ruffles it and laughs, “Had fun today did ya Louie? Feelin’ stronger than you thought you were?” He tries to hide the fact that he’s blushing from the cowboy as he raises an arm to flex, no thought in his mind about correcting his name. His face between shifts disgust and delight as his suddenly masculine stink breaks through the deodorant he hastily threw on this morning. Then Rusty grabs at his jaw, angling Louis to look him in the eyes as he continues, “Oh? And yer startin’ to grow a beard too, not bad at all.” He releases the visitor’s face as he ratchets it out of eye contact to inspect his own apparently bearded face.
He knows he shaved this morning. But there is no way he would have left this little goatee combo untouched? He’s never been one to grow anything, as he feels at his face a warmth yet again begins to rise in his crotch. He worries that his hair-trigger down there might be a real problem for him, as stubble on his cheek scratches his hand his stomach turns from the sheer pleasure coursing through him. He ceases his facial inspection and ambles after the rest of the crew, scratching at his pits as he does so, toying with the hair he would’ve sworn was not nearly this long or thick. When he thinks no one is looking he brings the hand to his face to smell and he leans on a wall to avoid falling as his hips aimlessly hump in response. He feels pre start to pool in his underwear and hopes that there won’t be an obvious stain.
Supper that night is a standard affair, Louis refrains from considering how he knows what standard is as his eyes scan the other cowboys, keeping quiet. His eyes dance across their manicured beards and massive hairy chests and where there once was just lust there is a pervasive envy as he inspects them. At one point two of the men get in a tiff and Louis watches as they aim to resolve it via wrestling. He bites the side of his cheek as he tries to inconspicuously watch the two men clutching at each-other on the floor. He hears his cock strain the pants that were impossibly large this morning as his heart starts beating faster in his chest. His chair creaks under him as he tries to quietly adjust, only making his nerves rise higher.
Rusty turns from the spat on the floor to instead observe the newcomer. He sees incredible tension as Louis reacts to every turn and adjustment in the combat, each pointedly slow and deep breath pushes his wife-beater to its limit as indeed a stain is beginning to appear in his crotch, growing darker and larger with each second of the match. Rusty starts to grin watching the goatee on his face begin to darken and connect as the stubble begins to coalesce into sideburns. Louis scratches at a lower stomach and the unmistakable sound of fingers sifting through hair reaches the ears of both men over the din of the men doing everything but frotting on the floor.
Louis hears Rusty exhale and turns to see that he was clearly watching him. His eyes widen as he falls away from the table and breaks down the hall fleeing from it all. Rusty watches as in the sprint his ass and thighs expand even further, forcing a massive tear in the seat of the jeans before he arrives at his room and slams the door. No time or thought to hop in the shower Louis instead jumps face down in bed wanting to scream into his pillow as his mind is awash with unfamiliar feelings and hormones. As his body hugs his bed however he is reminded of the tightness in his crotch as it presses into his comforter.

The other cowboys flash through his mind as he sits there shivering with lust in his bed. His hands cramp with the strength which he clutches at his mattress as his body has no recourse but to hump the bed like a dog. He shakes his head as he struggles to understand the thoughts, or lack thereof, in his mind. He wants them? He wants to be them? He feels his arms flex and the strength in them only continues to grow as he mindlessly continues to pump into the comforter. His feet grow tight in the boots he has been wearing all day before he rips them off to reveal socks torn asunder and foot odor that would get one banned from a locker room. He continues this act, pleasuring himself in a fashion before tearing off his clothes as his body continues to burn with passion and power before once more drifting away from consciousness.
In his sleep the prickles of a treasure trail continue to grow up his torso as soreness from his work, and from whatever one would deem his session of self-love just concluded, resolve as weight and strength are piled on. His body acts while he continues in a dreamless sleep continuing to rub against the sheets as the scattered blonde hairs on his chest begin to coalesce and darken on his pecs. Louis’ face contorts slightly in his sleep as he feels his small beard grow thick and messy on his face, spreading vines of hair down under his chin before launching down his neck to meet with his chest, which is rapidly being blanketed with its own fur.
Arms upraised to the headboard as they landed when he conked out, his pits firmly wet the pillow next to his increasingly itchy head as they refuse to be left out. His bush of pit hair curls and stretches beyond its realm. Easily connecting to the chest hair as a center trail connects his cum soaked pubes to his sweat and drool stained beard. Above his arms the hair from his pecs crests over his collarbone and starts to convert whatever vellus exists on his shoulders into the thick curly body hair of a man, as the dark hair of his forearms too spreads upwards to connect each and every stray patch of manhood on the man into an irrefutable testament to his masculinity.

At some point quite near morning Rusty enters to deliver clothes, as certainly nothing this man has ever owned could hope to fit. He is reminded of his own heady days when he came to the ranch as he is filled with primal urges from the man just from his scent alone. He starts to look over this impossibly prime specimen on the bed as his eyes begin to glaze over from the sheer desire, he just shakes it off before taking one final deep breath and departing to rub one out before he starts the day.
Today Louis wakes before the crow of the roosters and he stumbles to the restroom. Taking no stock of whatever mess he left for himself as he takes a deep sniff of his pits and smirks. Even yesterday there remained trepidation in his actions, hesitation at whatever is going on at the ranch. Though it seems he must have cummed his brains, or whatever sense remained in him out last night. His thoughts meander through a fog of hungers and impulses that do not at all befit the man that once stood in this place. One that thought no harm could befall him from giving this a chance. He stares at himself in the mirror, rubbing his beard, willing it thicker and grabbing his razor to even out some edges, cowboys gotta look presentable after all.
He goes on about his day, throwing on the clothes laid out for him, just a pair of underwear and jeans that already hugs his waist. He luxuriates at the tightness in his crotch and is grateful that the pants are dark enough to hide any pre-stains sure to arise in this hard day's work. Rusty greets him as he leaves his room, “Mornin’ Louie, ready for another one?” He grimaces as he hears Rusty call him this, twisting his neck as if there was a knot and rising even taller, suddenly needing to look down at a man who felt twice his size when they met. Words spill from his mouth with profound gravel and an unmistakable accent, “Y’know Rust. Think I’ll start goin’ by Lou iffn that’s alright with you.”
For the first time Rusty is caught off guard, blushing as he feels the bass of the man’s tone in his chest, “Oh! Of course whateve-” Lou smirks and puts a finger to the man’s lips and his eyes widen in shock. Lou grunts and stretches, Rusty’s eyes trace the pecs as after they fall larger and heavier on his chest. He leans in to whisper in Rusty’s ear, “You noticed the ranch don’t quite got a point man?” Rusty bites his tongue as for the first time since his heady days at the ranch he is caught in a loop, wasn’t he? He would’ve sworn it was? As he looks up at the man he thought he brought in he cannot speak a word to the contrary.

Lou puts a large hand on his shoulder, patting pointedly rough on the man as he asserts himself. “How ‘bout you follow my lead today eh Rust?” He smirks and hoists his pants higher, highlighting his bulge as Rusty feels his own start to grow from the intensity of the man before him, he opens his mouth to speak but with a look down from Lou he immediately relinquishes his voice, as he would anything, to the man before him. Desire tinges his every thought in his mind, and every tensing muscle in his body as he stands by his point man. Lou throws an arm around him as the two make their way to breakfast with their crew.
Lou commands the room with all the confidence and authority he could muster, which increases with each lustful stare of his lessers in front of him. His pecs continue to swell larger as the bulge in his tight pants expands with labored clearing of his throat. It bobs in his pants as he scratches at his still increasing jungle of pubes. Their first meal nears its close as Lou assigns their daily tasks and missions with aplomb and clarity, as if he had done so hundreds of times before, Rusty standing to his side and nodding with a submissive, hungry, admiration. Before heading out himself he brings Rusty to a side room to take off his pants and finally enjoy the company of a real man.

The two men whittle away most of the day just having at each other in a public area while the rest of their crew works. Each thrust making each both Lou and his Rusty more emblematic of masculinity, of being a true rancher. After loosing enough loads to finally get a second or two of clarity in his mind where he’s not purely thinking with his balls, Lou throws on nothing but a jock and chaps and heads out to look over the fields of the Old Triple R with all the pride he typically reserves for his own body. Sweaty arm around Rusty as he whistles with satisfaction, side-eying the man as he basks in the smell of Lou’s pits. He smirks as he thinks aloud at the glory of his domain, certain it is only going to continue to increase. “Sure can’t wait to show all the world what we got brewin’ for ‘em Rust.” Their eyes scan the horizon with an intensity as they eagerly await the bus sure to carry another lackluster recruit that they will shape into a true stallion of a man.
Could you turn me into Santa Claus? I want my cookie cravings to make me fat, furry, and bald. I’ll grow a massive white beard and my body hair will lighten to match. Ho ho ho!
It’s officially winter, and snow is starting to fall outside as you sit by the crackling fire. The smell of fresh cookies wafts in from the kitchen; you’d put in a roll of store bought dough earlier. With your stomach already growling you hop up and pull them out of the oven. The smell is intoxicating, and you set out to cool, barely able to make it a couple minutes before you grab one and stuff it in your mouth. The sweet and salty dough alongside the bittersweet chocolate is exactly the flavor rush you needed. You head back to the fireplace and leave the rest of the cookies to cool, letting out a burp. When you sit back down, your belly jiggles just a little more. As you scroll on your phone, your average frame starts growing a little heavier. You sink further into the plush chair, weighing a few pounds more. Your stomach growls again. You swear you just ate, but maybe the cookies are cool enough by now. In a few seconds another large cookie sits in your hands as you devour it. Without even noticing, another five pounds adds itself to your belly. A number of wispy hairs poke out of your smooth chest as you stuff the remains of the cookie down your throat. They’re unbelievably good, but you should leave some for later.
Well, maybe just one more, you tell yourself as you grab another, chowing down as you walk back towards the fire. Your belly grows more, and your pecs soften as they push out slightly. Your thighs grow a few inches and your jawline starts to lose its definition. A slight shadow inches down across your jaw and over your upper lip as peach fuzz darkens and thickens. Your stomach rumbles as more and more fat begins loading itself on your frame, your arms and legs plumping up, muscle growing in but quickly buried beneath the chub. As you finish off the cookie your body starts to itch. The wispy fuzz across your chest begins to grow thicker and darker, new hairs popping up across the expanse as your pecs sag even more. Dark hairs sprout across your chest and spread up and over your shoulders before your still growing belly is also buried beneath the growing pelt. Your armpits tingle as wiry hairs blossom and quickly become a sweaty tuft of hair. Your slight stubble follows suit, follicles pumping out long dark hairs as the covering grows dense. The hairs pushing out of your cheeks keep going, multiple inches long. Even your arms and legs start growing their own fur, with dense black hairs across your forearms and crawling out of the backs of your hands. Your belly adds another few inches as it starts to hang fully over your waistline. You let out a thunderous belch as you sink further into the chair, rubbing your hairy belly as your shirt rides up on it.

A few minutes later your stomach growls again. It just won’t give up today. With some significant effort you hoist yourself to your (now larger) feet and head back to the kitchen. There’s still quite a few cookies sitting out, and right as you look at them your stomach rumbles. You swipe two and cram them down your gullet. Your thickening fingers make them look small, so eating two isn’t a big deal. Immediately your gut springs forward another inch, the hair on it thickening and growing longer. The hair in the center of your chest thickens, hairs curling together as your beard reaches down towards them, pushing out longer and longer. Your hairline begins to inch back, revealing more of your forehead as you scratch at it, oblivious to the changes. This isn’t the only thing adding years to you though, as the black hairs in your beard one by one start to lose their color. The bright white spreads through your bushy beard and mustache, both of which are still pushing out of your face, and spreads up to what little remains on top of your head as male pattern baldness accelerates. You eat another couple cookies, absolutely cramming them into your mouth to try and satisfy your body. Crumbs go everywhere, getting trapped in your thick beard and falling into the rug of hair coating your chest. As soon as the crumbs touch the hairs they too go white, the bleaching effect spreading across your moobs and belly. Your gut continues to grow larger and larger, fat piling on as you finish off the last of the cookies. With a final belch the rest of the fur across your body turns white and your beard shoots out another inch. You really do look like Santa now, just in time for the holidays.