20!! bts, snc, supernatural, sleep token, avid reader 📖 and professional napper 🥱
26 posts
Harlzz - Harlz - Tumblr Blog
vessel is living proof that people actually like it when men don't shy away from showing a full range of emotions instead of suppressing everything because they think it makes you a pussy or whatever for crying in front of thousands of people
thinking about the convo I've had with my bestie. that III's unmatched level of confidence and sex appeal makes him impossible to doubt. if III wears two different socks and an abhorrent combination of patterns he is not mismatched he is an icon. He wears something once it's a fashion statement, he wears it twice it's a fashion trend. he is regina george. he is marilyn monroe. that man is above all criticism because he would wear a trash bag like chanel. you can't even insult him in a way that matters. an icon.
elizabeth swan and will turner are actually SO romance in the first movie and not enough people acknowledged this because the early 2000s were the age of the edgelords who only valued jack sparrow’s moral ambiguity and that is the TRUTH
i don’t know about you guys but the main reason i am still on tumblr in 2024 is BECAUSE it is the most cloutless least influential social media app out there and that is the experience i am after. absolutely none of this will ever translate into significant attention or real success in my life and that is so beautiful.
Sleep Token
reblog if you agree
Please take a minute to read our story in Gaza, after I lost my home for the third time, we lost our work, and we are in a tragic situation.
This sums up my daughter's situation with her four siblings. She cannot continue living without your help. Donate, share the story and send it to your friends. Any small amount helps save my children's lives, share now on your account.

Everyone donate and/or share!
reblog if vampires are valid and your blog is a vampire safe zone
Palestinian author Diana Buttu said something that struck me and that is regarding the ways Israel is trying to conceal its genocide in Gaza, and one of the ways is in fact continuing to kill Palestinians so that their testimonies are no longer there.
Remember this the next time you doubt the value of sharing and posting online; you're not only elevating Palestinian statements and amplifying their calls for freedom, you're also helping keep their stories alive despite Israel's efforts to disappear them.

Palestinian-American child was stabbed to death by his landlord -- this according to law enforcement, who says the boy's Muslim background was the motivation for the crime.
71-year-old Joseph M. Czuba has been charged with first-degree murder in the Chicago area after he allegedly knifed 6-year-old Wadea Al-Fayoume over the weekend ... with cops saying the kid was stabbed upwards of 26 times at his apartment over the weekend.
Wadea's mother, Hanaan Shahin, was also stabbed a dozen times during the attack, per officials, but she survived her ordeal and is expected to live. For her injuries, Czuba is also being charged with attempted murder ... not to mention two counts of a hate crime and aggravated battery with a deadly weapon.
The feds are involved in this case now ... as law enforcement has claimed that Czuba shouted "You Muslims must die" during the alleged killing. Officials believe Czuba did this as a direct result of the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict in the Middle East.
As far as how this happened ... cops say Czuba -- who apparently had no issues with these tenants in the past -- knocked on their door out of the blue, and when Hanaan opened it ... he allegedly pounced on her, attempting to choke her ... and went on to use his knife.
State officials have since said this was an isolated incident and that no credible threat of terror attacks beyond this has manifested in the community. The death of Wadea has spurred outcry nationally.
via TMZ

i have a store on bonfire now 🥹 i know i don’t have lots of followers at all but i still think anyone who might see this will like it 💕🫶🏻

not some ppl calling jungkook irresponsible or whatever not on twt just because he’s got a messy looking bedroom? 😭😭😭 that’s completely normal????? ummm we’re all humans….
Is HYBE fucking serious with that vague ass response again? What’s with this whole ‘oh we don’t know cuz it’s our artist lives :)’ it is your artist lives but it’s the company’s responsibility to protect those private lives and CLEARLY this rumor is going to keep trying to expose the private life that Taehyung has tried so hard to maintain like I’m actually upset no one is even talking about his Celine stuff and now EVERYTHING he does is going to be connected like KEEP HIS PRIVATE LIFE SEPARATE UNLESS HE HIMSELF SAYS OTHERWISE!!!
I’m very much in love with jungkook

pspspspspsps @vancityreynolds reblog this to become King of Tumblr for the next 365 days

favorite jungkook looks: jungkook in specs ♡

jungkook saw his chance and he took it lmaooo
be like water guys. It can freeze you to death or boil you to death but you still need it to survive 😮💨
i meannnn...the facts are true. and she spit them out just right 🤷♀️

iu:*constantly praising hoseok all throughout the interview* hs:*continuously getting all shy about it* iu: I’m just spitting FACTS ( ᵕᴗᵕ ) for anon ♡
can't stop thinkin of sleepy koo 🥺 he's so cute i can't stand it 💗

ohh so so relatable

jimin: *exists* jungkook: 🔥🔥🔥 (cr. dwellingsouls)

WHERE IS THE NEED (cr. jjlive twt)

hi friends! please be my friend? lmao ♡