Just a little someone on Tumblr :D (She/her)
116 posts
Hayuki-marina - Tumblr Blog
In S3EP25 (where Terry has stuck under the bridge) Roy's height is 3 meters, I think; plus, he's two times higher than Jin.
I tried to estimate height and Poli is about 1/3 lower than Roy's upper half, so Poli is a bit lower than 250 cm (everything's been calculated without sirens)

Adding to that anon ask:
And...Inches or Feet, but I dare you use American Measurements, Poli >:( (aka height comparison to things like...idk...bananas)
You all just love to bully me.. don't you.
I'm 5'7. Also known as 170cm.. I believe. I'm about the same height as Bucky.. (If not shorter). You could compare me to an average sized closet? I'm not too sure.

Rainy Day At The Office — Submitted by nemethos-deamon
#809DBC #A9CACC #CDCFD5 #BDB8C2 #8791A3 #495066
i just realized that my comic will be havin its 2cnd anniversary in 5 days

holy fuck 2 years wtf
and i haven't even started planning what to do / draw for this

Few days ago I saw the panel at AX with Airi and Haruka's voice actors, I was waiting for the recording of it to be online to post this drawing but I can't find it anywhere for now lol
TLDR Airi's voice actor said something about how she wanted an event where "MMJ had twintails and french maid outfits" and I decided to draw something based on it even if it only appeals to other people who were there lol. hello hypothetical people who were there i was in the same room as you and you didn't know
I don't see much content of the side characters 😔
Is it because they're annoying? Personally I don't find them annoying, even Bruner (even though I said I disliked him, come on he's not THAT bad).
Ok so as we all know, CK is going through some real shit right now. I suggest, we as a community, add a white ribbon to our pfps to show gratitude and awareness to this wonderful user. I'll leave a ready transparent ribbon here if anyone wants to use it.

How do you keep up with liking so many of my reblogs?
I feel like that takes effort 🤔
But thank you :3

Baby Colby ⬆️
I just have Tumblr opened on my phone almost all the time 👌🏻
Also the cat is so cuuute \^o^/

I've drawn this to make a reference for the main OC (right one) before the main events Also I've finally designed an OC (left one), who is kinda important for the backstory
I'm 17 ✨
How old is everyone?
I is being stupid-

(Nearly died four times, has just been sitting in the corner :3)
Idk what's this game but understandable 👍🏻

It is not the prettiest but here is a little chart I made of skin tones.
The idea is to eye-drop anywhere on the chart to get a unique skin tone instead of getting stuck in the loop of “white, tan, dark”.
"Flaming Star" / "Пламенная Звезда"

(This is result for the last WIP... I've said I'd draw two more character but... I couldn't do it :c) - As a bonus here's two more versions (w/o scenery shading & base colours):

Reblog if you want a shitty summary of your blog in your inbox.
Because it's not the crane but rather the platform :D

day 79
Probably, sounds kinda logical to me
(Ig i've got the wrong Mr. Musty episode in mind; but I think burns are still considered as deep wounds because of heat)
do cars bleed? How do injured work?

I’m so confused. Like they get welts/bruises yet some get scratches? Like do they heal by themselves? Does Jin need to fix them?
A bit off-topic (because idk whether reblog OG post or smth else, sorry if I rebloged the wrong post), but: - I think what also matters here is how deep the wounds are: Amber has black scratches, probably because wounds aren't deep. Spooky and Lifty have bee stings, wounds aren't deep itself but bee venom compensates that (sounds weird but I hope you've got an idea). - I also can't remember the episode with Mr. Musty (but i have an idea where it might be from) but there's a deep injury probably.
do cars bleed? How do injured work?

I’m so confused. Like they get welts/bruises yet some get scratches? Like do they heal by themselves? Does Jin need to fix them?
Я - да, а так - привет из России!!! 💙✨
О, привет! *hand-waves shyingly*
HIIIIII!!!! :D ПРИВЕТ МАРИНА!!!!! i'm trying to learn russian haha, how are you doing? we haven't talked in a while!!!!! i hope your day is going well!!
UH UHHH @rateater2000 @the-lunar-feather @ryuatewater @zeeposting @strawberrycookielover3 @religiousbats @seaslug-enjoyer
(WIP) Inspired by 心拍数♯0822 / Heart Rate#0822 (Project Sekai cover)

There's also one in School-B's house (and idk whether it is cleaner or worse than Posty's map)

Okay, remember how @lunar-rcp showed the map of Broomstown that the rescuers had? So I found this map, but in Posty’s house. And there is a clear division of where and what is located.

I'm fine but kinda lost will to draw, so I'm writing instead .-.
btw, you're doing quite well in learning russian :D
О, привет! *hand-waves shyingly*
HIIIIII!!!! :D ПРИВЕТ МАРИНА!!!!! i'm trying to learn russian haha, how are you doing? we haven't talked in a while!!!!! i hope your day is going well!!

"Nice weather, isn't it?" (OC art) *runs away leaving a note: the butterfly and triangles are holograms ^^*