MINOR’S DNIRequests are open, mash-ups r open, everything is open but please don’t be mean I’m new to all of thisAnd a introvert 18+
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Hazbinlove - HELLO - Tumblr Blog
Here’s another sneak peek before I go to bed because it’s deadass 3am
“Ah you won’t believe it! Hunter asked me out today!” Hanna’s squealed out causing me to reel my head back a bit before rubbing my ringing ears. Although she’s Apollo’s kid her voice is high pitched but cheerful. Kinda like Pinky pie from my little pony.
“Oh hun that’s great! It seems like Cupid and Aphrodite were listen to you’re prayers no?” I said while leaning against the doorframe crossing my arms with a small smile. Hunter is one of Ares kids but thankfully is pretty chill most of the time. He was tall and had a athletic build. Lean but had muscles. He has brown hair with blue eyes. Known to be handsome right behind Percy Jackson. He was good looking I’ll admit that.
“Oh indeed! He’s just so handsome with his blond hair and green eyes. And his large hands that can-“ Hanna said only to just as quickly be cut off by a somewhat flustered demigod.
“Alright alright let’s not go down that kind of path now hun. It’s good that you love him but sometimes let’s not over share alright? And I’ll admit he’s a handsome fella.” I said cutting her off quickly scratching my flustered cheeks with a small laugh. I loved Hanna I really do but sometimes she can be a bit…what’s the word. An over-sharer? Lust driven? Sometimes I forget she’s Apollo’s kid and not Aphrodite’s. She definitely has the looks to be an Aphrodite kid.
Hopefully I got the tags right this time😅 also lmk is I should change it to 3rd perspective instead of first person
Btw you tagged your post about Percy with DC/Batfamily tags. I know some people will be annoyed by this but please try to avoid tagging posts that aren’t related to the fandom
Crap thank you!! I’m still new to this and not familiar with the tagging yet😅 I will try to tag it as just batfam
Fr need this answered😂 I’m working on the first chapter but yeah…
Alright y’all here’s a small rough draft🙂
Rough draft starts below
Walking around the manor wasn’t always good. It was quiet…too quiet like everything stilled. It always felt like I didn’t belong, like I shouldn’t have been there in the first place. Walking down the hall of the quiet manor I come across a bedroom. The silver worn out plaque showed $@&€ name in worn out lettering. ‘Ah who is $@&€ again? Probably not important’ I thought to myself before continuing down the hallway of old oak. Stepping down the dark oak stairs carefully I walked into the kitchen only to see a old man there. ‘Who is this again? Meh doesn’t matter. Why am I back in this place again? Where is this place at anyways and why is it important to me?’ I thought to myself again with a small shrug.
“Good evening master @&$@. How is everything?” A calming voice asked snapping me out of my train of thoughts before looking at the man only giving him a nod before walking back upstairs to my room. Walking into the small room too small for a growing person I flopped down onto my old bed with a huff closing my eyes as the world around me went dark.
Anyways this is what I have so far! Anything tips would be appreciated! I was half asleep writing this btw😂 also if anyone knows how to tag someone please let me know
Ok!! Here’s some more of the Yandere platonic Batfam with demigod reader
Little rundown:
- demigod reader is obviously a demigod
- Godly parent is unknown so unclaimed
- Was adopted by the gods as was trained by some of them but grew up in Camp Half-blood(essentially the perfect demigod weapon)
- Powers could probably be either shadows or something with the dark still trying to figure that out🥲
- Trying to decide if Percy should date bother Annabeth and Mc or just date Mc?
- What ties her to Gotham?
- Who reveals to the Batfam about the Mc?
- How does Mc meet their family again?
- How to start said book?
- What strengths to give Mc and what weaknesses
- What are there struggles?
- Still don’t know what kind of personality to give Mc🥲 I’m stuck between guarded and blunt/rude or guarded quiet but sweet to those they love
Anyways this is what I’ve got so far as a quick rundown but any advice to give on what to add or take away is greatly appreciated! This is my first time writing🥲
I was watching Pjo(Percy Jackson) and immediately thought of a Yandere Batfam with a demigod reader who ran away from the manor years ago(due to neglect) and was found by a god and was taken to camp to grow up as a demigod…problem is idk how to write shit worth a damn🥲 any tips?
teenagers in media acting like real teenagers will always hold a special place in my heart

May you Rest In Peace.

Awwww memories

༄ The Polar express icons
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This is so amazing plz go support them😊❤️😊

So i read this Fan-fiction where Dabi was a Dragon and Hawks was a Griffin and since i am a sucker for mythological creatures i had to get these doodle’s out of my head, plus i added baby versions (Dabi’s younger version is red ‘cause i like to believe he’s “Tōya”).
Hahahahah this is true😂😂

Just going through my camera roll and found this😊😂😑👍🏼
This got me😂😂😂😂
Dabi to Y/N: You amaze me, everytime. Dabi to the League: LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN, FUCK OFF, FUCK OFF, FUCK OFF, FUCK OFF, GET OUT!

Why is this true with my friends???

Reblog if you support equal rights because I do 💕
Awwwbits so cute

Hazbin Hotel characters in Animal Crossing style!
Me: *Hits elbow on table*
My entire nervous system:


I got to thinking, just how much does Alastor hate dogs? Does he hate them so much he would run up a tree and hiss like a cat? I think yes. (Doggo’s name is Nellie, btw)
Go a head
Reblog this if I have permission to go in your inbox to start a random RP
200 Prompts
Not sure if they were deleted completely from this site, but I will be re-uploading all my prompt lists from my old writing blog onto here.
1. “You said that I’d get to have you all weekend. Why can’t you just tell them you can’t go?” - “Because it’s my job, and it’s important.” - “And I’m not?”
2. “You should sleep.” - “I’m not human, therefore, I do not require sleep.”
3. “I will protect you with my life.”
4. “Please don’t let me fall.” - “Never.”
5. “You’ll catch me, right?” - “Always.”
6. “You broke me and now you expect me to follow you out onto the battlefield? No. The answer is no.”
7. “I told you that I’d never leave you; I’m not going anywhere.”
8. “You take me instead, do you hear me? Give her back and take me instead.”
9. “Wait, something doesn’t feel right.”
10. “Did you hear that?”
11. “I almost just died and now you’re telling me that I’m a prophet of God? Are you sure you have the right person?”
12. “Stay here and don’t move. I’ll be right back.”
13. “Look, I know you’re a hardass, but can you play with my hair? It would really help.”
14. “I don’t deserve you.”
15. “Don’t tell me you’re fine, I can see the blood!”
16. “I’m sorry, but…I don’t remember you.”
17. “I wish I’d never met you.” - “No…you don’t mean that.”
18. “You know I hear you talking, but I still don’t have my coffee.”
19. “Do you want to know the hardest thing about having a soulmate? It’s not the separation in the beginning, not the endless nights lying awake, hoping and praying that someone was made for you. It’s…it’s the love. It’s too strong, and you can’t fight it. I’ve tried. Believe me, I’ve tried…but I’m always going to love you. And I need you to know that.”
20. “You would risk the lives of millions for one person? Why?” - “Because it’s not just one life…it’s yours.”
21. “This might sound selfish, but I don’t care about the world - I only care about you!”
22. “Was I just an easy scapegoat to you? Is that it?”
23. “No! Stay away from me! Stay back!”
24. “You must be mistaken - I don’t know who you are.”
25. “I need to know that you can trust me. Please.”
26. “I have these…powers raging around inside me, and I have no clue how to control them.”
27. “I need your help.”
28. “Take one more step and I snap her pretty little neck.”
29. “This is real. You’re real, I’m real. I need you to come back to reality.”
30. “You’re really starting to scare me.”
31. “I’m here for your protection.” - “I don’t need protecting.”
32. “Can someone please explain to me, in small words, why I’m being assigned to this mission?”
33. “Keep your hands over your ears, do you hear me? Even when the noises stop. Don’t listen.”
34. “Close your eyes and keep them closed.”
35. “You shouldn’t have seen that.”
36. “I don’t want you here.”
37. “Follow me. It’s okay, just hold my hand.”
38. “Whatever you do, don’t make a sound.”
39. “Stop freaking out, I’ll be right back.”
40. “That’s for me to know and for you to…well, you know how the saying goes.”
41. “I know the signs…you can’t hide from me, (Name).”
42. “It’s okay to break.” - “I’m not going to break.”
43. “Do you believe in soulmates?” - “No.” - “Oh, well that’s a shame because I’m it. I’m your soulmate.”
44. “If you’re watching this then that means I’ve been taken.”
45. “You can hold my hand if you want.”
46. “As long as I get to hold your hand.”
47. “I will always choose you.”
48. “I can braid your hair for you…if you’d like.”
49. “Maybe if you actually stop staring at her and talk to her, you might have a chance.”
50. “Are you drunk?” - “Not nearly enough.”
51. “Are you trying to seduce me?” - “Depends. Are you seducible?”
52. “I thought I almost lost you.”
53. “I’ve been calling you. I left voicemails - where were you?”
54. “You and me against the world, remember?”
55. “I’ll come back for you.”
56. “Do you remember this? It’s the music box you got me when we were twelve.”
57. “Never trust a man that can dance.”
58. “We’re not alone.”
59. “There’s someone in the house.”
60. “Pay attention to me.”
61. “Were you drawing me?”
62. “It’s basic human instinct.”
63. “I’d rather be spitting blood.”
64. “You can sleep now. I’ll fight the bad dreams off if they come to get you.”
65. “I didn’t tell you that I love you because I wanted to hear it back. I told you because I needed you to know.”
66. “It doesn’t matter what I want.”
67. “You can’t have her and it’s killing you inside.”
68. “Let’s carve our initials into the tree.”
69. “When you touch me I feel a little less broken.”
70. “You look so much like her…”
71. “Let me help you.”
72. “Come on. Let’s get you into the bath.”
73. “How many did you take? Open your mouth, I need to see.”
74. “You need medicine.”
75. “I need you to keep pressure on the wound, okay?”
76. “You have to promise me that you won’t fall in love with me.”
77. “You smell nice.”
78. “I could hear you screaming. Are you okay?”
79. “Shh. I heard something.”
80. “Stop staring at me like that.”
81. “I can never forget that taste.”
82. “I was made to destroy. Not to fix, but to break.”
83. “If you want me, come and get me, motherfuckers.”
84. “I see the spark in you. It’s amazing. Whatever you choose to do with it, you’ll be great.”
85. “If you need an emergency extraction just text SOS and I’ll send armed backup.”
86. “Just a few…more…lines…” - “You’ve been at it all night. Take a break.”
87. “Imitation is the greatest form of flattery.”
88. “I know how this goes. First you buy me a drink, then you tell me how pretty I look, and then, at the end of the night, you ask for my number.”
89. “It’s been a while. You’re not coming back, are you?”
90. “He is very dreamy, but he is not the sun. You are.”
91. “I only ever thought there were two kinds of love: The kind you would kill for, and the kind you would die for…but you, my darling, you were the kind of love I would live for.”
92. “Breathe with me, yeah? Come on. Breathe. You got it - there you go.”
93. “Losing you was the most unbearable pain I’ve ever felt.”
94. “I want you. All of you, and not just half-heartedly, wholly. And maybe that’s selfish, but I don’t care.”
95. “Loving you has never been so easy.”
96. “There are shooting stars in your eyes, and every time I look at you, I make a wish to be able to kiss you one last time.”
97. “I’m drunk and I hate everything. Everything except you.”
98. “Can you just…hold me? Just for tonight.”
99. “You have yourself wrapped in thorns, and then you hate everyone who tries to touch you.”
100. “Put the knife down…I’m not going to hurt you.”
101. “(Name), please…you’re scaring me.”
102. “You don’t have to do this.”
103. “At this point, if a clown invited me into the woods, I would just go.”
104. “You loved her…that’s not a weakness, that’s a virtue.”
105. “Love is never kind; love is confusion and pain and abandonment. It’s every single nightmare your mind has been plagued by. And, yes, it can unmake you in ways you never thought were possible, but love - it will remind you what it’s like to be human.”
106. “I’m right here. I’ve been here all along, but you still can’t see me.”
107. “The way he watches you…like he’s ready to take a bullet for you.” - “Is that a bad thing?”
108. “And I love, I love, I love you.”
109. “I don’t think I ever want to be parted from you. I don’t think my heart could take it.”
110. “You’re such a needy baby.”
111. “You have bewitched me; body and soul.”
112. “I worship you.”
113. “I am begging on my knees. Please, don’t do this.”
114. “I don’t think you know how to love.”
115. “It’s torture, being human. Sometimes I wish I could just turn it off. Turn it all off.”
116. “You don’t have to carry the weight of the world all by yourself, you know?”
117. “I’m all yours.” - “Really?”
118. “I know I can be pretty dense, but you’re giving me some…pretty big signals here, and I don’t know if I’m reading them right but…I hope I’m somewhere along the right track.”
119. “Just one moment…” - “What are you doing?” - “Well, I suppose I’m going to kiss you. I hope that’s alright.”
120. “You’re a woman, that alone makes you magic.”
121. “What if we’re the only ones left?”
122. “Sorry, I didn’t hear a word you just said.”
123. “You have my word. You have all my words.”
124. “Be nice.” - “Always.”
125. “(Name)?” - “Yeah?” - “I’m gonna kiss you now.” - “Okay.”
126. “Just stay. We can figure everything else out later. Right now, just stay.”
127. “My hands are not clean, and maybe they never will be, but they can still carry you home when you’re ready to sleep.”
128. “We’re a mess, you and I.”
129. “Stop looking at me with pity in your eyes. Stop it. Stop fucking looking at me like that.”
130. “It won’t be easy, you know…trying to love me.”
131. “You took advantage of me when all I did was help you.”
132. “What good will come from killing them? Revenge and vengeance are very different things, you need to understand that.”
133. “Take my gun, I don’t want to hurt you.” - “You won’t hurt me.” - “Please. Just take it.”
134. “Bah-Humbug.”
135. “You want to run away? On the night of our wedding?”
136. “You’re upset.” - “I’m not.” - “I know that face. That’s your I’m-upset-with-you face. And your eyebrows - they get really expressive when you’re mad.”
137. “Truth is, I just wanted an excuse to hold your hand.”
138. “Do you love me? If you do, then you need to do this for me.”
139. “Stop staring.” - “I’m not.” - “Oh, sure you aren’t.”
140. “I have a hole…in my side.” - “I’m sorry, what?” - “I was shot.”
141. “I didn’t want you to panic and now you’re panicking which is making me panic and-”
142. “You should talk to her.” - “And have her hear me? No thank you.”
143. “You really don’t know how to talk to women, do you?”
144. “You already know how this one will end.”
145. “I trust you completely.”
146. “I prefer the view from up there.”
147. “I’m not sure how many coffees it takes to be happy, but so far, it’s not twelve.”
148. “I’m so proud of you.”
149. “Away you three inch fool.”
150. “You will be the end of me.”
151. “I will give you the sun.”
152. “You are safe. I won’t let them hurt you.”
153. “I want you to go upstairs and lock the door, okay? Don’t come out until I tell you to.”
154. “I’m a fallen angel.”
155. “I just fell out of an airplane without a parachute and I have no idea how I survived.”
156. “He stares at you every time you look away.”
157. “Shut the hell your mouth.”
158. “Well butter my buns and call me betty crocker.”
159. “Meeting you was the best coincidence life ever gave me.”
160. “You make my heart happy.”
161. “Tell me a lie.” - “I love you.”
162. “They told me you died. And I screamed. I screamed until my lungs hurt too much to continue.”
163. “I’m not sure what peace is supposed to feel like, but I think it may feel a lot like you.”
164. “To keep you safe, I would do anything.”
165. “I deserved a better goodbye.”
166. “I’ll take care of you.” - “It’s rotten work.” - “Not to me. Not if it’s you.”
167. “You’ve suffered through enough.”
168. “Don’t get too close to that one, she’ll singe your fingertips and have you on your knees.”
169. “He was my almost.”
170. “Go ahead. Underestimate me. That’ll be fun.”
171. “Did you have another blackout?”
172. “I think we’d make this a fair fight if we each had a gun. Don’t you agree, boys?”
173. “You think you gave me some sort of gift? You took a messed up girl and turned her into a broken woman.”
174. “I don’t owe you a damn thing.”
175. “Star gazing. That’s your thing? Seriously?”
176. “You don’t know when to stop, do you?”
177. “You’re a coward, (Name)! You hide away this entirely different part to yourself all because you’re afraid that someone might get close to you! You’re afraid that someone might just care about you more than you think you deserve. That - that isn’t fair.”
178. “Don’t do it. If you attack now, then I won’t be able to keep you safe.”
179. “I can’t believe you’re alive!”
180. “Heaven just couldn’t wait for you…”
181. “Higher, further, faster, baby.”
182. “It’s my fault.”
183. “You got a minute to live, fill it with words.”
184. “We’ll lose.” - “Then we’ll do that together too.”
185. “I don’t want to hurt you.” - “I’d like to see you try.”
186. “I’m eating because I’m very uncomfortable.”
187. “I know I kissed you before, but I didn’t do it right. Can I try again?”
188. “I would die before I let anything happen to you.”
189. “You have my heart. I don’t think I could get it back even if I wanted to.”
190. “I think I may be slightly more drunk than I thought.”
191. “You are love in its best form.”
192. “I don’t regret every second with you, I treasure them”
193. “My universe is you.”
194. “Here, let me hold that for you.”
195. “I read once that holding your breath can stop a panic attack so…when I kissed you…you held your breath.”
196. “Let. Her. Go.”
197. “Did you just call me your boyfriend/girlfriend?”
198. “We were meant for each other.”
199. “Why not be angry? Anger is better than tears, better than grief, better than the guilt.”
200. “He loves you, you know? He’s just afraid of admitting it.”
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