heavenandhale - Derek Hale is my Alpha. ♥
Derek Hale is my Alpha. ♥

Teen Wolf, Teen Wolf, Teen Wolf. OTPS: Scerek & Allydia BROTP: Sciles Also like: Sterek & Allica. Some adult content, but it'll usually be tagged NSFW.

804 posts

First, Some Thank Yous:

First, some thank yous:

Marc Webb, you are my hero. This is the Spiderman film I have always dreamed of. All other attempts pale in comparison. It was so perfect I lost track of how many times I cried. Thank you, thank you, thank you for directing such a dream come true.

James Vanderbilt, Alvin Sargent, and Steve Kloves; My heart cannot contain the joy and gratitude I feel for a Spiderman script/screenplay that actually depicts Spidey's snarky, smart-ass, playful humor in the same way that made me fall in love with him. Andrew and Spidey's lines were spot on.

Andrew Garfield, I've loved you since Dr. Parnassus and I've been giddy since I first read that you were slated to play Spidey however many ages ago that happened. You were adorkable, funny, sexy, clumsy, snarky and amazing in all the ways I've always imagined Spiderman to be. Now please stop making me cry. Thanks.

Francine Maisler, for giving us the amazing cast of this movie. Especially Andrew. Unless someone else cast him. Then extra special thanks to that person. Seriously. Cannot thank you enough. Ever.

Now, I just have to put this out there: In addition to The Lizard making me think of the kanima, well ya know Flash? He made me think unavoidably of Jackson. Aaand when Flash hugged Peter it cemented my budding desire to ship them. Even when Flash came up to Peter after his uncle died and Peter slammed him against the locker, I was already starting to ship that. So yeah, Peter/Flash forever. <3

Before I go, a couple things:

First, Some Thank Yous:
First, Some Thank Yous:

Separated at birth?:  

1: Gale Harold (aka Brian Kinney)  .  .  .  2: Andrew Garfield aka Peter Parker


First, Some Thank Yous:
First, Some Thank Yous:

  Just sayin'.

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12 years ago

I love Derek's expression so much here. It kinda takes my breath away. Shuddup.

heavenandhale - Derek Hale is my Alpha. ♥

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12 years ago

Why do the first couple of these turn me on. Something is clearly wrong with me.

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Ddd @ Jackson Laying That Beatdown On Scott.
Ddd @ Jackson Laying That Beatdown On Scott.

ddd @ Jackson laying that beatdown on Scott.

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