Teen Wolf, Teen Wolf, Teen Wolf. OTPS: Scerek & Allydia BROTP: Sciles Also like: Sterek & Allica. Some adult content, but it'll usually be tagged NSFW.
804 posts
Hey Everyone! Sorry Im Not Posting Much Today. Im Getting Ready For A Potter Convention In Orlando. Until
Hey everyone! Sorry I’m not posting much today. I’m getting ready for a Potter convention in Orlando. Until the 20th, I won’t be able to post much, if at all. Please hang in there, though! I’ll be missing Tumblr and everyone in the fandom TONS! Hopefully some of you will still be here when I return. ;) Omg, this means I probably won’t be able to watch Teen Wolf again until the 20th!!

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I'm Back!
And what's the first thing I do after getting back? Make love with my bf! :) Okay, what's the second thing I do? Catch up on Teen Wolf, of course!!! And OMG the latest episode blew my mind. I actually met some awesome slash fans at Ascendio and even managed to get one of them to start watching TW! YAY! <3 So to avoid spoiling those who are still on Season 1, I'll freak out about the episode behind a cut:
Victoria Argent scares the crap out of me and when she was hurting Derek and Scott, the violence I screamed at her was disturbing and unfit to repeat.
My new nickname for the Argents: "The Crazy-Eyes Family".
Stiles completing the circle he was tasked with, despite running low on the powder, followed by his pride at seeing it actually work, was adorbs.
Derek's reaction when Scott was hurt/dying made my little fanboy heart explode with happiness. See, Scott! Derek loves you! Time to stop being an asshat to him, alright?! Also, don't scare him like that! Or me. :(
Omg, I still want to see Victoria Argent suffer horribly, but a bite from Derek is SUCH a good place to start. Now suffer, suffer, and suffer some more, but don't die. That would be too good for you. Just keep suffering until you've atoned for trying to kill my bb's.
Isaac was adorbs in this episode.
Where was Lydia? I missed her. Oh well, it looks like next episode is gonna be all about her. =)
The one controlling the kanima is someone who was murdered by people in Mr. Harris's class? Wtf? I have no idea what is going on.
I love this show so much it hurts.
Thank god it's only 2 more days till the next episode! <3 <3 <3
Also: O_O Did anyone else see Jackson and Allison making out in the preview for next week? And goddammit, why does Erica always have to be the one screaming in agony?