Teen Wolf, Teen Wolf, Teen Wolf. OTPS: Scerek & Allydia BROTP: Sciles Also like: Sterek & Allica. Some adult content, but it'll usually be tagged NSFW.
804 posts
Me: I'm Still Not Sure I Get Why The Fight With The Kanima Suddenly Ended.
Me: I'm still not sure I get why the fight with the kanima suddenly ended.
Jamie: Yeah, me neither. One minute it was like he and Derek were trying to kill each other...
Me: And the next minute, Scott busts in and Melissa sees him and the kanima's all like, "Ooh... family moment. Sorry bro."
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remember when derek’s whole family was murdered and the only person he trusted betrayed him to the hunter family who killed them all

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thewantedsterek answered your question: Am I the only one who can’t get over the fact that...
IKR I was pissed too. I actually felt sorry for the guy. But what really annoyed me the most was scott’s betrayal.
ME TOO. That upset me so much I can't even function. T_T And after Derek said, "Maybe I do it to protect you." How will anyone ever trust anyone again in this show after all this? ;_;
I'm sorry, but "Scott is just too trusting and actually believed Gerard would protect his mom." is not a valid argument, unless Scott is insanely stupid, which I don't really think he is. I mean, we know Scott's not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he's not a complete moron... is he? The bastard jumped him and stabbed him in the gut. Why on EARTH would he trust the guy? Especially after Derek told Scott he wants to protect him and then SAVED HIS LIFE?! Clearly, Derek was the one to trust here. Even if he had stupidly trusted Gerard more up until then, his allegiance should have changed at that point and he should have come clean with Derek. He owed Derek his life, and where the hell was Gerard when Victoria was trying to kill him? Not protecting Scott with all he had to give. Nope. That was Scott's Alpha. The one whose heart he friggin' ripped out and stomped on.