heavenandhale - Derek Hale is my Alpha. ♥
Derek Hale is my Alpha. ♥

Teen Wolf, Teen Wolf, Teen Wolf. OTPS: Scerek & Allydia BROTP: Sciles Also like: Sterek & Allica. Some adult content, but it'll usually be tagged NSFW.

804 posts

WOW! A Big Thanks And Welcome To Bill-lun, Oftardisesandtimelords, Candied-trickster, Sbladexy, Grizzlyquam,

WOW! A big thanks and welcome to bill-lun, oftardisesandtimelords, candied-trickster, sbladexy, grizzlyquam, caslocked and metakosmia!!! One of you is my 50th follower (oftardisesandtimelords, I think?)! ^_^ Wasn't it just yesterday I signed up for tumblr? lol This is awesome! Hugs for everyone! (Why do new followers always give me pack feels? XD)

WOW! A Big Thanks And Welcome To Bill-lun, Oftardisesandtimelords, Candied-trickster, Sbladexy, Grizzlyquam,

More Posts from Heavenandhale

12 years ago
heavenandhale - Derek Hale is my Alpha. ♥

remember when derek’s whole family was murdered and the only person he trusted betrayed him to the hunter family who killed them all

Remember When Dereks Whole Family Was Murdered And The Only Person He Trusted Betrayed Him To The Hunter
12 years ago

thewantedsterek answered your question: Am I the only one who can’t get over the fact that...

IKR I was pissed too. I actually felt sorry for the guy. But what really annoyed me the most was scott’s betrayal.

ME TOO. That upset me so much I can't even function. T_T And after Derek said, "Maybe I do it to protect you." How will anyone ever trust anyone again in this show after all this? ;_;

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12 years ago

Dear TW Fandom,

I love you like a Texan loves steak, like a naive man loves pandas and then gets mauled by them when he climbs into their enclosure to give one a hug. I need you guys to do something for me, k? Stop seeing Scott hate everywhere you look. Nothing good comes from flaming your fellow fans just because they're currently upset with a character you like. This whole "OMG! SCOTT HATE!! NUUUUUUUU!" thing is becoming your boggart. Just say "riddikulus". Thanks.


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12 years ago

the mtv site is my favourite site

The Mtv Site Is My Favourite Site

but omg 

The Mtv Site Is My Favourite Site


The Mtv Site Is My Favourite Site


The Mtv Site Is My Favourite Site