heavenandhale - Derek Hale is my Alpha. ♥
Derek Hale is my Alpha. ♥

Teen Wolf, Teen Wolf, Teen Wolf. OTPS: Scerek & Allydia BROTP: Sciles Also like: Sterek & Allica. Some adult content, but it'll usually be tagged NSFW.

804 posts

WOW! A Big Thanks And Welcome To Bill-lun, Oftardisesandtimelords, Candied-trickster, Sbladexy, Grizzlyquam,

WOW! A big thanks and welcome to bill-lun, oftardisesandtimelords, candied-trickster, sbladexy, grizzlyquam, caslocked and metakosmia!!! One of you is my 50th follower (oftardisesandtimelords, I think?)! ^_^ Wasn't it just yesterday I signed up for tumblr? lol This is awesome! Hugs for everyone! (Why do new followers always give me pack feels? XD)

WOW! A Big Thanks And Welcome To Bill-lun, Oftardisesandtimelords, Candied-trickster, Sbladexy, Grizzlyquam,

More Posts from Heavenandhale

12 years ago
30 Day OTP Challenge

30 Day OTP Challenge

Day 4:  On a date

That’s what happens when you let Lydia cockblock

free cookies if you can spot Jackson

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12 years ago
30 Day OTP Challenge

30 Day OTP Challenge

Day 2: Cuddling somewhere

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12 years ago

Me: I'm still not sure I get why the fight with the kanima suddenly ended.

Jamie: Yeah, me neither. One minute it was like he and Derek were trying to kill each other...

Me: And the next minute, Scott busts in and Melissa sees him and the kanima's all like, "Ooh... family moment. Sorry bro."

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