Teen Wolf, Teen Wolf, Teen Wolf. OTPS: Scerek & Allydia BROTP: Sciles Also like: Sterek & Allica. Some adult content, but it'll usually be tagged NSFW.
804 posts
Teen Wolf, Why Must You Hurt Me So?! Poor Jackson! Poor Lydia! Poor Danny! Poor Erica! Poor Prada! Okay,
Teen Wolf, why must you hurt me so?! Poor Jackson! Poor Lydia! Poor Danny! Poor Erica! Poor Prada! Okay, Prada got picked up by a cute (but marginally creepy) guy, so Prada can deal. But srsly, this episode has me all kindsa ljksadfls. T_T Lydia is brilliant and clearly desperate to know what's going on. She came right out and ASKED! Then she came to Allison's HOUSE because she needed to talk to her best friend and her bff was like, "Go away. Oh wait, I can use you to translate latin for me? Okay, I guess you can stay." WTF?! Worst friend ever! Lydia is my favorite female character and she deserves WAY better friends. I volunteer, Lydia. Also, Scott and Allison? Terrible guards. They're too busy doing a mini-commercial for entune and having a make-out session to notice Jackson escaping to ruin their lives. I am glad that Allison is on Scott's side though, for now. Allison's family scares the $h!t out of me and I don't want her ending up like them. This episode took Argent creep factor to disturbing new levels.
What Scott said about Jackson when Stiles repeatedly said he wanted to kill him... it gave me all the Jackson feels. Watching him listen to all that... so heartbreaking. I now understand all of you who have wanted to wrap him in a blanket and comfort him. The poor guy can't even say "I love you." Teen Wolf, if you're going to put my heart in a blender, could you turn it down a couple notches, 'cause you've got it set to "liquefy".
Finally, what's with the lack of Derek in the last 3/4 of the show? I read someone say that he was captured by the remaining gays at The Jungle and they won't let him go. I love it. XD Who could blame them?! But srsly, they'd better not be trying to prepare us for losing Derek, since they plan to kill a main character this season. If one episode with limited Derek hurts this bad, I don't think I can handle the show without him. ;_; This show... it has consumed mah life.
marcosramos94 reblogged this · 12 years ago
More Posts from Heavenandhale
TEEN WOLF IN FOUR MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was so great. And we all know how important it is to Stiles that he be attractive to gay guys, so that makes it extra special. XD If you're as Teen Wolf obsessed as I am, follow me! My blog is 95-99% TW! Don't leave me alone with all my Jackson, Lydia and Teen Wolf feels! lol

OMFG, this video!
Teen Wolf (Season 2) Behind-The-Scenes : BLOOPERS (everybody friendly version)