heavenandhale - Derek Hale is my Alpha. ♥
Derek Hale is my Alpha. ♥

Teen Wolf, Teen Wolf, Teen Wolf. OTPS: Scerek & Allydia BROTP: Sciles Also like: Sterek & Allica. Some adult content, but it'll usually be tagged NSFW.

804 posts

Holland And Keahu Are Just WAY Too Cute. :o

Holland and Keahu are just WAY too cute. :o

More Posts from Heavenandhale

12 years ago

O_O Hoechlin with chest hair?! YES PLEASE! O_O; =P~

Tyler Hoechlin

Tyler Hoechlin

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12 years ago

Poor Lydia! I'm seriously gonna cry for her. God dammit, people! T_T Allison, you are the worst friend ever.

heavenandhale - Derek Hale is my Alpha. ♥
heavenandhale - Derek Hale is my Alpha. ♥

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12 years ago

Um. No. Nonono. Yes, she's been a bitch since the transformation, but her WHOLE LIFE sucked up until now. She doesn't deserve this. Bad, bad, bad post. T_T

heavenandhale - Derek Hale is my Alpha. ♥
heavenandhale - Derek Hale is my Alpha. ♥

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12 years ago

OMFG, this video!

Teen Wolf (Season 2) Behind-The-Scenes : BLOOPERS (everybody friendly version)

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12 years ago

20 followers already? Wow...! I've only been here for like two weeks, so THANKS!!! I know 20's not much compared to people like notesfromsterek, but I appreciate each of you so much! (Especially considering the fact that I only got on Tumblr to geek out about my TW love!) The Teen Wolf fandom is so amazing!!! I don't know how I'd cope with all my feels each Monday if it weren't for you guys. Srsly. ^^ PS: Just in case, I should mention I changed my profile pic. It used to be me dressed in a Gryffindor quidditch uniform holding a golden snitch. Sorry for any confusion. ;)