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in my vincent valentine rebirth era🔮♎||paypal: HecateCrescent||18||Wattpad: golly-george

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Created A Male Dragonborn And My Game Keeps Crashing

created a male dragonborn and my game keeps crashing

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3 years ago


3 years ago

Magickal Misconceptions

There are so many types of magick and along with them, so many types of witches! Learning from other witches is a wonderful way to make friends and immerse yourself into witch craft.

Sadly though, things get mixed up or lost in translation, so I asked some of my witchy friends to help me come up with some misconceptions about magick and witchcraft. Feel free to add anything!

Misconceptions about Witches:

Witches don't worship the devil. In fact, most witches have no involvement with the biblical devil. (a lot of witches don't even believe in the biblical devil tbh) That being said, there are certainly some witches who do.

Witches are not evil. Some of the nicest people I've ever met are witches. Even before I started practicing, most of the witches I met were sweethearts. That being said, witches are still human so there are 100% some mean witches out there. Steer clear of them, we do not claim them.

Witches are not inherently wiccan. Wicca is a religion started by Gerald Gardner in the 1900s. The religion has branched off and created different types of Wicca since it's creation.

Witches aren't strictly female. Without going too deep down the rabbit hole of gender, just know that male and nonbinary witches exist and are just as magickal as female witches.

Not all witches deal with spirits/ghosts/other worldly beings. You don't need to deal with any other worldly existence to be a witch. If you just want to use earthly items like herbs and stones and never touch spirit work then that is totally fine.

Not every witch follows the wheel of the year. That is a neopagan creation, melding Celtic and Anglo-Saxon holidays. There is no right or wrong to this fact. So long as you're honoring these holidays by learning their origins you are doing great.

You don't have to sell your soul to be a witch. That's it, that's the end of the fact.

Misconceptions about Witchcraft:

You don't need every single item in a spell book to make a spell happen. I am a college student so obviously I don't have the money to buy every herb and rock I want. (though that'd be nice) But the idea that you need all of these things to create magick is wrong. Ultimately it is your willpower and intent that will create magick.

Smudging is not smoke cleansing. Smudging is a specific ritual used in some Native American cultures. Smoke cleansing is using a bundle of herbs or even an incense to create some smoke and use that to cleanse an area, person, or object.

Magick isn't free, in the sense that spells don't suddenly make things appear or make things be how you want them to be. If you don't put any work into whatever it is that you've done a spell for then it's not going to manifest.

Your practice will be different from others and that's ok. Witchcraft is a very personal thing. You're more than welcome to learn from other witches and teach other witches but just know that it's ok if people practice differently from you.

Pop culture magick isn't "fake magick". This one is more of an opinion but I think ragging on pop culture magick is distasteful. Magick now, even if you try your best to be as close to ancient rituals and magick as possible, is different than how it used to be. Magick evolves with magick users.

That's all that I can think of right off the top of my head, but feel free to add to this! If you would like clarification on any of these let me know either by replying to this or sending me an ask.

Have a wonderful day!

2 years ago

So theres a "understand my ship" template thing by you floating around in one of my fandoms and I really want to fill it out for my OCs but I can't for the life of me find a blank version. I was wondering if you still had it?

I do! You can find the template at this link here (it will take you to dropbox!)

To use the file I recommend either printing it out or using it in your preferred art program. It’s a flattened JPG file (I was a fool and didn’t make it a PNG and I lost the original working file, oops) so make sure to put the lineart as your first layer (and set it to multiply so that all layers beneath it show up.)

Also DON’T remove the credit at the bottom. Thanks!!

So Theres A "understand My Ship" Template Thing By You Floating Around In One Of My Fandoms And I Really
3 years ago

Fenris: What has magic touched that it hasn't spoiled?!

My fem Hawke:

My fem Hawke: You.


Fenris: What Has Magic Touched That It Hasn't Spoiled?!

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