hellosoysauce - hello soy sauce
hello soy sauce


323 posts

"As You Start To Walk On The Way,

"As you start to walk on the way,

the way appears."

~ Rumi


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2 years ago

Don't be sad. This is your path, you decided it before you arrived here. There are lessons on this journey for everyone and everyone is a teacher.

Be well. Be happy. I can hear your heartsong.

Breathe. Take deep breaths.

Remember who you are.

Remember why you came and listen to your heart. Happiness lives there.

What does your heart tell you?

2 years ago

We are layered. Within and without.

Some I can feel, some I sense and some I know. And many I do not know. I know love is boundless and energy infinite and I am.

I've let go and I now live in the flow. I know experience and I know joy and happiness. In every moment I'm filled with magic, love, lovingkindness and awe.

I'm getting in touch with my inner child. Reflecting on my passions before people and society started to tell me what I should be doing. Spirit is showing me a clean slate, giving me a new chapter in life to fulfil all my dreams and passions, everything my heart desires.

These days are filled with purpose for me. Although I cannot see what that is, I follow the feeling, I'm following my heart. It leads me to new layers and new experiences. Lessons and growth. Breathing, releasing, transmuting, healing. Feeling. Being the creator. Show me the layers beyond this.

2 years ago

You've just scratched the surface of what you're here to accomplish.

It's a really good book that you will be writing.

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