hellosoysauce - hello soy sauce
hello soy sauce


323 posts

Your Actions Betray You Just As Much As Your Words.

Your actions betray you just as much as your words.

Your heart wants you to remember but your mind keeps you programmed in loops of your own lies.

Your strength comes from the stillness and silence.

Your energy is what I know. It speaks louder than any word and bolder than any action. It can not lie.

More Posts from Hellosoysauce

2 years ago

Struggle only exists when we are in our mind. It is the only place that it is.

When we are in our heart, the struggle goes away.

The way to your heart is to feel your way there.

You must feel your way through the dark and into the light, and that brings you to your heart.

2 years ago
hellosoysauce - hello soy sauce


2 years ago

What are you sure of?

2 years ago

"You are on the right path. Let go of the doubt or need to hurry and TRUST you are exactly where you need to be. You have ALL the time."
