helpyourselfwithcherrywine - down bad, don't judge
down bad, don't judge

Cherry is here. 22 NSFW 18+ blog!!! Chicana. Brown Pride🇲🇽🇺🇸 What's a girl to do?

266 posts

Planned Parenthood Got LOUDR @ Tumblr

Planned Parenthood got LOUDR 🔊 @ Tumblr


Planned Parenthood’s mission is to ensure all people have access to the care and resources they need to make informed decisions about their bodies, their lives, and their futures. Founded in 1916, Planned Parenthood is a trusted health care provider, educator, and passionate advocate in the U.S. as well as a strong partner to health and rights organizations around the world. Each year, Planned Parenthood delivers vital sexual and reproductive health care, sex education, and information to millions of people.


🩺 On October 1, 2021, Planned Parenthood partnered with Tumblr to rally supporters for abortion justice and defend access to abortions at 539 rallies in every state.

Planned Parenthood Got LOUDR @ Tumblr

🩺 On September 3, 2021, Tumblr and Planned Parenthood partnered up in response to a Texas law that came into effect September 1, S.B. 8., effectively banning abortion in the state and asking private citizens to act as bounty hunters who “enforce” the law.

We made the following calls to action along with the graphic below:

Ways to take action:

Hit the ❤️ and 🔁buttons to share this post

Make sure your voice is heard by signing this petition

Give your community a little ✨razzle-dazzle ✨with this poster

Make a donation: Text “Texas” to 22422 or visit

Planned Parenthood Got LOUDR @ Tumblr

P.S. Check out @plannedparenthood's Tumblr blog

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More Posts from Helpyourselfwithcherrywine

Lets Roll #mybodymypower

Let’s roll #mybodymypower

Series Masterlist

Mystery of Laufey Manor

Summary :  In 1972, A mysterious but charming Englishman stops by your Spice Shop in Brooklyn, New York. The masked stranger captivates you instantly, a journey of love and the horror ensues. Your life would never be the same again.

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3

Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9

Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Loki's Mask Description (because I suck at describing things when I should)

Here's a picture

Series Masterlist

Credit @michelleleewise

Series Masterlist
So The Academy Is Reviewing Whether Or Not To Remove Will Smiths Award And Here Are Some Interesting
So The Academy Is Reviewing Whether Or Not To Remove Will Smiths Award And Here Are Some Interesting
So The Academy Is Reviewing Whether Or Not To Remove Will Smiths Award And Here Are Some Interesting
So The Academy Is Reviewing Whether Or Not To Remove Will Smiths Award And Here Are Some Interesting
So The Academy Is Reviewing Whether Or Not To Remove Will Smiths Award And Here Are Some Interesting

so the academy is reviewing whether or not to remove Will Smith’s award and here are some interesting tweets about that :)

Sin City

Summary: Thor, Loki, Natasha, Clint and Y/N spend a night out in Las Vegas following a successful mission. After many rounds of drinks the lure of a bet and a Chapel leave Y/N waking up to a man in their bed and a wedding ring on their finger.

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters.

Pairing: Loki x Female Reader

Length: 2500 words

Warnings: Alcohol & fluff

The sun peaking through the hotel curtains woke you from your deep sleep. As your eyes flutter open to welcome the morning you notice a cool hand wrapped around your waist. Your heart skips a beat for a moment and a sinking feeling sets in.  Who were sharing a bed with? Your mind runs blank not able to even remember getting back to the hotel last night.

Could you slip out of bed without them noticing? You begin to plan your exit strategy but the frim hand twitches sending shock waves down your spine. Oh no, are they awake? Was this some random guy you picked up at the casino last night? What would the others think? You couldn't bring yourself to look back at the owner of the firm hand, but as you gained the courage to get up and put your exit strategy into action you heard a muffled sign from behind you.

“Good morning love”, said the smooth voice. All of the oxygen expelled from your body like you had been hit by a truck because in that moment you knew exactly who you were wrapped up in bed with, without even looking. Loki.

You gasp to catch your breath but surely you had to be dreaming, or you misheard, it could not be Loki. You take a deep breath to regain control of your spinning world and turn your head over to look at the God of Mischief right in his blue eyes. One piercing look was all it took for the entire series of events leading to this moment to come flooding back to you.

Tony had sent you, Thor, Natasha, Clint and Loki to collect classified documents and artifacts from an ex Hydra facility in Nevada just outside of Las Vegas. Being one of the newest and youngest agents, you were brought on the mission to help mitigate any potential fallout from the raid because Stark was keen to not have a repeat of Sokovia. Thankfully the mission had been a success, you had even managed to stop a knife from hitting Loki in the thigh which he thanked you with only a half smile while he and Thor fought off the others so Nat and Clint could grab the items for Tony.

Since the mission ended early the team had 24 hours to kill before they were due back in New York for the debrief meeting. It was then that Nat and Thor hatched a plan to check out the nearby Las Vegas strip.

Thor was eager to experience the infamous 'Sin City' having only heard about it from Tony. Nat, of course, egged him on and before you knew it you were walking down the strip.

There were people everywhere and almost everyone thought you were just actors in costumes and left you be. The Las Vegas strip was home to all kinds of unique characters and you hardly stood out, even Thor and Loki in their Asgardian garbe blended in for the most part. Except Thor, of course, was stopped by a Bachelorette party and a round of flirtatious selfies followed. Clint groaned and Loki rolled his eyes in clear annoyance of his brother's popularity.

The group walked into a casino and first checked out the roulette tables. Loki seemed intrigued, and with a flash of green magic he fabricated chips out of thin air to place a bet on black. Of course he won and doubled his money, Thor was exuberant and you slow clapped mocking his success. Loki cashed out his winnings with the teller and Thor declared “the first round is on Loki!”.

Everyone was so thrilled with how seamless the mission was, we were all riding a natural high into the Elixir lounge. The drinks kept flowing and the jovial times continued.

Thor kept ordering countless pitchers of ale to the table while Loki and Clint took shots of Whiskey. Being the newest member of the group, you were keen to drink away any nerves while brushing shoulders with deadly assassins and literal Gods. You were pounding back shots of tequila at a pace you had never met before, letting a little hiccup escape your lips. “Be careful little one” Loki mused with a smirk. “Please, as if you could keep up with me” you bit back looking him right in the eye as you downed another round. Nat laughed clearly enjoying that someone was finally giving the trickster a run for his money.

You had spent time with Thor before, but never Loki. There was something about him that made you nervous and you felt like knots were moving around in your stomach whenever he looked in your direction. You shook your head as if to wash the feeling away.

As the night went on and the drinks began to multiply, Nat and Clint were providing an impromptu education to the Asgardian Princes on the saying ‘What Happens in Vegas’.

“What an interesting concept, and here I thought Midgardians did not have a capacity for such mischief.” Loki muttered while sipping on his drink.

You heard his mutterings and thought for a moment to let it go but you were feeling bold with the alcohol running through your veins, “There are a lot of things you do not give us *Midgardians* credit for” you said rolling your eyes as you placed a hand on Loki’s forearm, teasing him.

“Careful, Y/N, do not forget you are speaking to the God of Mischief himself” Thor teased as if sensing the growing tension between you and Loki.

The group grew restless at the bar as they felt the call of the lights from the strip and decided to walk back to the hotel. Nat and Clint were still teasing Thor on some Earthly traditions, while you and Loki walked in the back of the pack taking in the night sky. Every once and a while the liquor would catch up with you and you would stumble a little causing Loki to smirk.

“Watch yourself darling.” Loki said with an eyeroll. He had been so pleasant this evening, nothing like how the others made him out to be. You were not sure if it was the successful mission or something else, but he seemed to be enjoying himself and was even getting along well with Thor, having brotherly banter back and forth. They both were fascinated by this place which seemed to test their understanding of us meager earth dwellers.

Thor turned around to face you and Loki with his eyes almost bulging out of his head, the biggest grin on his face. “Brother! You will not believe this” Unsure if Loki was keen to indulge his brother, or if he was generally interested he lept forward with a hint of mischief in his eye.

“You see that chapel there, Lady Widow explains that apparently in some bizarre Midgardian tradition you can marry here in less than 10 minutes” Thor exclaimed, grabbing his brother on the shoulder in a playful manner.

“Are you serious?” Loki asked Nat, clearly baffled by this development. “Yah, Vegas is famous for their shot-gun weddings. Is there not something similar on Asgard?”

Loki genuinely laughed in disbelief “Absolutely not, Asgardians are sticklers when it comes to traditions.”

“Weddings are week long celebrations with endless events and complex rituals. If I knew it was this easy, maybe I would ask any fair maiden on the street here to marry me by night's end.” Loki smirked as he opened his arms as if to welcome a hoard of willing participants.

Everyone laughed, the alcohol had clearly taken its affect on you all, giggling like rebellious teenagers. “Looks like they are really lining up” You chimed in.

“Y/N, you wound me” Loki puts his hand on his heart as if to pretend you stabbed him, a smile creeping up on him. Was Loki drunk? He wasn’t this friendly around Stark tower, or was it that he enjoyed his current company you wondered.

“Ah well, I am sure your future wife could be at any of these other casinos, I mean they can’t all be secret agents who save you from the occasional rouge dagger!” you joke back rubbing in your save from earlier that day. But you notice now your face is completely flush, had the banter with Loki made you blush? You were not the only one to notice this slight development either.

“Any women on the street eh Loki? Seems Y/N is keen” Thor jested back.

You laugh thinking you are all joking around, “Clint you might have to procure some wedding bands soon if these two keep this up”. What you forgot to remember was that this was the God of Mischief you were talking to, and this was a challenge he would likely not back away from.

Thor, clearly the most intoxicated of the group, had one hand on your shoulder and the other on Loki “YEESSS! What a fantastic idea, Y/N you can always get an annulment if my brother does not live up to his reputation" he said with a wink. You feel your heart pounding harder and faster, they had to be joking, as if you a simple agent would marry an Asgardian Prince, even if it was just for a laugh.

Nat chimes in as the voice of reason, “It's all fun and games boys but I dont think Y/N is really looking to get hitched to an intergalactic prince, of that I can be certain.” The fun died down for a moment as they thought their little scheme had fizzled. But you looked up at Loki who still had the look of Mischief in his eye and a smirk on his face. “You're right Nat," his silky voice called out. "I don't think Y/N is up to the challenge anyways, a little too daring for an innocent thing like her.”

You weren't sure if it was the alcohol in your veins or the magnetic pull you began to feel towards Loki but you were not going to let him have the last laugh. “You want to bet, Reindeer Games?” You knew this nickname of Starks would be sure to gas him up.

“You are in for it now, Brother” bellowed Thor. “What do you say, Loki?”

“Here we go” Clint mumbled under his breath.

A grin spread across Loki’s face and the next thing you knew he was down on one knee, clearly making a big spectacle to amplify his joke, and asked you “Lady Y/N of Midgard, would you do me the great honour and privilege of being my wife?” Loki held his hand out, placing your hand on his. A shiver ran over your body feeling his cold touch.

Loki was calling your bluff, he expected you to chicken out of this challenge. Another spark of green flashed before your eyes and a deep green velvet box appeared in his hand, opening to reveal a 4 carat emerald and gold ring. Your heart was racing, you knew he was pulling a stunt but again you felt pulled toward him.

“Who could say no to a proposal like that” you said with a wink. What were you doing? Your body was telling you to back away but your mouth kept going along with this ridiculous scheme. Loki rose and placed the ring on your finger.

“We’re going to the Chapel, and you’re gonna get marrrried” sung Clint as he sipped back an unknown substance from a flask he carried on our short walk to the cheesy Las Vegas chapel.

Thor and Loki marvel at the tiny chapel while they fixed bow ties to their regular Asgardian attire. Nat was attaching a tacky headband veil to your head, you all couldn't help chuckling at this outlandishness of this evening. Even with his clip on bow tie, Loki still looked like a chiseled God, his leather outfit clinging to his lean but muscular frame.

The elvis officiant was ready to begin when you shouted out to Thor “Come on Thor, you don't get to get out of this that easy - you are walking me down the aisle”

“Okay, Y/N, now's your last chance to back out of this” he offered.

“Oh, there is no way I would give him the satisfaction and the upper hand, I am so doing this.” you said with determination.

“Brave girl” Thor laughed and linked arms with you before you began your short trip down the blue velvet aisle.

You and Loki kept giggling while a poor excuse for an Elvis presided over your ceremony. Clint and Nat were sitting in the front two seats taking sips out of a flask. All jokes stood still while it was time for the vows, for a moment you and Loki locked eyes and there was a peculiar look on his face, one of almost awe as you said ‘I Do”.

“You may kiss your bride, thank you, thank you very much” You could hear Clint sighing at the scheer ridiculousness of what was transpiring before him.

Loki locked eyes with you and before you knew it he had cupped your face in his firm hands and brought your lips to greet his. You almost forgot about your dare and lost yourself in Loki’s embrace.

He let you come up for air for a moment before pushing you in this time, his tongue exploring you. Your heart was beating out of our chest and you kissed Loki back for what felt like an eternity.

Nat coughed as to suggest that we were putting on quite the show, you let go of one another for a moment before the music began playing. Thor was shouting obscenities and congratulations to you both, Loki grabbed your hand and you ran out of the chapel like two giddy kids having pulled off one of the greatest jokes.

You came crashing back to reality, a grin on your face as you relived each moment from the night prior. Loki used the hand on your waist to turn you over bringing your body to face him in bed. Your legs still wrapped in his. Your chest pressed against his.

“Loki, tell me we didn’t!” You played as you placed your hand on his collarbone.

Loki let out a chuckle and smirked, “Now that, I cannot do.”

You looked at him in disbelief. Could this really be happening? You MARRIED the God of Mischief himself? You put your hand to cover your mouth in shock but in doing so you noticed the ring on your ring finger. Loki smirked again, he was clearly enjoying your reaction. Your face was beet red as you took in your surroundings.

Your clothes from the night before were thrown all over the room, making you look down under the duvet to reveal you are completely naked as was Loki. Fragments of bliss flashed in your memory of your return to the hotel room last night, you could tell your face was flush.

Loki pulled you closer to him and buried himself in your neck, leaving a trail of kisses leading to your ear purring, “No need to blush I have already devoured every inch of you, Mrs. Laufesyon."

Sin City

Thanks for reading! I may or may not be writing a NSFW follow-up to this fic, let me know if you would want to read that.

^ I did it - Part Two AND Part Three

About Loki (Jotun but living on Asgard) and his human mate (here) 

For him, her smell is so sweet and attractive that he really believes for a long time that she is an Omega.

Except that no one else smells that scent he’s talking about, seeing that she is human and not understanding what Loki is doing.

Odin and Frigga, who are real mates themselves, guess there is a misunderstanding, while Y/N is really depressed by her situation. 

Loki treats her badly, she says. In fact, Loki treats her like an Omega. An Omega would be very happy. Not a human.

The parents decide to separate them, the time to talk to Loki to explain his mistake. The God of Mischief doesn’t understand, he doesn’t want to believe he was wrong and mean to his mate. Y/N takes the opportunity to flee, but of course there is no way to leave Asgard, and Heimdall can spot her anywhere.

When she returns to the palace, Loki apologizes, saying that he understands a little better now why she was behaving strangely, he thought she just lacked discipline or that she liked being a bit rebellious to be punished, but he’ll do research on humans, and never scare her again.

Y/N doesn’t believe it. He hurt her. There is no justification for that. 

To help her understand, Frigga shows her an Omega. She does so without telling Loki, who panics when she sees that her mate is no longer in her room.

Y/N is still not convinced when he finds her. To say that the Omegas are made to be dominated by the Alphas reminds her of certain human speeches, claiming that depending on the gender or skin colours, some people were inferior. 

Loki tries to explain to her that it’s different, it’s biological, an instinct, and even if we didn’t tell them anything, the Alphas would behave like Alphas, and the Omegas like Omegas. But maybe worse, they still learned communication and respect.

Loki apologized again, saying he was attracted to her, to her scent, he didn’t think. It was stronger than him, he had to have her, because she is his. His mate. He cannot live without her.

Y/N still runs away anyway. This time Heimdall comes to see her, and asks her if she wants to return to Earth. He is ready to help her, with the agreement of King Odin. If she doesn’t want to stay, they won’t force her.

      “But… Loki is going to die.” she said timidly.

      “Uh ? No.”

      “What a… He said he couldn’t live without me !”

       "In a way. He won’t want anything anymore. He won’t have another partner, no child. He will live in shame and despair, knowing that he hasn’t been a good mate, that he scared the one intended for him. Forever.“

      ”… It’s worse. Ugh. Please take me back to the castle.“

Loki doesn’t dare touch her, talk to her or even look at her when she arrives. He’s glad she’s still here, but he’s afraid to do something again to scare her away, and he couldn’t stand it.

So while he continues to research how an Alpha should treat a human mate to make them happy, Y/N tries to get to know him better, so that at least they become friends.